~~Chapter 24~~

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Happy update day! ❤️

I have actually finished writing this story. I finished it yesterday.  I'm okay with how it's ending and what have you, but yeah. Being that it's my first one that am posting I didn't really flesh it out a lot.

But, I think I am content with it.

Now... my next story I am really happy with so far and have even wrote in it this morning. I will likely have it finished before I'm done posting this story. I estimated this one will be in complete status around the end of January bringing of February with how many chapters are left. =]

I will give you a slight hint.. well not a hint, but the title of my next story...

To Be Determined
A Minsung Story

I liked the idea of it being "to be determined" because the two of them have big choices to make about their relationship in it. So yeah. There is some hinting. =P

It's a little short, but Enjoy this chapter!



The wind was cold, but Changbin enjoyed it. His body was still warm from all the festivities. A smirk had crossed his lips as he thought about his now husband and the life they were about to build together. As he was finishing up handling the mess, Han and Felix came rushing up to him. His cheeks tinge a bit pink, mostly because he knew that they knew what had just transpired.

"Where's Jinnie?" Han's voice had some slight concern in it.  The little Omega peeked over Changbin's shoulder and glanced around. Changbin could feel the panic starting to set in, causing his own to come to the surface.

"He was just going to the bathroom I thought..."

Changbin'a heart clenched. He looked in the direction that Hyunjin was last known to be and quickly ran over to it, sniffing the air and trying to locate his lover. He paused when he saw some disturbance in the ground. Leaves shuffled and bit of what looked like dragging. He growled, his eyes instantly turning green. It was his father. He had to be. He took a deeper smell and faintly picked up the sent he had feared.  

It was his father. He kidnapped Hyunjin. That bastard. Changbin quickly went back to the others, Han was pacing, Felix was wringing his wrists. His in-laws had shown up, thanks to the two panicking Omegas. Changbin glanced at them. Worry in their faces, he felt it had matched his own. He bit his lip then his father-in-law spoke.

"You literally married him a few hours ago and now he's missing?!" The Alpha boomed. It even caused Changbin to shrink back. He raised his hands up front of himself in a bit of a defensive stance.

"I know... it's my father. I know it. I'm going to go back to the pack and get him. I promise. I won't let anything happen to him!" His voice turned deep the longer he spoke. A growl rumbling in his throat. He went to turn and shift into his wolf as the pack leader spoke again.

"If you know what is good fro you Seo Changbin, you better bring him back. Alive. Don't let what happened to your mother happen to him." Changbin's eyes snapped back to the leader. His eyebrows furrowed. The next statement shook him to his core. "He fed you lies. Your mother didn't die in child birth. He killed her. She was from this pack you know. "

His mother-in-law had started to sob softly. He glanced between the two of them. His own eyes welling up at the sudden information. He growled again, "I will bring him back. I promise!"

And with that he shifted into his midnight black wolf and disappeared into the forest. He pressed and pressed, willing himself to go as fast as he could to get into his old packs territory.  As he approached the area, his assassin instincts took over and he was silent. His smell nearly impossible to catch even with the strongest of Alphas.

He wasn't going to let anything happen to his Omega. It would literally kill him. He couldn't see anything important about life without his other half. He whimpered quietly at the thought. He had to do this fast.


A few days had passed and he had not yet caught wind of his Omega. He had been watching the pack, trying to get clues and ideas of where his Omega was. The whispers of the town were not providing as much information as he had hoped.

About a week into trying to locate Hyunjin he finally heard something. It was sounding that the Crystal wolves were going to declare an attack. With the claims that the midnight wolves had kidnapped their heir. Changbin sighed at the news. He didn't want a war. He just wanted his soulmate back.

He decided at this point. He might as well directly confront his father and just walk right into the center of town. And that's exactly what he did. Making himself known to the others and the guards quickly detained him. Bringing him straight to where he wanted to go. His father.

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