~~Chapter 9~~

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Finally found time to post. I have been crazy busy.  Between the new job and preparing for New York it's been crazy. I still have a lot to do for Global Citizen Festival. But I'm pretty much good to go.

Anyways. Enjoy this chapter. It's spicy. 😏


Hyunjin felt the anxiety and adrenaline start to pump through him as Changbin's lips gently met his yet again. The Alpha's hands stayed attached to the Omega's hips. Pulling them tight to himself. The slight movement caused Hyunjin to whimper. The friction too good to resist. He nipped at the Alpha's bottom lip, causing a groan to leave him. In turn, making Hyunjin smirk a bit.

He felt Changbin's lips part as if granting him access, though the Omega didn't know what he was doing. He timidly slipped his tongue past the Alpha's lips. Changbin instantly took control, moving one of his hands to the back of Hyunjin's neck to hold him in place as he devoured him. A whimper left the Omega's throat as his heart raced. He was nervous, but excited at the same time...and the Alpha definitely could tell.

They parted after a moment, foreheads pressed together as their breaths mingled.  Hyunjin wasn't ready for what came next. A gasp escaped him as Changbin had shifted, holding the Omega to himself as he gently laid Hyunjin against the soft forest floor and hovered himself over him. The Alpha leaned down and found his lips again, gently brushing them with his own as he started to slowly run one of his hands down Hyunjin's chest.


He was genuinely struggling to keep his cool. The sounds and the way Hyunjin was moving under him was enough to drive him to rut. He could feel himself teetering on the edge.  He pushed it down the best he could, but definitely wasn't going to make himself or his Omega any promises here.

He moved his face into Hyunjin's neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there.  He found the hem of the Omega's shirt expertly and started to pull the tucked part out of the top of his pants. He felt the body below him shiver and the Omega had arched his knees on either side of his hips. He couldn't help but smirk. He nuzzled into Hyunjin's scent gland a bit, cause a surprisingly deep moan to escape the Omega, making Changbin shudder heavily. "Fuck..." it was a whisper but he knew the man below him heard it as he felt his hips move up, trying to make friction with his own. He definitely could feel how hard and needy his Omega was.

He expertly unbuttoned Hyunjin's pants with one swift motion, feeling a shudder run through the others body. Changbin was going to have a permanent smirk on his face if this was the reactions he received every time.

As he pulled the zipper down, he felt Hyunjin wiggle a bit. "I would almost think that you are impatient..." Changbin's voice was deep, almost a growl as he spoke.  Another shiver was felt under him. This Omega might just be the death of him.

He dipped his fingers into the waist band of his pants, finding his target as his gently ran his fingers over the hard length of the Omega. Hyunjin's body froze, shaky breath passed through his lips, "Oh...oh my..." the Omega's voice was quiet, but Changbin definitely could tell he liked what was happening.

Changbin sat back on his knees a bit and let his eyes run down the Omega's body. He slipped his hand out of Hyunjin's pants and the started to shimmy them off his hips. The Omega instinctually lifted his hips to help with the process, helping the Alpha expose him. Changbin made sure to pull the tail of Hyunjin's shirt down so his bare skin wouldn't be against the leaves before his hips came back down.

The Alpha slowly unbuttoned the Omega's shirt, letting his fingers brush his skin as he did so. Every touch and graze made the man below him gasp and whimper. The sounds were like music to his ears.  As he reached the last button, he undid it quickly and pushed his shirt open. He leaned down and left a trail of feather light kisses, though he just want to devour him, from his neck to his chest, to his abdomen.

Another deep moan left the Omega's throat as the Alpha nipped at the skin on his hips, then quickly sucked on the skin causing Hyunjin to arch his back and release an airy moan, "O-oh... fuck..." The smirk came back to Changbin's lips as he definitely left a prominent love mark on him. 

His hands ran up the Omega's thighs, letting his fingers learn the map of his skin. He then slipped his one of his hands back up to Hyunjin's pulsing member and felt it twitch, excitedly, in his hand. Changbin went to work, squeezing him gently and firmly starting to stroke him.


The moment Changbin had wrapped his hand around him he knew he was going to be done for. Hyunjin arched further, his breath starting to come in a soft pant as waves of pleasure started to rush through his body.  He snuck a glance down at the Alpha, their eyes meeting. A blush crept to the Omega's cheeks as he bit his lip.

He heard the Changbin growl, and then Hyunjin's eyes widened as the Alpha's head dipped.  When he felt the wet warmth of the man's mouth around his tip he gasped loudly and his head pressed back into the ground. "Shit..." the words came out quietly as his hips tried to buck up against the warmth, but Changbin held him in place with expertise.

Hyunjin let out another loud moan as more of his length entered Changbin's mouth. He reflexively reached down, running his hand through the Alpha's hair and gripping it tightly.  A soft grunt from the Alpha sent shivers down Hyunjin's spine and before he knew it he felt the pressure starting to build as his body craved release. Changbin bobbed his head a bit, using his hand to keep stroking the base as his tongue put pressure in all the right places. 

There was another gasp and moan as the Alpha hit a very sensitive spot.  At that moment, Hyunjin could feel his slick starting to just pour out of him. At least that's what he thought was happening. Hell if he knew. He was was overwhelmed by all the sensations running through his body. He tensed slightly when he felt a hand move to his ass.

Before he had another moment to think he felt pressure at his entrance and slight pain as something tried to enter him. He whimpered and looked down, seeing Changbin still going to town on him, but also realizing the the was getting fingered too.  He sat up on his elbows so he could watch what was happening to himself. He gasped as the Alpha started to push his finger in and out of him, and then quickly adding another causing loud moan to slip through the Omega's lips. He tilted his head back again and let the shaky breaths and moans just flow as the Alpha ravaged him.

He felt Changbin's mouth leave him and he just continued to stroke him firmly and at a steady pace, his fingers matching. Then all of a sudden the Alpha's fingers curled and hit a spot the Omega didn't even know existed. Hyunjin let out an extremely loud and deep moan as Changbin hit the same spot again, and again, and again.  The Omega felt his balls starting to tighten and the pressure in his stomach coming to a peak. He bucked his hips up as Changbin gave him another hard pump, and a deep stroke with his fingers hitting that sweet spot.

"Oh. My. Fuck!!" Hyunjin's voice carried out loudly as he came, hard. He shuddered heavily as his cum shot onto his stomach and on Changbin's hand. He whimpered softly as his body relaxed into the ground and he stole a glance at Changbin. The Alpha had pulled his fingers out and licked them clean causing a serious blush to heat Hyunjin's cheeks.

"Mmm sooo sweet..." the Alpha made eye contact and winked at the Omega.  Said Omega moved his forearm over his eyes to hide his embarrassment. He then felt the Alpha's tongue along his stomach and chest as he licked him clean.  Hyunjin couldn't help but giggle at the feeling.

"You're more delicious than I could have imagined..." the Alpha came face to face with him. Hyunjin move his arm to look at him, the blush still on his cheeks.

"I'm glad."  The Omega giggled again and then then Alpha kissed him. He gasped as he tasted himself on him. He purred a bit as Changbin pulled back. "Hmmmm. You aren't wrong."  He saw the Alpha's eyes flash the bright green through the their natural brown.  He must have liked that comment....

Hyunjin bit his lip and batted his eyelashes a bit as he wiggled his pants back up, leaving them unbuttoned for the time being. He could still feel some of his slick seeping out of him. He wasn't sure if these pants were going to make it through this night.... He glanced at Changbin again, noticing that the Alpha was watching him. He locked eyes with him. Excitement showing through his own.

"It's your turn right?"

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