~~Chapter 29~~

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Merry Christmas Eve!!!

I'm doing Christmas with my family today!!!

Speaking of. I would have forgotten to post if it wasn't for my sister. She literally just was sitting next to me and goes, "don't forget to update today!" I'm like oh shit that's right. 🤣🤣

So here you go!!!  Thank her. 🤣🤣



He couldn't lie. This side of Changbin was sexy as fuck. He followed him obediently.  He could tell that his Alpha was happy about his obedience too as he was getting reassuring croons from him ever so often.

Just when Hyunjin thought they were safe, a figure came out of the darkness. Stopping them in their tracks.

"Where do you thing you are going?"

Hyunjin paused his steps and clung to Changbin's back. This couldn't be good. He knew it was Changbin's father. Hyunjin knew the voice too well at this point. He felt a growl rumble under his hands that were wrapped around his Alpha's chest.  His Alpha voice came out this time. Sharp and harsh, causing Hyunjin to whimper.

"I'm taking my mate home to our pack. He needs proper care and there is No. Fucking. Way. I am letting you keep him here. Not after I know now that you killed my mother.  Fuck you."

Hyunjin shuddered at the aggression in his voice. It was was hot... but scary. He clung to him a bit more. The Omega stole a glance at his father-in-law, his own eyes their submissive blue.  Hyunjin gasped at what he saw next.

Changbin's father shifted. A almost identical wolf to his son's. Dark black, but the solid difference, the other Alpha's eyes were blood red. Changbin then spoke fast to Hyunjin.

"Shift now... run to the pack. Get your father. NOW!" Changbin had pulled away and the shifted himself. His wolf slightly smaller than his father, but what his father didn't know what's the power Changbin had.

Hyunjin reluctantly had backed away, shifting in the process. His ice white wolf stood out in the darkness. Others from the Midnight pack had started to gather with all of the commotion. Quite a few gasped upon seeing Hyunjin's wolf. It was beautiful. How couldn't you?

Hyunjin quickly glanced around and then bolted as quick as he could as he heard a snarl and a yelp as the two alphas behind them started to fight. He forced himself to not look back and keep going. He could tell that some of the pack was following him, but he was just too fast.

Before he knew it, he was back in his territory and approaching city center. He was exhausted and almost instantly shifted back and collapsed to the ground.  Lucky for him, Felix had noticed him right away before he even shifted back to his human form.


He had rushed to his side. He yelled back at the other pack members to get his parents.  Hyunjin had a slight scratch under his cheek from slipping too close to a thorn bush, but other than that. He was fine, exhausted, but fine.

His parents had rushed to his side, throwing so many questions at him as the wrapped his naked from in a blanket and ushered him back to their house. Once he was in anew clothes and had a cup of tea in front of him he spoke.

"Changbin got me out. But he's still there..." a sob left his dry throat. "He was fighting the pack Alpha...I'm scared."  He whimpered and snuggled close to Felix, Jisung had shown up as well and was clinging to the Omega's other side.

"He's strong Jinnie.  He will come to you. I know it." Hyunjin choked out another sob. Soon after he had fallen asleep against Felix and Jisung, though restlessly.

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