~~Chapter 6~~

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**I just want to take a moment to say thank you to those that have read and liked this so far. Though I may not be amazing at writing, I still enjoy it.

The next couple chapters might be a bit spicy, just a heads up. 😉😏**


Moments later Hyunjin's hair was put into a weird bun and a plastic shower cap was placed over his now developing hair.  He sighed, content with the process. Jisung sat across from him at the table in the kitchen.

Hyunjin picked at a bowl of fruit that was in front of him. He wasn't hungry really, but wanted to make sure he had something. Jisung took a strawberry and popped it into his mouth. "So... this Alpha... this mate... does he at least have a name?" 

Hyunjin's lips curled up in a soft smile, the image of his alpha popping into his head. The black sweatshirt and tight t-shirt. He internally shudder... just the image of him was getting him a bit riled up. "Yes," his voice was airy and light. "Seo Changbin."  He didn't elaborate, but the smile stayed on his face.

"Changbin... isn't that the Midnight Pack Prince?" Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed at Jisung's question. He shrugged and looked down at his bowl of fruit again, plucking out a blueberry.

"I have no idea Hannie. No one tells me much remember?" A deep sign left his lips. He rested his chin in his palm and pushed the fruit around. Hyunjin did really feel like he was kept in the dark. He wasn't meant for the political life. He just wanted to paint, dance, and sing. That's all. Live a quiet life. His parents liked that. Hence why they wanted him to mate a desirable Alpha that could take over and he could produce some heirs with. He cringed inwardly.

The cringe surprised him because he had never felt one way or another about settling down with Myung and living a peaceful life. Now that Changbin was in the picture... he felt weird about it.

Suddenly the timer went off for Hyunjin's hair. He stood slowly and trudged to the bathroom. He didn't want to think about Myung. Not today. Jisung quickly scampered after him to assist with his hair.

Moments later there was a towel wrapped around Hyunjin's damp hair and he made his way into his closet to change for the day. He slipped his legs into a tight pair of black jeans. They had a few knee rips, but he didn't care.  He pulled on a loose button up shirt that was white and flowed around his body. He tucked the front of it into his pants.

He glanced at himself in the mirror. He smiled at the reflection. He had a slight glow to his skin today. He gently touched his cheek. Today was going to be a good day.  The night couldn't get here fast enough.


The day felt like it drug along as slow as it possibly could.  The sun had started to set in the trees. He spent a lot of the day just wandering around and getting his bearings here.  He had found a little lake near by, but didn't spend long there as he noticed the Crystal Wolf Pack was right across the way from where he was. He really needed to be careful right now.

He had foraged and hunted while on his recon of the land, securing himself a decent dinner. Which at this time he was preparing over a makeshift fire he had built. Things were going well. He just needed to get a little more strength back and he would be normal again. Strong and powerful like he knew he was.

He ate his dinner quietly as he listened to nature around him. It was peaceful and he definitely could get used to this. He sighed, satisfied with the meal. After finishing, he noticed that the sun was beginning to set. Finding a good vantage point, he sat and hugged his knees to his chest. He realized that the spot he had found was the exact one where he had met Hyunjin. He smiled and ran his hand across the ground.

He would see him again tonight. He was ready. He wanted to take his Omega. He wanted to cherish him and love him until the end of his days. The smile never left his face as the sun slipped behind the horizon. He rested his chin on his knees, wondering that to say to Hyunjin next.

As his mind wandered about the omega he was going to be sure to claim, he didn't hear the footsteps that were approaching. Albeit they were extremely quiet.  Changbin wasn't the only one that excelled at being stealthy.

Changbin whirled around, his eyes flickering bright green as a voice startled him. "Seo Changbin?" When his eyes connected with the bright ice blue ones he knew exactly who had gotten the one up on him.


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