~~Chapter 25~~

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I have been actively learning Korean for over 250 days now. Though I can't speak what I know super well. (Pronunciations are hard bruh. 😅) I can read it a bit and understand some things whenever I see it written down.

Like, I read the bubble messages from the boys, or attempt to before I do the translate. So it's good practice there too. I know when they are talking about meals and specifically breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I know some foods. So yeah.... Progress.

I already have 14 chapters written for my Minsung. It's pretty exciting. I worked on it a bit yesterday and might work on it this morning.

Also, if you guys want an extra update this week. If I get... 600 views before Sunday I will post another update... not sure if that is reachable. But I jumped almost 100 views in 1 day... so we will see.

Thank you all again for your support and reading of this story!

사랑해!!! 🤟


Hyunjin woke with a start.  His head was throbbing. He winced as he sat up. He was in a comfortable bed. What happened...where am I? The room was dark and cool. Hyunjin shivered a bit at the temperature. He glanced around, his eyes adjusting to the dark. It was a small room, but cozy? But he still didn't know where he was. He reached around himself looking to his phone possibly. Coming up empty handed, he stood and padded over to the door.  He turned the knob. The door was locked and wasn't budging. It was...locked from the outside. What in the actual fuck?

He walked to the nearest window... it was boarded up. Okay... he furrowed his eyebrows and then his head snapped to the door as it opened. A dark figure stood in the door way. Said dark figure flipped the light on. This caused Hyunjin to squint and shrink back a bit from the light. His headache instantly getting worse. He whimpered a bit.

The man stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. When Hyunjin was finally able to focus on him, his eyes instantly narrowed. It was Mr. Seo. He didn't like where this might be going. Why was here? He was almost 100% positive that he was kidnapped. 

"Hello Mr. Hwang. Or should I say Mr. Seo? Welcome to the family." The smirk was evil. It was so unsettling that Hyunjin actually crawled back into the bed and wrapped the blanket around himself. He bit his lip nervously.

"What am I doing here? Did you seriously kidnap me?" Upon the actual realization of what happened, a look of disgust came across Hyunjin's face. He furrowed his eyebrows and his bottom lip stuck out slightly.

"I want my son back. And my son wants you.  Easy as that." Changbin's father stated and shrugged slightly. He crossed his arms over his chest giving Hyunjin a once over. It made the Omega shiver.

"Were you there for the whole thing?  Because that's kind of gross..." Hyunjin wasn't afraid to make someone uncomfortable. Mr. Seo flinched back a bit. Bingo...creep... Hyunjin had inwardly rolled his eyes.

"You do realize my family isn't going to take this lightly.  You kidnapped the Heir to the Crystal Wovles... your son left willing and fell right into my arms... my packs arms, and we love him like he should be loved." Hyunjin raised a challenging eyebrow. He may be an Omega. But when it came to his family and loved ones, he didn't back down.

Mr. Seo smirked, "I already have an invitation out to Changbin to come back home. Your family isn't taking this lightly... you are right. But, they won't attack... because congratulations Hyunjin.... You're going to be a mother." 

Hyunjin gasped and covered his mouth quickly. It made sense... but, "How long have I been here?" His brain started to hurt with the news. He started to panic a bit. Not that he didn't want to be mother. But he didn't expect to find out this way. 

"Oh...about a week... maybe longer?" Hyunjin gasped again. He had been here that long? And out cold the whole time? That couldn't have been healthy for the pup. He started to panic a bit. He needed to get to the pack doctor for check ups and to make sure everything was okay... he needed to tell his friends and family. He felt tears start to slide down his cheeks as he thought on it more... he needed to get out of here.

"Let's just hope Changbin sees the error of his ways and comes back to the pack. Then you can live happily ever after here. And give Changbin an Heir to the Midnight Wolves."

Just then there was a knock at the door and, what Hyunjin assumed was a pack member, peeked their head in. "Sir... Changbin is here."

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