~~Chapter 23~~

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Uhm. Holy crap.

I literally saw this and almost shit my pants

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I literally saw this and almost shit my pants. This is the first fanfic I have ever really wrote as well as posted anywhere.... 

So uhm... THANK YOU!

Though I'm not 100% sure on how this rankings work, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with you readers.

So what better way to reward than another chapter early!

I am actually written all the way through Chapter 30 right now and am thinking that I will be wrapping things up. I also already have roughly 6-7 chapters of my Minsung one written. But I will likely need coaxing to post that one. 😏😏

Anyway!! Enjoy!



It was the day. The day that they would officially have the ceremony and be forever bound by the Moon Goddess. Yes, they had mated and yes, they both had mating bites.  With the Crystal Wolves, the ceremony was tradition. Especially with the leaders of the pack. Mostly to show allegiances and for pack politics.

Hyunjin honestly didn't give a shit about either. He just cared that he was officially going to be bonded to his true love. It was all he could have ever hoped for. Though they hadn't known each other very long, he knew, with out a doubt, that Changbin was meant to be his.

All those thoughts rushed around his head as he waited at the edge of the clearing in his pack's territory. Which also happened to be the same place he met a Changbin for the first time.  He sighed heavily as he watched his parents and friends shuffle about while getting everything set up for the ceremony.

Before he knew it, it was time. The moon was bright and shining down on them and he slowly approached his parents, Changbin was already standing there. Having small talk.

Hyunjin was dressed in tight black pants and a flowy button up shirt. He left the first couple buttons undone. His hair was pulled into an half pony with some strands framing his face. His face had a little hint of makeup. Just to soften his features.

As he approached he made eye contact with his Alpha. Blue flecked into his own eyes and Changbin's had the traces of the green Hyunjin had already grown to love. As he approached he could smell Changbin's scent that he oh so loved too. The sandalwood standing out today. Hyunjin's own tart Cherry and Almond scent radiating from him due to his excitement.

His friends stood around them as Hyunjin made it to where a Changbin was. He took his hand and held it tightly. "Let's do this!"  Hyunjin whisper yelled at Changbin. The Alpha nodded in response.

The ceremony had started things were going smooth, his parents handling all of it. Then they gave them a moment to speak their promises, vows if you will, to each other. Hyunjin took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Binnie. Never in a million years did I think I would find you. Never did I realize how much finding you would change me for the better. Never will I take for granted the love you give. And never will I regret waiting for the moon."

Hyunjin smirked a bit. It was true. That night if he hadn't been waiting for the moon like he had, he may have never met the love of his life.  Changbin soon spoke after, a big smile on his face.

"Jinnie... life has been weird leading up to meeting you. I wouldn't trade the last month with for anything. My life was dark and dreary before I met you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for accepting me. I, too, am glad you waited for the moon."

Hyunjin beamed at his lover, and quickly his parent finished up the ceremony. They were officially bonded for life. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Changbin's neck.  His lips quickly found the Alpha's and devoured him.  It was going to be a long night, filled with love and mating. Hyunjin could see it already and boy was he excited.

As part of pack tradition, the newly married couple was to consummate their union at the sacred ceremony site. It wasn't like Hyunjin hadn't done anything outside before, but this time it was a little weird.... Especially knowing that his parents wouldn't be to terribly far away...

But they got to it... it was passionate and unforgiving. Feral even at points... probably some of the best experiences Hyunjin had received so far. Changbin surprisingly let him be in control.  And oh boy, did Hyunjin love riding.

Before long they had both came and Changbin's knot had yet again swelled inside the Omega. It left them both satisfied and very tired. Hyunjin had laid his head down on Changbin's chest. Taking in his smell and then eyeballing the fresh mating he had left on his Alpha. Even though it was littler than his own, he was still proud of it.

After an hour of cuddling, and just loving being with each other... they started to get ready to head back to the house. Changbin was cleaning up some of the mess, debris and what have you to help out. Hyunjin had went into the woods a bit to pee. He couldn't hold it anymore.

As he was finishing up and zipping his pants, something caught him upside the head... and everything went black.

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