~~Chapter 1~~

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It was autumn. The breeze was cool and the moon was in its waxing gibbous phase.  Hyunjin's eyes sparkled as he marveled over the beauty above him. Though he had watched the moon phases for years, he would never tire of these moments. He was at peace during these times. Complete peace.

His hair gently ruffled as a small gust of wind passed by. Breathing in deeply, he took in the surrounding smells. Crispy leaves, dirt, musk. Wait... musk?

His eyes snapped in the direction the scent was coming from. Hyunjin took another deep breath. Heightening his senses, trying to discern what he was picking up. A soft amber maybe? With a hint of cardamom... and a finish of sandalwood. He sat up straighter, trying to peer through the dense woods. He had never caught this scent before.  It was sending his mind and heart racing.

Though, just as quick as it had rushed through his senses, it suddenly disappeared.  His eyebrows furrowed and he quickly headed into the trees. Who, or what was that? And where did it go? He felt the absence like it was already a piece of him. What did this mean?

He huffed softly as he stumbled over a couple of branches that had haphazardly strewn themselves on the ground. Glancing down, catching his footing, he noticed a shift in the earth as if someone had passed through here.

Who could it have been? Where did they go? And why was he so eager to track this entity down?

He followed the trail until it went cold. His eyes searched the area, realizing he might have just gone too far away from his pack territory. Shaking some of the dark strands of hair out of face he glanced at his favorite part of the sky again. The moon. Ever changing, ever beautiful. A smile slid onto his lips as he wrapped his arms around himself gently, his chocolate brown eyes glistening, the flecks of blue reflecting in them.

Peaceful. What more could he ask for.


The rush was real. It was everything he could have hoped for.  He pushed his body harder, then with a seconds notice his wolf burst free. A dark midnight black in color, with silver highlights throughout. His bright green eyes focused on just going and never stopping.

His breath came quick and steady, the closer he approached the edge of his pack's territory the more adrenaline coursed through him.

Then he hit it.

It felt like he was trying to run under water. He pushed against this invisible barrier as hard as he could and felt a quick snap inside his mind and everything went eerily silent. A slight pain shot through his head and a grunt sounded. He shook it off as quick as he could and pushed on.

He had done it. He was now a rogue. A lone wolf. He only belonged to himself. Just as quick as his joy hit him, a wave of nausea followed. He grunted loudly and searched for the den he made to rest in for the night.

The ground crunched under his paws as he approached a spot that he had been scouting for a few months. He sighed heavily as he reached it. All of his belongings he snuck out of the compound were still there. Thank the goddess.

He slipped inside his little alcove quickly, his body shifting back to his natural state. He quickly rummaged through his supplies and located a pair of pants and a t-shirt, both black in color. After quickly slipping them on, he ran a hand through his hair to push it out of his face. 

He just had to make it until morning and he would disappear. Another wave of nausea hit him as he sat against the bumpy wall. He let out a slow breath. This was going to be rough.

He clutched his hands to his stomach as it cramped, letting out another slow breath. He felt his body starting to tremble. He had to make it through this. He knew the risks, but he had to.

As the wave passed, he leaned his head back against the wall. Though not the most comfy, it would do. He drew his knees into his chest slowly and hugged them. Only a few more hours. 

Listening to the breeze, he slowly started to doze off.  His mind dreaming of terrors and causing him to form a thin layer of sweat across his whole body.  Shivers ran over his skin.

Then he smelt it.

It was subtle at first. Floral almost, maybe jasmine, or a hint of rose? Wait... his eyes snapped open quickly. Cherry? Here? It was overwhelming tart, but oh so intoxicating.  And then the creamy almond hit him and all his senses sprung to life. Mine.

He could feel his inner wolf start to growl, the rumble running through his entire being.  Who is that coming from? His destined mate?  His mind raced as he tried to go through his memory bank of the near by packs. 

It almost felt as if his nausea had completely left him as he peeked his head out of the alcove he was calling home for the night.  His eyes canvased the land, not seeing a thing. He huffed and stood, following the trail the best he could.

He was attempting to mask his own scent as he searched. Not wanting to frighten them. He quietly moved towards the smell, trying to muffle his own foot steps. He wasn't known as the stealth master in his pack, well.. his old pack, for nothing.

He knew he had to be approaching the source soon. He could feel it. Keeping himself down wind he crested small hill, and there they were.  Him or her?  He didn't know. Nor did he care, because all that was going through his mind at that moment was how can I claim this omega?

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