~~Chapter 11~~

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Okay.. so here is the real chapter 11. I'm sorry about messing that up.. I blame the fact that I was traveling to New York for Global Citizens and I was still riding the high of it all. Here it is now and will hopefully be in the correct order... I'm working on that right after I publish this!

Thanks again Lovlies!



His house quickly came into view.  As he approached the door, he shifted back into his human form, but blushed instantly knowing he was naked. He quickly opened the door and slipped inside. Leaving the door open for Changbin. He rushed to his bedroom and slipped into a pair of sweats and a hoody, grabbing another set.  Though they might be tight on him, but it's better than nothing.

He walked back out to the living area, seeing Changbin wrapped in a blanket he must of found on the couch. Not surprising, Hyunjin was a blanket collector. The Alpha's attention shifted to Hyunjin as he entered the room. A smile slipping to his lips. "Jinnie... you are crazy... did you know that?"

Hyunjin felt his cheeks tinge a bit pink. He shrugged a little as he approached him. He held the clothes out.  "They might be a bit tight, but it's all I really have."  Hyunjin had a soft smile and the Alpha took the clothes and then glanced around for the bathroom. "It's down the hall and to the right."  The omega offered, knowing what he was looking for.

Changbin disappeared down the hall and Hyunjin took the time to settle himself on the couch. Curling his legs up under him, quickly getting comfortable. He bit his lip gently, thinking about what Felix... or even Han, would have to say. It was definitely going to be a shock.


He slipped into the bathroom and shut the door behind himself. He flicked on the light and then glanced at himself in the mirror. He had a leaf stuck in his hair. With an airy laugh, he picked it out and tossed it into the trash.

After slipping on he outfit he was handed, he glanced at himself again. Yes it was tight, but not uncomfortable.  Changbin flexed a bit, letting a chuckle out as the shirt strained against his chest and biceps. He'd have to figure out how to get his clothes from that den he had made.

He left the bathroom a few minutes later, wandering slowly to the living room, taking in the surroundings. It was very rustic, log cabin style. It was very homey and comfortable. Dark, but inviting.  Warm, but still mysterious.

He saw Hyunjin on the couch, appearing to be lost in his own thoughts. He approached the Omega, but paused a few feet from him as a strong smell hit him. Sickly sweet and tart. His eyebrows furrow, his wolf growling inside.  Changbin shuddered a bit, realizing quickly it was symptoms of pre-heat. 

"Hyunjin?" He took another step forward. The Omega turned towards him, their eyes locking. Hyunjin's brown eyes sparkled with some of the ice blue trying to shine through. "Are... you okay?" 


A soft whimper left Hyunjin's pouted lips.  He parted them, and sighed a bit. "Yes... but I think my heat is coming..." he glanced at Changbin again, his response making him slightly self conscious. 

"Yeah... I can tell." The Alpha's face grimaced a bit. "I love your scent, but it's getting super strong." He smirked a little.  "I should probably stay in your guest room... I don't want you to trigger my rut... not unless you are prepared for it."  He smirked at Hyunjin causing him to blush profusely.  He looked away for a moment and then gazed at him again.

"You are probably right... I need to talk to my parents first thing in the morning too... so we should probably get some rest."  Hyunjin sighed again. He really wanted to wake up next to the Alpha, but there would be plenty of time for that after he spoke with the leaders of his pack, aka mom and dad.

He swiftly stood and approached Changbin. Quickly, he placed a kiss on his lips. "The guest room is the door next to the bathroom you went to. Make yourself at home."  The Omega smiled and then quickly turned to go to his room. He shut the door and leaned against it.

Heat has started to pool in his belly after he had kissed Changbin. He shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it. He quickly looked at his calendar. Two days. His heat would be in full affect in two days. He pouted and combed a hand through his hair. He had to talk to his parents as soon as possible, but he really needed to get some rest.

He crawled into his bed, tucking himself under the blanket. First thing in the morning... he would tell them everything that happened. Tell them they he couldn't marry Myung now. He wouldn't be able to. And now has his soulmate staying under his roof.


Additional A/N:

There. This will hopefully be in the right order for any new readers. I can't believe I did that. Well I can. Anyways. Hope you enjoy my mess up. 🤣🤣🤣

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