~~ Chapter 4~~

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"Jinnie... I mean... what?" Felix slowly raised an eyebrow. "You can't be serious... you have visited almost every pack... no one has stood out to you!"

Hyunjin shrugged and turned away from Felix, glancing back at him from over his shoulder. "It's because he is from the Midnight Wolf Pack." He closed his eyes picturing Changbin's face. He was so handsome and looked so strong. He just wanted to get swept away by him... and never look back.

"No... Hyunjin. No. You can't. It will ruin everything... like literally everything. Myung is going to give you the world. Can you just not? Also... the Midnights... you know how our pack feels about them...." Felix wrung his wrists a bit as approached Hyunjin. "Don't risk your future... please."

Hyunjin turned away from him. "Felix. You know what it is like to meet your destined mate. The person that was literally put on this planet for you." He sighed and faced him again. His eyes flickering with the blue hue that likes to sneak past the deep brown. "Why would you want to deny me that? What if this was Chan we are talking about?"

Hyunjin watched as Felix's hand reflexively went to his chest where his heart would be. He knew Felix would get it eventually. Chan was everything to him. Completely everything. Felix had to understand. A soft whine left Felix's lips.

"Okay. I get it. I get it." Felix closed the distance between the two of them and took Hyunjin's hands into his own. He grasped them firmly. He finally raised his eyes to meet the taller man's. "Are you positive? That... he's the one?"

Hyunjin's eyes lit up as he gripped Felix's tiny hands. "Yes Felix. I have never smelled something so addicting in my life. I wanted to lay it all down for him right in that moment." He sighed dreamily. "Lix? What do I tell my parents?" Then look in Hyunjin's eyes turned sharp, making Felix flinch a bit.

"I-I... don't know? Just tell them? It's your future on the line. Maybe they will understand? Were your parents fated?" Felix's eyebrows lifted and he tilted his head slightly. Hyunjin shrugged. He didn't know much about how his parents came to be. They never really spoke to him these days anyway. Disappointment that he wasn't an Alpha? Maybe. But excited enough because he was an Omega at least and they could "sell" him off to the highest bidder?

"I'm going to go see him again tonight. In the same place. Under the moon. I have to know for sure before I bring it up to my parents. I'm pretty positive though..." He nodded and then pulled Felix into a hug. "Don't say a thing."

Felix wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's waist. Holding him tightly, "I won't." Felix had mumbled into Hyunjin's shoulder. He nuzzled him a little and smiled. He could definitely smell the Cherry and almond radiating off his friend. He always had noticed it in the past. But it was more prominent than before.

Felix pulled back, "Jinnie... I think you first heat is coming..." Hyunjin blushed furiously, trying to hide his face. "I know. I can tell too. Any day now, essentially." He stepped back from Felix. "I am going to go to bed. You are welcome to stay if you want. But I'm sure Channie is going you want you tonight." Hyunjin winked and slipped off to his bedroom.

He glanced at the calendar he has hung up. The days past crossed off, and two weeks from today, Hyunjin was supposed to marry Myung. He sighed heavily. The moon would be full the night of their unity ceremony. Everyone had been hoping it would be, and that Hyunjin would experience his first heat. He really needed to look into this stuff more.

He crawled into bed and felt sleep quickly take him as all the adrenaline from earlier had exited his system. He snuggled into his bed, a dreamless sleep enveloping him.


Before he could even blink, Hyunjin had disappeared into the trees. He resisted the urge to follow him. My omega. Mine! His wolf was angry at him. He could feel it to his core. Shaking the thoughts out his head, he grunted heavily as the nausea returned. He stumbled his way back to his makeshift den.

Plopping back into the ground, he pulled his knees to his chest. He bit the fabric of his pants. This was going to be a long night, but he was definitely going to have to tough it out. Hyunjin said he would be back tomorrow night. He... just needed to get some rest.

Changbin fell asleep shortly later, his mind swirling with dreams of his angel, his omega, his love. If anyone was watching him sleep, they wouldn't be able to miss the smile splayed on his lips.

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