~~Chapter 14~~

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This be the spicy chapter. There will probably be more... who am I kidding. There will be more. 🤭🤭

Also, how are everyone's wallets after the Rock-Star announcement? Mine is begging me to stop. 🤣🤣

I also need to get more pages for my PC Binders.

Anyways, I know I haven't updated since I was in New York to see 3RACHA... but here I am now. I'm so tired 90% of the time that I need to be in the mood to write.

I do have up through Chapter 15 written. But, I like to stay a couple of chapters ahead of what I post in case I have to go a while with out updating. I would like to get in a regular updating schedule....

We will see what I can do....

With out further ado....

Why is it so spicy??



He slept well for the most part. Peaceful and quiet. Comfortable even. He woke slowly, stretching and groaning deeply. He blinked a few times. It was daylight. The rays of sun shone through the gaps in the curtains. He smiled at the sight, this was such a good change compared to his life before. Dingy, dank...just not his style.

Then it hit him. The smell. So strong, so disgustingly sweet...mate. He could feel his wolf pressing against him, wanting to break free and take control. His eyebrows furrowed. His rut was surely going to trigger by the smell alone. He was surprised that it hadn't yet.

He got out of the bed and opened the door. Before he could step out he choked a bit. The smell was so strong at this point he felt his natural instincts fighting to break through. He glanced around quickly, looking for any sign of a Hyunjin.

He noticed that his door was slightly ajar. He quickly made his way to it, pushing it open slightly. The room was a little dark, but his eyes adjusted quickly. The room did not have a lot of belongings in it. A dresser was on one side, a vanity and mirror in the corner, a bed in the center of the far wall. A small easel set up at a desk with paints scattered around, the messiest part of the whole room. There was a door he assumed was to an en-suite bathroom, and another that looked as if it was a closet.

His attention quickly snapped back to the bed. In it was a nesting pile of blankets and clothes. And in the middle of it all was a whimpering, extremely aroused Omega. Changbin swallowed hard as he approached Hyunjin. His body already had a thin layer of sweat on it. Then, their eyes met. The Ice Blue of Hyunjin's was bright even in the darkness. His inner wolf was practically begging him to let him take control.

Hyunjin then spoke... sealing his fate.


"Alpha? I need you." That was all it took. With out a second notice, Changbin had moved to him and pinned him to the bed. Their lips met, Hyunjin's lazy but needy. His entire body was on fire. He whimpered into kiss, wrapping his arms around the Alpha's neck.

His back arched as Changbin pressed his entire weight into him. He felt moan leave his throat as the Alpha started to grind his hips down into the Omega's. Roughly and matter of factly. There was very little clothes separating their skin. Changbin made quick work of removing what was there, his eyes glowing a bright green making Hyunjin shudder. The Omega smiled, and then gasped as their bare skin touched for the first time. The contact almost making him see stars.

He let out another moan as his body reacted so intensely to the Alpha. He ran his hands down his arms, grasping Changbin's forearms. He whimpered again waiting so much more.

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