~~Chapter 33~~

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Things were getting hectic. Hyunjin was due anytime now. This made the Alpha's anxiety constantly spike. Anytime someone came to him that he wasn't expect he always thought it was to tell him that Hyunjin was in labor. His temper flared a bit more frequently due to this.

Changbin was currently in the pack house at the Midnight wolves, discussing some territorial matters. Nothing crazy. Just figuring out the layouts of both territories and essentially drawing the borders out on paper.

Changbin sat back and sighed. His body felt tense. Stress was building in his shoulders. NO news was good news right? He hoped at least. He was surprised that no one had come to him yet. He was sure that Hyunjin was going to be in labor today. He was acting weird last night.

It may have been normal for an Omega but it definitely was different for him. He had walked into their bedroom. He was used to Hyunjin's nesting habits, but that night was crazy. There were clothes everywhere. All neatly piled around and there were multiple spots of piled clothes and blankets.  He had found Hyunjin curled up in one of them. Fast asleep. When he had awoken him, he hadn't expected to have the most feral sex of his life. He knew that his Omega wasn't in heat... but damn. He didn't get much sleep that night.

Come to find out, Hyunjin's mother told him that she was pretty sure his labor was right around the corner. This was about a week or so ago, but it was all Changbin could think about.  He was anxious for the pup to get here himself... but he was more worried about Hyunjin being able to handle the birth itself. He was a strong Omega...but the Alpha still had worries.

Changbin finished what he was working on and then decided to head home to check on his mate. Yeah right no news was good news. He still was panicky. He genuinely could not help himself.

He entered the house quietly, not wanting to wake his mate up if he was sleeping. He glanced around the living room. No sign of the Omega there. He continued into the bedroom and before he opened the door her heard a loud whimper that instant sent his Alpha instincts into action. He flung open the door.

In front of him was Hyunjin kneeling in front of the bed rocking back and forth a bit as he gripped the sheets in front of him. He didn't have a shirt on, but had pants on. The skin he could see was glistening with a bit of swear.

"Hyunjin!" Changbin ran to his side quickly and placed a hand on the small of his back. The omega groaned softly, not necessarily rejecting the touch, but Changbin could hear the pain in his tone. "I-is the pup coming?" He was hesitant because as ready as he was... in reality... he wasn't.

"Fuck... yup... sure... is..." Hyunjin's voice came out in painful pants as he rested his head on the edge of the bed. Changbin's eyes went wide as he quickly tried to grab his phone to call Hyunjin's omega friends.

They came over quickly, actually to Changbin's surprise. Felix rushed in first. He went straight to Hyunjin's side, pushing his hair out of his face and tying it out of the way.

Jisung has gotten a cool cloth to place on Hyunjin's forehead. "Just breathe Mama, you got this."  His smile was reassuring as he looked at Changbin.  He could tell that he was trying to ease his stress of the situation too.

"Yeah babe... I know you got this." Changbin smiled the best he could past his nerves. He knelt down on the side of Hyunjin, rubbing gentle circles into his lower back again.



Two more updates and this one is finished!

I also started to post my Minsung story To Be Determined.... And I finished writing that one yesterday. 🤣🤣

I haven't decided on an upload schedule for that one yet, but I am pretty sure I am going to write a sequel to it. I just need sometime to figure out how I want to write it.

Anyways! Until next time!

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