~~Chapter 17~~

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Happy Halloween Week! I love Halloween. I went to a Shadow Cast acting of Rocky Horror this weekend. It was a blast.

Also... these new teaser images. ☠️☠️☠️




The moment Changbin had entered the bathroom, Hyunjin texted Jisung and Felix. He had asked them if they would like to come over for dinner and meet Changbin officially.

They had both responded excitedly and said they would be there as soon as possible. Hyunjin also extended the invitation to their mates as well, and mentioned even getting Seungmin and Jeongin to join them. Hyunjin hadn't seen them in a while so what was the harm?

Soon after the texts were sent there was a knock on the door and a soft creak as the door was opened.

"Jinnie!!!!" Two voices could be heard in unison. It was the sunshine twins. He could tell. He quickly left the bedroom and greeted them in the living room. A big smile on his face as he approached them and pulled them both into a group hug.

"Hey my lovelies!" Hyunjin couldn't stop smiling. His two best friends giggling in return.

"How are things?" Felix wasn't afraid to cut to the chase. He knew they were going to be extremely interested in his life now. And he was also sure that it had gotten around the pack that he had finally found his mate.

Jisung, being himself, pulled the collar of Hyunjin's shirt aside and glanced at Felix with a smirk. "I'd say he's doing just fine." He glanced back at Hyunjin and winked. It had caused a light pink hue to rise to his cheeks as he pulled away shyly.

"Damn Jinnie... he really got you deep." A smirk played on Felix's lips. Then suddenly Hyunjin jumped as a set of arms snaked around his waist and pulled him into a firm chest.

"You guys have no idea..." Changbin had winked playfully at the two younger boys. Causing both of them to blush and Hyunjin to gasp.

"Binnie! Behave." Though Hyunjin said it with a soft laugh even if he was slightly embarrassed. He relaxed into Changbin's grasp. Melting into him a bit. He glanced back at his Alpha, flecks of green sparkled through his eyes.

Changbin had shrugged and let go of the Omega, hearing a slight whimper come from him, and approached the two boys with his hand outstretched to them. His smile was bright and friendly.

Felix was the first to reach out and shake his hand. "Hey! I'm Felix. I'm glad he finally found you." He nodded matter of factly and smiled brightly at the younger boy.


The little Omega in front of him made him smile, he was adorable. He titled his head a bit and shook his hand firmly, but not too hard to hurt him. He glanced over at the other, just as bubbly, Omega. He resembled a squirrel... kind of cute too. He reached his hand out to him as well.

"I'm Han Jisung... you can call me Han..." Changbin could tell he was shy, but friendly nonetheless. He returned the soft smile and gently shook his hand too.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Seo Changbin." The Alpha bowed a bit then returned his attention to Hyunjin, who was beaming proudly. His Omega has wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, purring softly. Which in turn, the Alpha crooned. Man, he couldn't get enough of him.

Soon after that moment, a few more people entered the house. How many people did Hyunjin invite over? And was there going to be enough room for all of them? He chuckled to himself.

The others that entered were a couple of Alphas. A man with dark hair, slight tanned skin, a lot like Felix's and the most charming smile introduced himself as Bang Chan. He seemed nice enough. The other...slightly red hued hair with more chiseled features, and a very possessive nature, introduced himself as Lee Minho.

He figured with time he'd get to know him better and maybe he wouldn't seem so... aggressive. After those introductions, two more people made their way into the small house. Jesus Christ... his mate had a lot of friends... more like than he ever had in his pack.

"Hyunjin... how many people did you invite over?" Changbin chuckled and kissed his omega's cheek. He smirked when Hyunjin giggled at him and waved to the two new comers.

"This is Seungmin and Jeongin. They are a couple of Beta friends I made. Seungmin is from the Ember Wolves, but he's been with us for a while. Political reasons and what have you." Hyunjin shrugged and smiled at the two. They bowed to Changbin politely.

Jeongin stayed close to Seungmin, there must be something going on between them. It wasn't super obvious, but Changbin could tell. It was cute and made him smile at them subconsciously.

Hyunjin broke the silence quickly. "So! Dinner!" Hyunjin made his way to the kitchen. Han and Felix quickly followed him to help with dinner. Changbin kind of awkwardly stood in the room with the Alpha's. Minho was still giving him a side eye as he moved into the kitchen. Quite obviously not wanting to leave Han alone.

Changbin plopped himself on the couch, Chan following suit. "So, Changbin..." he looked over at Chan and smiled, nodding for him to continue. "You are from the Midnight Wolves yeah?" Changbin nodded... but the paused. He shrugged a little and then shook his head.

"I mean not really anymore. I abandoned my pack." He didn't really want to go into detail with a stranger. Hell, he hadn't even gone into most detail with Hyunjin yet even. He deserved it more than Chan did.

Chan nodded, accepting his response it seemed. That relieved Changbin. It really wasn't the time or place to get into those details. Changbin changed the subject. "So, Felix... he's your mate?" Changbin tilted his head a bit.

Chan nodded. "Sure is!" The pride was oozing from him. It made Changbin smirk a bit. "He's amazing and perfect...I couldn't picture my life with anyone else." He nodded matter of factly. Changbin understood completely. He didn't want to go a moment with out Hyunjin.

Just as they were getting comfortable in conversation, Hyunjin yelled for them.

"Dinner is ready!"

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