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3 years later


"Dalrae! Get your butt in here you little stinker!" A loud giggle rang out as Hyunjin chased the little girl around the house. It was bed time and she needed her bath. He finally stopped and stood straight. His hands on his hips and a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Their daughter was a spitfire. She took after Changbin in that sense, though the drama came from Hyunjin. She was lanky and tall like Hyunjin too, but her face was round and adorable more like Changbin.  She was a perfect mix of them with jet black hair and slight dimples. Hyunjin couldn't be more proud to be her mom.

Soon Changbin had popped into the house from his busy day with the pack.  As soon as Dalrae saw her dad she squealed and ran to him. Clinging to his leg and Hyunjin shook his head as Changbin picked her up making her squeal again as he spun her around.

"Are you giving your Mama troubles again?" Dalrae smiled shyly and wrapped her arms around Changbin's neck trying to hide her face. "I knew it."

Changbin walked over to Hyunjin and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Hyunjin closed his eyes for moment. Savoring the few seconds of contact. "I will get her down for bed Jinnie, you go relax in the living room." The Omega nodded and found himself curling up on his favorite spot on the couch.  He grabbed his small sketch pad and decided to doodle while he waited for Changbin to come back.

Just as Hyunjin was starting to dose off his mate entered the room.  Hyunjin's head popped up a bit. "Hey..." his voice was soft and sweet, making Hyunjin smile.

"Hey back..." The Omega had responded, then bit his lip. His Alpha made his way to him on the couch. He put a hand on either side of him, making Hyunjin press back into the couch a bit.  He watched the smirk play over Changbin's lips.

"She's out cold..." He raised his eyebrows a bit suggestively. Hyunjin caught on right way. A smile played across his own lips. Changbin then spoke again, "I think she needs a sibling..."

Hyunjin's eyes instantly shifted to the submissive ice blue shade that Changbin couldn't get enough of. "You think so?" Changbin's eyes matched with his dominant green glow shining in his own eyes.

"I know so."

The End.

And there it is. The end of this story. I don't know if I will add little bits to it here and there, but I am going to mark it as complete.

I had fun writing it and it was my first ever story I wrote for Wattpad. So yeah. I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to check out my other one "To Be Determined" and thank you all for getting this story to rank #1 in the Changjin tag. It happened so many times I feel like I lost count!

You are all the best!


Until the next one. 🤩

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