~~Chapter 26~~

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So my picture for this made me laugh. I did a which SKZ member do you match with. I matched with Binnie. 🤣🤣

My bias is Bang Chan... my main wreckers are Lee Know and Hyunjin... but I seriously love them all. Sooo much.

Anyways. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share.

Enjoy this chapter~~~~~



Hyunjin's attention went straight to the man at the door at the mention of Changbin's name. He whimpered slightly. He didn't miss the leader's reaction to him. It was subtle, but he had flinched a bit.  Hyunjin stayed rooted in his spot on the bed, thought how badly he just wanted to go running out of the room and find Changbin.

The leader looked back to the man at the door.  Hyunjin didn't hear the whispered conversation but once he was faced again, Changbin's father spoke. "Sounds like I didn't have to wait too long for him to come.  I knew you would be an asset." He chuckled and then left the room.

Hyunjin leaned back against the head board, sighing heavily. He then felt a few tears slide down his cheeks. Not only did he find out he was  kidnapped on his wedding night, but he also found out that he is pregnant. With Changbin's pup. His hand had instinctually moved to cover his belly, slightly plumped. 

He curled back up in the bed, trying to force himself to sleep or something. Because if he didn't, he was going to full on sob. He didn't didn't want things end up this way. He was so naive. They didn't use protection...again. Was Hyunjin prepared for the consequences... this time, yes.

What he wasn't ready for... was to be kidnapped and kept away from his mate. Yes he had a pregnancy scare a few weeks back, but with their unity ceremony being complete and the two of them being officially bound and mated under the eyes of the moon goddess, he was ready for the future. To have a pup or two. 

He couldn't hold it in any longer and just sobbed. Sobbed into the pillow, clinging to it tightly. He didn't know what was going to happen. Knowing his parents, they would try and get him back.. he hoped at least. He was afraid of war. He didn't want it. He wasn't built for going through it.

Eventually Hyunjin fell asleep. He didn't sleep peacefully. Nor did he know for how long.  Eventually he heard the door handle make a noise again. It instantly woke him and he sat up again. Eyes trained on the door. As it opened he saw a familiar figure in the door way.




Being that this chapter is so stinking short. I am going to probably do a double update today.


Actually. There is no probably I am. This is probably one I wrote when I was tired and didn't realize how short it was. 🤣🤣🤣

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