~~Chapter 32~~

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Only a couple of chapters left!

I also started to post my Minsung. I know I said I was going to take a break... but I had a request from someone who had been getting snippets of it from me while I have been writing it... and convinced me I should just start posting it. I haven't decided a schedule on it yet, but we will see.

I'm having fun with it.

Anyway.. I only think there are 2 or 3 more updates to this and then it's done. =]




Some time had passed and Hyunjin was well into his pregnancy...and starting to get miserable. His feet hurt. His back hurt. His bladder hurt. The question was more like what didn't hurt.

This day found him lounging on the couch, legs curled under him as he relaxed.  He didn't do much these days. Just hanging out as Changbin spent time with his old pack and his new pack trying to build relationships. He was a natural leader. It made Hyunjin proud, because he didn't have to do anything.  Not that he was lazy, but politics was not his vibe.

Hyunjin had his sketchbook in front of him, resting slight against his now protruding belly.  He scratched away at the paper, adding details to his most recent drawing. It was one of Changbin sleeping. He always looked so peaceful and the Omega always found himself watching him sleep these days.

He lost himself in the drawing quickly, but smiling as he smudged some of the shadows in. He bit his lip softly as he looked it over again, trying to decide what else he wanted to add. He figured he was just about done with this one.

The door to their house creaked open and he heard the heavy footsteps approach him. He glanced over his shoulder. Changbin peeked around the corner. Smiling widely as he looked at the Omega.

"Hello my love! I am officially home for the evening!" Changbin smirked, pride oozing from him. "I feel like I was successful today. I integrated more of the Midnight wolves in today. I think we are going to be fine with all this change. Your parents have been super helpful. Though you are going to have to come out at some point babe. The Midnight Wolves want to meet their Queen." He nudged Hyunjin playfully.

"Ugh. I know. I just... haven't felt up to much. I'm sorry. This pup has been killing me it feels like." Hyunjin chuckled a bit as he placed his sketchbook down and lovingly rubbing his protruding belly. The pup kicked forcefully in response, making Hyunjin jump a bit. He looked at Changbin with wide eyes.

"I swear to all that is good, this is an Alpha..." Changbin grinned and put both of his hands on Hyunjin's belly himself. The pup kicked again, causing a soft laugh to leave the Alpha as well.

"Regardless I will love our pup unconditionally." Changbin leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Hyunjin's cheek. Hyunjin had quickly turned his head and caught the Alpha's lips, with a smirk on his own.  He ran one of his hands into Changbin's hair and tugged at it a bit.

"Mmmm..." Changbin hummed against his lips.  "Are you hinting???" The Alpha whispered as he pulled back. His eyes connected with Hyunjin's. The Omega's eyes has flecks of blue starting to shine through as he nodded shyly.  Changbin growled a bit in response as his own eyes reflected some of the green.  "All you have to do is ask..."

Hyunjin crashed his lips to Changbin's quickly. He was going to blame the pregnancy hormones, but he had been extra horny lately. He genuinely couldn't help himself. He moved to straddle Changbin's lap, his belly getting in the way a bit. He felt Changbin smirk against his lips. Hyunjin had attempted to start grinding his hips down on his Alpha's.  It had elicited a soft groan from both of them.

Changbin then took control. He moved Hyunjin off of himself and turned him around and had him kneel on the couch and rest his arms on the back of it.  He felt Changbin run his hand down his back and then smacked his ass firmly. Hyunjin gasped and whimpered a bit.

Soon the Alpha was stripping him of his pants. It didn't take long since all the Omega had been wearing lately was comfy clothes.  Changbin ran hand along Hyunjin's ass and then squeezed firmly, causing a soft moan to leave the Omega.

Changbin ran his finger over Hyunjin's hole, teasing slightly and then slipping a finger in and curling it a bit as he thrusted it in and out of him. Hyunjin gasped loudly and then let out a deep moan. His slick making everything by that much easier. He pressed back against him. "You are so needy... I'm definitely here for it."

Before Hyunjin could respond or react, Changbin and pressed his tip against him and then quickly bottomed out and moaned loudly. "Fuuuck..." he ran his hand up Hyunjin's back again, grasping his shirt tightly as he started a slow, firm pace.

"O-oh my god..." Hyunjin bowed his head as he groaned deeply.  Soon his breaths started to quicken as Changbin's pace did the same.

It didn't take long for Changbin to have Hyunjin moaning desperately as he railed into him.  The Alpha was trying to chase his high, Hyunjin could tell. He was getting a bit sloppy. Then all of a sudden he hit a sweet spot that made Hyunjin see stars.

"Holy shit!" Hyunjin gasped out as his thighs began to shake a bit. He arched his back, pressing even more into the trusts and he abused they same spot over and over causing airy moans to leave Hyunins's mouth.

After a few more well placed and hard thrusts against his prostate, Hyunjin let out a deep and heavy moan as he came all over the couch. Ooops... The Omega whimpered as he clenched around Changbin and rode out his orgasm.

Changbin pushed into him a few more times when he too came with a deep grunt and the knuckles of this fist holding Hyunjin's shirt went white and he rode out his own high. 

His knot swelled almost instantly, locking them together once again.  A familiar and welcome feeling for both of them. Changbin leaned forward a bit and rested head on the center of Hyunjin's back, trying to catch his breath.

"God damn, this never gets old." Changbin's statement made Hyunjin blush deeply. He couldn't agree more, but he still would get shy at the compliments he'd receive from his mate. He sighed softly, content with the moment they shared.

"I love you, Bin."

He felt Changbin gently caress his lower back. "I love you too. Forever." Hyunjin smirked a bit and rested his head on his arms as he relaxed a bit into the back of the couch. Once Changbin's knot released they were able to separate and enjoyed a soothing shower together.

It was just what they had both needed after a long day.

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