~~Chapter 16~~

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I sent the picture I put at the top to my sister today.

I added the caption: "I think Amazon loves me?"

We laughed. It was fun. She wants me to post it somewhere SKZ related. Welp here we are.

Enjoy this chapter. I think I am going to be coming to the climax of the story soon. Not sure yet... not even sure how long I want this story to be.

Thanks for reading!

Also I am #30 in the Changjin tag right now... so that's kind of fun! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️



The next couple days felt like a blur as his body was ravaged and it felt as if Changbin was never going to be be fully satisfied. Hyunjin held out though, keeping his Alpha happy was at the top of his list.

So when the 4th night rolled around... Hyunjin couldn't but help but sigh in relief when Changbin had finally fallen asleep next to him. Quickly and deeply. He was still snuggly fitted into Hyunjin's ass after their last round, but he had the sense that Changbin was finally satisfied. He was himself as well. His heat had started to pass and he was feeling normal again.

After an hour, and although he was exhausted. He forced himself out of the bed. He whimpered slightly as Changbin's dick slipped out and left him empty. He sighed and hobbled into the bathroom to clean himself up.

He came back into the room a few minutes later and got into some comfy clothes. He needed to do laundry. Badly. He scooped up all the soiled clothes and made for his washer, quickly tossing everything in and and pouring out the soap.

Wandering back into his room, Changbin appeared to be blissfully sleeping still. He smiled and approached him, pushing some of his hair out of his face. He loved this man. So much already. He sighed again and pressed a soft kiss to his temple. To which Changbin released a deep sigh and snuggled into the bed a little more.

With a smile, Hyunjin slipped into his desk chair and winced ever so slightly. His body was sore. It was to be expected and he shrugged it off a bit. He looked at his art supplies and popped a clean canvas onto his easel.

Before he knew it, hours had passed. The only sound in the room was of his Alpha's soft snores and the brush moving across the canvas.


Sleep was blissful. A wave of contentment and satisfaction washed over him as he slept. Snuggling himself into the bed that smelled like his lover mixed with sex. It would soon be his most favorite smell. Could you blame him?

A few hours had passed and he realized that he was alone in the bed. He batted his eyelashes a bit and glanced around. Searching for his Omega. He quickly found him and smiled when he saw him curled up in his chair in front of the desk.

Hyunjin was busily painting away. Changbin couldn't help but smile every time the younger put the end of his paint brush to his lips as he contemplated the next feature or brush stroke he wanted to make. It was a beautiful sight and he could watch his lover for hours.

Though, as if on queue, his stomach made the most loud and obnoxious noise, letting everyone in the vicinity know that he was likely very hungry. The put his hand over his stomach, eyes never leaving Hyunjin.

Hyunjin had glanced over at the source of the noise and then a soft smile had formed on his plump lips. He gracefully stood, though Changbin could tell the poor Omega was sore, but still handling everything so well.

"Hey baby..." his Omega's voice was soft and nurturing. It made Changbin smile proudly and nod in response. He slowly stood, stretching.

"Hi. You are an amazing painter." He quickly closed the distance between them. Hyunjin's cheeks lit up with a blush, Changbin could only assume it was because he was still naked. The Alpha placed feather light kisses upon his cheeks.

"Thank you... are you hungry?" Hyunjin had slipped his arms around Changbin's waist and snuggled into him. Burying his face in his neck. Changbin smirked and wrapped his arms around him and nodded. "Very..."

Hyunjin giggled a bit and the pulled back as far as he could with Changbin holding him in place. "How about you get cleaned up and dressed Binnie... I can invite my friends over to meet you and we can do dinner with them. You smell too much like sex right now..." Hyunjin still had a slight tinge to his cheeks and he scrunched his nose a bit.

Changbin couldn't help but chuckle. He stepped back and shrugged a bit. "It's quickly becoming my favorite smell..." He winked at his Omega as he slipped into the bathroom to shower and get freshened up. He groaned softly at the feel of the hot water over his skin. He would be lying if he said he wasn't sore too. He could only imagine how Hyunjin felt.

He quickly got himself clean and left the shower. He toweled himself off and was drying his hair when he heard some laughter coming from the bedroom. Must be Hyunjin had already invited his friends over. Though nervous, he was also excited to officially meet the important people in Hyunjin's life.

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