~~Chapter 15~~

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Heyyyo. It's been a minute again. I've been actively writing, but not posting. Like I mentioned before I like to have a few chapters written before I post.

Anyways! I'm surprised I have found time to write as I have been crazy busy again. Between working a new job and now having less than a year until I get married. Things have been nuts!

On a side note, I had fun in New York. But I tell you what. I am over rain. When I got back home it was raining here too. For days. I was dealing with Tropical Storm Ophelia while we were there. Ugh.

Also... I am brainstorming another story. A Minsung to be exact... maybe BDSM themed? Thoughts?

Welp, enjoy this chapter!



The day felt as if it had ended way too quickly, but Hyunjin could use a break. Changbin on the other hand, probably could have kept going until his dick fell off. But it would be no use to him if that happened. So he decided to let Hyunjin rest for a bit. He snuggled up against his Omega as he slept peacefully. His skin still flushed from the last round.

How lucky was he really? Hyunjin was beautiful and so kind. Even cared about the Alpha that he was promised to and didn't want any hard feelings out there. His only hope was that the Crystal wolves would accept him.  He knew that there was some animosity between the packs... reasons he wasn't quite sure of.

He also knew that his mother was part of the Crystal wolves and that she died during his birth. He felt guilty about it of course, which is just another reason he didn't want to be part of that pack. He felt a connection to his mother by being here with the Crystals. It brought him peace.

He had started to doze off, his face buried in Hyunjin's neck. What a day. Though his body was more than willing to keep going he restrained himself the best he could. When his lover woke up... he couldn't make any promises though.

A couple hours later he felt Hyunjin start to stir. He popped one of his eyes open, the omega had his back to him. He smirked as he wrapped his arm around him to pull him tight to his body. A soft whimper and a purr left the Omega as he wiggled back to get comfy. Definitely getting Changbin going again. He softly rubbed his dick against Hyunjin's ass.  It was more than ready for him, producing more slick as he moved against him.

"Alpha?"  His voice was so soft, but hearing him say that made his body ache. He just wanted to destroy the man again. Repeatedly. He sighed softly and smiled. "One more go for the night?"  He smirked against the skin on Hyunjin's neck. "Mmmm." Was all he got out of him...and all he really needed.

He quickly positioned himself and slipped inside of Hyunjin once again. Snuggly finding his place. He groaned as Hyunjin pushed his ass back against him. Though he was so tired, he still reacted well to the Alpha. Changbin went to work, quickly getting another orgasm out of his Omega. He smiled, nipping at his shoulder.

He quickly found his release as well burying himself as deep as he could into him, his knot almost instantly swelling. They were going to be due for a shower after this one.

Moments passed and his knot lessened enough for him to pull out with out hurting either one of them. He got up, scooping Hyunjin up with him.  The Omega clung him, wrapping his legs around his waist and not wanting to let go.  Changbin was going to have to help him clean his room....

He carried him to the bathroom and got the tub started before setting him on the toilet. "You are a champ baby." He smirked as he found the towels and laid them out on the counter.

Once the tub was full he placed Hyunjin in the bath and the slid in behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "You doing okay?"  The Omega hadn't said much in a while. Probably exhausted and just wanted to sleep, but Hyunjin nodded and leaned back against him. A soft purr left his throat as he got cozy.

Changbin had started to wash him, making sure that he was completely clean. He caressed his skin gently and planted soft kisses along his neck and over his fresh mating bite. Man was he proud of that. There wasn't a more deserving Omega in his eyes.

After they both finished cleaning up, Changbin toweled off Hyunjin's body and hair. He pulled him back into his bedroom and dressed him in some of his most comfortable looking clothes. He kissed his cheek, "You hungry love?"  He was surprised when Hyunjin nodded and then pulled the Alpha to the kitchen.


Hyunjin was just as surprised as Changbin was that he was hungry. But he had to fuel himself at some point if he wanted to keep up. He knew they would be in for another day of mating, though Hyunjin heat was sated for the moment.

Hyunjin began pulling out pots and pans and cookware to start making something. Changbin had quickly taken over and raided his cupboards. Seaweed soup, it looked like at least... he was okay with that.

Hyunjin sat back and watched his Alpha... life was going to be a lot different... but he loved this man. He was ready to spend the rest of his life with him. A smile stayed on his face, man was he a lucky Omega.

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