~~Chapter 3~~

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"W-wait!" Changbin leapt forward trying to snag any part of Hyunjin he could. He completely missed as he watched the beautiful white wolf appear and then in a flash he was gone. Meet him here tomorrow night? He... could do that. He had to. He needed to. There was no way he was going to let his mate slip through his fingers like that.

He sighed heavily into the night air. Looking up at the moon that Hyunjin seemed so entranced with. It was awfully beautiful, but nothing compared to the Omega, his Omega, that he met tonight. Tomorrow definitely wouldn't not arrive soon enough.


Hyunjin panted heavily as he approached the voice that had been calling for him.  It was non-other than his best friend, Felix. He purred slightly with happiness as he saw him. He shifted quickly back into his human form, and Felix, the ever prepared, handed him an over sized hoody and a pair of sweats.

Hyunjin felt his cheeks heat as he quickly slipped them on and stole a glance at Felix. The younger's face was stern with a hint of amusement. "Jinnie...you are lucky I went looking for you and not your parents." Felix crossed his arms over his chest. He was a very small man. His figure slender, similar to Hyunjin's. Though he had the sweetest face, with freckles that dusted his cheeks and blonde hair that liked to hang in is face at times. Hyunjin loved him and was ever thankful he had him as a best friend.

"I'm sorry Felix. I just wanted to watch then moon tonight. You know it's going to be full soon!" Hyunjin was so excited and full moons were always the most beautiful. Though this next full moon meant something different for him. He was going to have his first heat. He was a bit of a late bloomer in that department, but he could feel it coming. Subtle, but with the shifting of the moon phase, he felt his body doing the same. His wolf have only fully emerged with the last few months.

It was a whole new sense of freedom. Freedom from his life and expectations. His first shift was beautiful, albeit painful. He was so excited to shift when he got the opportunities. Which were few and far between.

"Who were you talking to Jinnie? I swear I heard another voice out there..." Felix had some of the best hearing in their pack. Not a lot got past him. Hyunjin shrugged, shyly.

"I mean, it wasn't anyone I really knew. Just a random rogue wolf." Another shrug lifted his shoulders. Felix's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hyunjin! A rogue! They are dangerous and you know that! What am I going to do with you?!?" A sigh escaped him as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "You are really trying to push things aren't you? You literally have..." Felix looked at an invisible watch on his wrist. "Like 2 weeks until you get married to Myung-hyung. 2 weeks!!!" He flung his hands into the air. "Aaaand! Your heat could happen at anytime. I know it will be here by the full moon, but you can't put yourself into situations like these!"  He huffed crossing his arms over his chest.

Felix was an omega as well. One of the lucky ones that hit every milestone right on time. He had also found his mate quickly as well. Though, a lot of the reason Hyunjin wandered more these days was because Felix was always with his mate. It wasn't that Hyunjin didn't like Chan-hyung, he just would get lonely without Felix sometimes. Han Jisung would help fill the void when he could as well, but lately... everyone was hitting their peaks... finding their mates... starting their lives. Jisung had Minho... so Hyunjin mostly felt like a 3rd wheel.

What of Seungmin and Jeongin you ask? They also were off in their own little world most of the time.  They were all part of the same friend group. Except Chan and Minho came from another pack. The Ember Wolf Pack to be exact.  That pack was known for having some pretty strong Alphas. Hyunjin's was known for producing unique Omegas. Myung-hyung... he was also from the Ember Pack.

There had always been a strong alliance between the Crystal and Ember. A lot of wolves found their mates, whether destined or forced, in each others packs. Felix and Jisung at least weren't forced. Chan and Minho were their perfect matches. Which was how Hyunjin understood what scenting was, and he was beginning to understand why he felt so drawn to Changbin.

Felix was continuing to go off about his arranged marriage, first heat, and Hyunjin's careless behavior as they approached his house. It was beautiful. Rustic and cozy. Log cabin style of you will. He had his own place, and it would soon be his and Myung's once everything was said and done. "Felix...Felix...Felix!" Hyunjin reached for Felix's arm to stop him. Felix glared back at him.

"What?!?" He huffed loudly. Hyunjin shook his head. He smiled shyly, pulling Felix into his home before shutting the door.

"We might have a problem Felix..." Hyunjin bit his lip softly. "I think I found my destined mate..."

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