~~Chapter 2~~

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The moonlight sparkled across Hyunjin's skin as his eyes glistened. The night was perfect, but his senses still felt a little overwhelmed. Who was that? Should he keep trying to locate the source of that sultry smell? He had an idea of what that meant.  He had heard talk of your fated mates having a specific smell that pulls you to them. Could this be that pull?

With being the Alpha's son he was pretty sheltered for the most part. Private schooling, special tutoring, secluded events. People knew of him and he had went on excursions through the pack and community. He had a couple of pack friends. Felix and Jisung being a couple of his closest.

More on them later, because all of a sudden that scent slipped past him again. His head snapped to the direction it was coming from. He saw the source almost instantly.  Those dark eyes, they beckoned him, silently.

Hyunjin gracefully turned toward the man he saw, his foot steps light as a feather. A smile slowly spread to his soft lips. Mine.  His brain unconsciously thought. He paused a moment, furrowing his eyebrows. Mine? Was his inner wolf trying to tell him something?

He shook it off and continued to approach.  Now that he had a better look, this person definitely had some Alpha in them.  His heart fluttered as the source of all those delicious smells, raised himself to a standing position. Though Hyunjin was slightly surprised at how not very tall he was, himself being quite tall, he couldn't help but let his eyes ravage him.


This. This was the person. Elegant, tall, extraordinarily graceful. His heart began to race as the distance between then closed. He looked into the eyes of his destiny, uttering out a simple question.

"What is your name?"

The man, that was a mere few feet away from him, tilted his head. "My name? Hwang Hyunjin of the Crystal Wolf Pack."  His voice was like a symphony. Like the goddess herself had came down from the sky. Changbin's breath caught in his chest. Hyunjin... the Crystal Wolf pack. He had heard of them.

They were the most elegant and beautiful of the packs, but he also knew they were the most lethal. He couldn't tear his eyes away.

"I-I am Seo Changbin, of the Midnight Wolf Pack...er... I was anyway."  A light pink rose to his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Hyunjin's lips quirked into a slight smirk.

"Was?"  His eyebrows raised as he questioned Changbin, getting another nervous reaction in the form of a laugh.

"Ehm... yeah... I guess I went Rogue?"  He shrugged and found his eyes staring into the beautiful Omega's. He could feel his self control waning. He wanted to wrap his arms around Hyunjin and hold him like his life depended on it.

Little did Changbin know, Hyunjin was feeling the same emotions. The same pull and intensity. Though, he didn't have the first clue on how to act on it. Looking as cool as possible on the outside, but on the inside Hyunjin was screaming. His wolf was screaming. He felt his chest catch a bit and narrowed his eyes at Changbin.

"Are you the one that is emanating that smell?"  Hyunjin had a slight accusatory tone. Changbin felt his cheeks tinge pink. He bit his lip, noticing that Hyunjin's eyes shifted down to them as he did so.  He shrugged a little.

"It's likely... my scent is kind of... smooth? Notes of amber and sandalwood—"

"With a hint of cardamom?" Hyunjin interjected.  Changbin smirked and nodded. "You hit the nail on the head. You have been told about destined mates, haven't you?"  Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed at the mention. He nodded slowly.

"Yes, but I am afraid I don't completely understand it." His face shown of innocence. So sweet and gentle. Changbin felt his inner wolf growl at him. Just take him. He shuddered a bit.

"Hyunjin... to me, you smell like an irresistibly tart cherry, with a floral hint. Rose? Jasmine? Though what really pulled me was the creamy almond..." Changbin's eyes flashed, a deep green. His wolf was trying to push through.

"It's taking everything I can to hold back from claiming you. Right here. Right now." His voice had deepened. Hyunjin visibly shuddered, but his eyes showed signs of fear. Changbin willed his wolf to calm down, we can't scare him for fuck's sake!

Suddenly, there was a voice calling out from behind Hyunjin.  "Hyunjin-ah!!!  Where are you!?"  Changbin watched as Hyunjin's attention quickly moved to that direction. His neck stretching to see who was approaching.  His wolf was ready to pounce. Urging him to take what was his, as Hyunjin glanced back at him.

"I have to go... meet me back here. Tomorrow night?" With out waiting for an answer Hyunjin shifted. In a mess of tattered clothes an elegant white wolf stood there. Piercing ice blue eyes looked back one last time before he bolted into the darkness.

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