~~Chapter 19~~

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And like promised. Here is 19... I am still facepalming over that.

Enjoy the double update. I think I am going to write in this one more today and possibly try and bang out a couple more chapters in my Minsung story. That one I have to be pretty methodical in the way I write it and. I also did a lot of research because I didn't want to offend anyone. It's a thin line to tread. Hopefully I will be brave enough to post it at some point.

I also just realized that this chapter is pretty short...  mostly because I shifted to doing one pov per chapter instead of bouncing back and forth....

Anywho! Thanks for the support again Lovlies!!! ❤️❤️❤️



His mate's friends hung out for quite a while. They all watched a movie and had snuggled with their mates during it. Changbin didn't mind necessarily, it meant he got to hold Hyunjin some more.  As soon as the movie was over though, everyone made their way to the front door.

Hyunjin gave everyone hugs and cheek kisses. This made Changbin a bit jealous that they were getting attention from his mate. He puffed ever so slightly, enough that the one named Jeongin noticed. He smirked at him and mouthed, it's okay! Changbin blushed a bit, noticing he was found out.

As soon as Hyunjin said he last goodbyes and shut the door Changbin was on him. He pressed him against the door ever so slightly and crashed his lips to his. Hyunjin had whimpered and placed his hands on Changbin's chest. He didn't push him away... which Changbin was grateful for.

The Alpha sighed against his lips and pulled back slightly, resting his forehead on the Omega's. "I'm sorry. I was getting jealous... and I wanted your attention." Hyunjin had made eye contact with him. Flecks of blue showing in the Omega's eyes. It made Changbin smirk. He loved when Hyunjin let his submissive side show.

Hyunjin pulled back from him a bit, but still had his arms snaked around his neck. Changbin had his hands on the younger's hips still. Hyunjin made him tense with the next thing he said, "We need to talk about something..."  Changbin's eyes flashed a bit, his nerves spiking. He could tell that Hyunjin could smell his nerves with the way his nose crinkled a bit. He felt Hyunjin push him back a bit and slip out from his grasp. He then took the Alpha's hand and pulled him to the living room.

Changbin followed him nervously, but plopped down on the couch next to him. Hyunjin grasped his hand in both of his. "Binnie... this wasn't really on my mind the last couple of days..." Hyunjin smirked, causing Changbin's nerves to ease a bit. He returned the smirk. "But... we literally just mated for at least two days straight... while I was on my heat... and you were rutting..." Changbin furrowed his eyebrows a bit. He was trying to think of what Hyunjin was trying to say.  As if on queue...

"So, what I am trying to say is... we didn't use protection. I am not on any contraceptives... so there is a good chance I am pregnant?" Changbin's eyes widened quickly at the realization. He let out a slow breath and then locked eyes with Hyunjin. He was no way ready for a pup... also fuck rutting... it never let him think straight. Though he had never been with an in heat Omega when he was rutting before. So, his partners in the past always handled those aspects. He just fucked.

Hyunjin whimpered slightly, Changbin assumed because he hadn't responded to him yet. He locked eyes with him and then bit his lip. "I...didn't even think...I don't know if either of us are ready for that..." Hyunjin nodded in agreement with Changbin's words.

"I can get ahold of my mom. She will tell me what I need to do to keep from getting pregnant. They will be disappointed I'm sure. They have been patiently waiting... though they agree with not having pups yet until we get married." Hyunjin had winked at him, calming the Alpha a bit more.

"You should probably talk to her. I think we both can agree we are way too new to us to even think about having a pup. We just need to be more careful going forward until we are ready."  Changbin said everything so matter of factly. He saw Hyunjin grab for his phone to call his mom, I guess better now than later... longer they waited the less likely they could keep it from being a thing....


Additional A/N:

I was thinking too... if anyone would like some "how they met/got together" bonus chapters of the other pairings let me know and I can see about writing some of them...


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