~~Chapter 21~~

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Let the collecting being.

Got my first haul of Rockstar yesterday. My sister and decided to take a spontaneous trip to our closest Target (1 1/2 hours away) to see what we could find. Holy crap. They had a ton. I would have bought out the whole store if I could have. 🤣🤣

But I have officially started my hunt for Rockstar PCs. I have another haul of albums coming in from preorder. So time to wait for that.

When it comes to 5-Star I am really close on having all the versions complete. Ver A and C are done for me. I need B, Target Exclusive, B&N exclusive and then I think I will consider my 5-Star album collection complete because I am never gonna get all of them. 🤣🤣

Probably do the same with Rockstar. Just complete what I can with the Albums and just get other PCs when I can. I would really like to finish Maxident and Oddinary as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Any who. Enjoy chapter 21!



A week or so had passed already. The marriage ceremony was quickly approaching and they hadn't spoken a single word about it since that night. Changbin was extremely nervous, but he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this Omega. His Omega.

The only thing that had made him more nervous was when Hyunjin insisted on taking a pregnancy test just to be sure. He was a bit bloated still from his heat, but his mother had told him it was normal.  The test came up negative. Thankfully. He wasn't so sure he was ready for that in his life yet... he wanted to love and get to know his mate more before they had that much of a life changing event.

They had found themselves at Hyunjin's parents house again. Going over the marriage ceremony details. Hyunjin didn't want to make too big of a deal about it to the pack. He wanted it simple to the point. Changbin didn't have much input. He was still trying to wrap his head around them getting married so quickly.

He looked off, day dreaming about the things he'd like to do to Hyunjin when they get home.  He wasn't rutting obviously, but he definitely wanted some more intimacy. They hadn't done much since Hyunjin's heat. He assumed it was because he was too rough on him, or he was still a bit shook about not getting pregnant. Thankfully they had condoms in the house now. And had since retrieved Changbin's bag from the little den he made. He was thankful for Hyunjin and his friends. 

They had escorted him to the spot. Protecting him, not that he needed it, but he was happy to have the company.  He really didn't want to end up running into his father again, or deal with him in general. He knew what that man was capable of. His new friends didn't need to experience him.

"Binnie???" Hyunjin's voice pierced through his daydream and his eyes locked with the Omega's. "Were you listening at all?"  Changbin had sheepishly smiled. He wasn't listening to a damn thing that was being said.  He shook his head a little.

Hyunjin huffed at him, pouting. His lips looked so kissable in that moment. A moment, that Changbin just couldn't resist. He leaves forward quickly and captured his lover's soft lips. Hyunjin sighed under him. But he pulled away quickly after realizing they were in Hyunjin's parent's house and they both leaned back quickly. A blush appeared on both of their faces. Though Hyunjin had a shy smile.

"I'm sorry. I was off in another world it seems."  Changbin chuckled a bit and looked at his mate's parents. They were just smiling at them. "Hyunjin... it can be whatever you want it to be. As long as at the end of the night I have you." 

Hyunjin's blush got even darker. Changbin reached his hand under the table and gave Hyunjin's thigh a reassuring squeeze.  Hyunjin had placed his hand over Changbin's and squeezed back. He had then turned to his parents. "We will just make everything super basic. No big hoopla, or craziness.  Just the ceremony and then maybe dinner or something after as a group." Changbin nodded a bit but found himself getting lost in Hyunjin all over again. He couldn't wait for that rest of forever if it meant being with him.  Even with as nervous as he was.

They had left shortly after. The ceremony would be in about a week. So they would worry more as it approached. Hyunjin had quickly lead Changbin back to their house. He pulled him inside quickly.  He then rounded on him. "You can't expect to kiss me like that in front of my parents." He had rolled his eyes a bit and smirked. "And get away with it."

Hyunjin made Changbin gasp a bit as he kissed him this time, pressing him against the nearest wall. The Omega slipped his tongue against Changbin's bottom lip and Changbin parted his lips willingly. Hyunjin took his time exploring, before finally coming up for air. He sighed softly and rested his forehead against the Alpha's.

"It's been a while huh?" 

Changbin nodded slightly, causing Hyunjin to smirk. The Omega had quickly moved to his neck, lightly kissing... then sucking... then biting. And biting pretty hard. No where near as hard as Changbin but... but he was okay with it. It actually caused a soft groan. That seemed to boost Hyunjin's confidence because he nearly fell onto his knees in excitement. The Alpha felt Hyunjin's hands slowly slide up his thighs, the sensation making him shudder a bit.

Changbin glanced down at him, his own eyes reflecting specs of green.  Hyunjin wasn't looking at him. Too focused on his next movements, which got the Alpha even more excited. 

His Omega had started to undo his belt, painstakingly slow.  He continued to watch him, Hyunjin not once looked up at him. Changbin couldn't help but smirk. Finally his belt was undone and it was like all of a sudden the Omega knew what he was doing. His pants were suddenly being pushed down his hips to his knees. It was then that Hyunjin glanced up at him. Their eyes locking.

The icy blue was showing through...if Changbin wasn't already aroused, he definitely was now.  He shuddered again when Hyunjin hooked his fingers into the waistband of his underwear and gently pulled them down...allowing Changbin's cock to spring free, full mast and ready to go.

Hyunjin whimpered and had locked eyes with a Changbin again. A soft gasp escaped the Alpha as Hyunjin's hand wrapped around his base. Then with out breaking eye contact, Hyunjin slowly leaned in and took his head into his mouth, ever so gently.

Changbin broke the eye contact at that point as he leaned his head back against the wall and groaned deeply. His mouth was perfect. So wet... so warm.  He let out another groan as Hyunjin sucked, then swirled his tongue around the head firmly.  The Omega, for not being super experienced, had some natural talent here.

Hyunjin had started to bob his head a bit at this point and he stroked what wouldn't fit into his mouth. Changbin was letting out soft groans and quick gasps.  This had appeared to encourage Hyunjin as he would give more attention to the places that would elicit stronger reactions.

It got to the point where Changbin was so close to releasing he ran his hand into Hyunjin's hair and grasped it firmly. Stopping him. He looked down at him, Hyunjin's eyes were pure blue, his own likely the bright green that they would tend to be during moments like this.

He pulled Hyunjin back a bit, causing a soft pop sound as his dick left his mouth. He wasn't going to lie, that almost set him over... with Hyunjin's look of submission and his swollen lips. Ugh. He was having a hard time controlling himself.

With a deep raspy voice he spoke, "Let's go to the bedroom..." Hyunjin nodded in response and rose to his feet. Changbin pulled his pants up far enough so he wouldn't trip on them and quickly pulled Hyunjin into the bedroom.  He heard Hyunjin giggle a bit... Changbin smirked. Yeah, yeah... he was excited okay?

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