~~Chapter 22~~

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Heeeeyo! My sister and I went to our for SKZ Photocard trading event yesterday. It was fun and we got a lot of cool stuff! I also got an I Am NOT album and an I Am You album and added to my collection.

Right now I am trying to finish my 5-star album sets. I just need 5 Barnes and Noble exclusives and 2 Target exclusives and 3 for Version B and I am good. So 10 more PCs total to complete my 5star. I'm so close. 🥺🥺👍🏻

Also, holy crap. Number 8?!?

Thank you sooo much

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Thank you sooo much. I saw that this morning and was like heck yeah!

Anyways! Enjoy some spice. 😏😏



Hyunjin couldn't help but giggle at Changbin's eagerness. He knew it had been a while... at least a week. He was excited too. He was feeling normal, finally, since the first time they had mated. So why not right?

Once they were in the bedroom, Hyunjin let out a gasp as Changbin turned him around and pushed him against the wall. The Omega whimpered softly, wanting to touch Changbin.  But the thought quickly left him as his pants were pulled down and he felt Changbin's hands on him. He let out a low groan as the Alpha found his entrance with his fingers, Hyunjin's slick already heavily producing and making the process go smoother.

Changbin slipped two fingers in right way way.  "O-oh shit." Hyunjin pressed his forehead against the wall, while also pressing his hips back against Changbin's hand. The Alpha quickly set a pace, loosening him up and brushing his most sensitive places so quickly. That earned him a deep moan as the Alpha's finger brushed his prostrate with expertise and finesse.

Hyunjin felt Changbin shift a bit and heard the sound the drawer next to them open. There was a bit of rustling and then the sound of a packet being opened. Changbin didn't stop his fingers once during the whole ordeal, but Hyunjin did whimper as he pulled his hand away. He glanced back, only to see Changbin closing the distance between them and pressing his tip into his entrance.

Changbin had grasped Hyunjin's hips and quickly bottomed himself out in the Omega. It had caused a deep groan to leave Hyunjin. He placed his hands on the wall to brace himself as a grunt left Changbin.

Hyunjin's fingers turned a bit white as he tried to grasp at the flat surface. He let out another deep moan as Changbin pulled out and quickly bottomed out again.  He didn't know how the Alpha did it, but he knew exactly where his most sensitive spots were. And he annihilated it repeatedly as he set a steady pace.

Whimpers flooded the room as both of them chased the high they so eagerly wanted. Changbin had moved one of his hands around to the front of Hyunjin and grasped the Omega's throbbing dick in his hand, pumping him firmly to the pace of his thrusts. This made Hyunjin groan even louder at all the pleasure coursing through his body. He pressed back against Changbin the best he could wanting everything he could get from him.

Suddenly after a few firm pumps of Changbin's hand and a couple of well placed strokes, Hyunjin gasped and then cried out as he came against the wall and Changbin's hand.

As Changbin appeared to still be working toward his own release he grasped Hyunjin's hips firmly. So firm, the Omega was sure he was going to have some finger print shaped bruises left behind. He then started to relentlessnessly pound himself into Hyunjin. The tighteness from the Omega's orgasm must have coaxed him on, because before Hyunjin knew it, Changbin had latched into his neck and sunk his teeth into the soft flesh. That alone brought another groan out of Jinnie. He then gasped again and whimpered as Changbin snapped his hips into him one last time and the Alpha came with a feral growl.

Changbin's knot almost instantly swelled inside of him, making them both release a satisfied sigh. Changbin rested his forehead on Hyunjin's shoulder. Hyunjin could hear the smirk as he spoke, "Fuck... I can't get enough of you... can we not go a whole week next time?"

Hyunjin couldn't help but giggle and nod. "I agree. No more waiting so long. That was amazing."  He sighed, content, waiting for Changbin's knot to go down enough so they could separate.

Once it did, Changbin stepped back from Hyunjin. That familiar emptiness falling over the Omega. He sighed softy, but turned to face his Alpha. "We should take a shower... and clean the wall." He smirked a bit and watched Changbin pull the now full condom off, tie it, and toss it into the trash. The Alpha's eyes met his own, still flecked with green from all the excitement.

"Yeaaaah... and we should probably actually talk wedding stuff...as long as you are okay with marrying me." Changbin stiffened ever so slightly. The Alpha quickly kissed him, he assumed to keep him from talking and rambling. He smirked against Changbin's lips and kissed him back.

"Let's go shower..."  Hyunjin had pulled back and grabbed his Alpha by the hand to lead him into the bathroom.  He had pulled up his pants so he wouldn't trip over them.  Once he was in the bathroom he took his clothes off and help Changbin with his.  He started the shower and let his hand sit under the running water until it was warm enough for him.

Once it hit the perfect temperature, he slipped into the stream and pulled Changbin in. The water rushing over them. He groaned softly as it soothed his tired muscles. He felt Changbin's hands run over his body as he soaped him up. He smirked to himself, loving that the Alpha was taking care of him.

After the quick shower they snuggled into bed. Though it was early, Hyunjin was more than ready to sleep for the day. He could sleep all day if people would let him. He scrolled around on his phone as he snuggled up to his Alpha, who was playing on his new acquired phone. Courtesy of Hyunjin.

He had told Hyunjin he had one back at his pack, but he didn't think it would be smart to bring it with him. So he left it behind. Hyunjin didn't mind getting him a new one.  They could stay in contact on Hyunjin's busy days when he was working with his family doing pack things.

They had minor talks about the wedding, and figuring out last minute ideas. They both decided the ceremony would be simple. No big charade. They would have Hyunjin's friends and family there and that would be it.  They were mostly doing it for formalities anyway.

Soon Hyunjin had fallen asleep against Changbin's chest. Cuddling into him and not ever wanting to let go. He was happy. For once in his life, painting wasn't the only thing keeping him happy.

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