~~Chapter 10~~

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Yeah so, my want to update sooner has not been going well. My new job has been taking a lot out of me lately. I go in at 3:45 a.m. it's not fun.

Also, 19 days until I go to New York. So that's exciting. I have made some SKZ freebies to give out while I am there. Still have a lot more I want to make.

Anyways... hope you enjoy this chapter. 🥰🥰


A small smirk ran across Changbin's lips. He playfully shrugged at Hyunjin. He watched the Omega as he crawled closer to him, his hands running up the Alpha's legs stopping at his thighs.

"I mean, if you want to?" Changbin grinned a bit reaching for Hyunjin and pulling him closer and locking their lips together. Hyunjin didn't hesitate and ran his hand through Changbin's hair, gripping it tightly. The Alpha felt the kiss deepen and parted his lips, Hyunjin taking the opportunity to slip his tongue past them. Their mouths danced together in perfect harmony.

Suddenly there was a snap off a twig and it instantly made made them both freeze. Changbin wrapped his arms tightly around Hyunjin and glanced around. Once his eyes focused he spotted a person in the shadows. He quickly shifted out from under his Omega. He stood and pulled Hyunjin up with him. He placed himself in front of him, shielding him.

He sniffed the air, instantly recognizing the smell. It was someone from his pack. Well his old pack... in particular... his father.



Son? Hyunjin tensed behind the Alpha. He gripped his hand firmly, and felt Changbin return the squeeze. He relaxed, but only slightly. His eyes never leaving the figure that was stepping into the moonlight. The man was definitely an Alpha and definitely was Changbin's Father. The resemblance was uncanny.

"Hello Father...".

Hyunjin sided-eyed Changbin, but didn't loose his focus. He wasn't a great fighter, but he definitely could defend himself. Especially if his wolf came to the surface. Speaking of, Hyunjin could feel him pressing in and he confirmed it when both Changbin and his father reacted.

Hyunjin's eyes had shifted to the ice blue that showed his wolf was close, and he knew that he was releasing a lot of pheromones because Changbin's body shuddered involuntarily.

"Son... what are you even doing? You seriously think we wouldn't know or find you?" His father tone was dark and condescending. He stepped forward a little farther. Changbin tensed again, then spoke.

"I don't want to be part of the pack anymore. We are hated, why would I want that?" The young Alpha had scoffed as he gripped at Hyunjin's hand a little tighter.

"Well, that sucks to be you Bin. You're going to come back. Also," his fathers eyes shifted to Hyunjin's, a smirk playing across his lips. "Who is this? He's quite... pretty." Hyunjin tensed again, but refusing to look away and back down. He may be an alpha, but he wasn't from his pack and wasn't his Alpha.

"I am Hwang Hyunjin of the Crystal Wolves." He had obviously took both Changbin and his Father by surprise, not only with the firmness in his voice, almost Alpha worthy, but that he even spoke in the first place.

"Crystal Wolves huh?" His dad chuckled softly. He shook his head and moved his eyes back to Changbin. "You do know they are the most powerful and beautiful of all the packs? And also the ones that hate us the most. I'm surprised this one has even spared you a glance." His father motioned in the air like he was swatting something away. "Anyway... you're coming home. Say your goodbyes." Hyunjin's chest tightened. He didn't want to leave Changbin with this man. He wanted to bring him back to his pack... figure this out... something. He couldn't stand the thought of never seeing him again.

"Father... I... can't."

The tone of Changbin's voice was almost desperate. Pleading even. It made Hyunjin's heart ache. He just wanted to take him back home. Keep him from whatever hell his father was about to put him through. He glanced over at Changbin again. Curious on what his next move was going to be.

"Father... Hyunjin. He's my true mate." A smirk played across the Omega's lips. He squeezed the Alpha's hand tightly, almost trying to telepathically tell him they should book it to the Crystal Territory.

Hyunjin knew it wouldn't go over well at first with his family. But they had to understand right? They just had to. And from the sounds of it...Changbin was extremely renowned for his abilities as well. Maybe.... This could bring a truce or peace amongst the other packs and the Midnight Wolves? He could only hope.

With out thinking on it for another moment, Hyunjin leaned into Changbin's ear. "Let's go. I will take you back to my pack..." Changbin tensed a bit...but Hyunjin felt him squeeze his hand, like he as agreeing.

"True mate, huh?" The older Alpha chuckled. "Well, that's a pleasant surprise... we can bring him too then..." Hyunjin's eye twitched a bit. There was no way his parents wouldn't start a whole ass war if he came up missing and found out the Midnight wolves took him. Also, they would never let him stay with Changbin if that was the case as well. They'd likely kill him. The safest bet was to get Changbin into his territory and go from there.

It was almost as if the soulmates were on the same wave length. In an instant they both shifted in a flurry of tattered clothes.

A dark midnight ball black wolf with green eyes stood in front of Hyunjin, his own pure white wolf with ice blue eyes now stood in his place. They glanced at each other. Hyunjin bolting towards his pack, hoping Changbin was following.

They both could hear the chuckle of his father as they pushed as fast as they could out of the first and to the territory line. It wasn't far and once Hyunjin crossed it. He turned around to see his Alpha right in his heels. So much so he had slammed into Hyunjin and sent them both toppling over and tangling together.

Hyunjin couldn't help but let a rumbly wolf like laugh leave him. He glanced passed then into the woods. He could see a pair of red eyes looking back at him, but not approaching any farther. He looked away from them back back to Changbin, motioning with his head to follow.

The Omega quickly trotted deeper into his territory, towards his house. He would address this in the morning with his parents. For now, he wanted to rest. He couldn't help but be giddy that Changbin was going to be in his own house.

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