~~Chapter 7~~

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The moment he heard Changbin speak his name, Hyunjin felt a shudder go down his spine. He smiled shyly and clasped his hands behind his back. He watched as Changbin stood and faced him. Yes, he may have been a bit shorter than himself, he didn't care.  He suddenly got a strong whiff of Changbin's scent. His knees felt like they were going to buckle under him.

"W-what are you doing?" Hyunjin's voice cracked and and whimper escaped him. He pinched his thighs together quickly and his eyebrows furrowed.  He made eye contact with his mate, those bright green eyes piercing into him. His own a glowing ice blue. "W-what's happening?" He was so confused and silent cursed his parents for keeping him so sheltered.

He watched as Changbin tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean what is happening?" Hyunjin bit his lip and tore his eyes away, a blush rising on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry. My parents... they kept me pretty sheltered. I don't really understand what is happening... or why I am... nevermind..." he whispered the last bit. Changbin couldn't hide his smirk and approached his Omega slowly.  Hyunjin looked up at him, gasping softly after realizing how close he was now.

His body felt like shock waves were running through it, vibrating at every corner. Was his heat manifesting? What was going on?  Why was he having such a visceral reaction, is this what happens when you find your mate?

All the thoughts went rapid fire through his brain. He bit his lip again as he decided to make eye contact again. A gasp left him as Changbin had reached out and took a fist full of Hyunjin's shirt.


He couldn't hold back any longer. This Omega was going to be his if he had anything to do about it. He brought his other hand up to grab another fist full of his Omega's shirt and pulled him close quickly. His lips crashing into his, firm and possessive.

He felt Hyunjin tense against him as he started to devour him. His lips moving quickly and matter of factly. Hyunjin had relaxed quickly against him, the Omega's hands sliding to Changbin's biceps and grasping them firmly. Changbin pulled back, breathing heavily. His eyes shining green as he looked into Hyunjin's now completely ice blue eyes. He could feel Hyunjin panting against his face.

Smirking, he let go of his Omega's shirt and slid his hands around his waist, to his back.  He pulled him closer so their bodies pressed together. It was like a puzzle fitting perfectly together. Hyunjin reflexively let out a soft purr as the connection of their bodies was made.

The next thing Changbin knew, Hyunjin has buried his face into his neck and was nuzzling him. He shuddered heavily as Hyunjin was coming extremely close to his scent gland. He pulled him as close as he could to himself. He released some of his pheromones, causing Hyunjin to physically shudder. Another smirk slipping into Changbin's face.

Then before Changbin could even think the smell of cherries and almonds rushed into his nose. He groaned and buried his face into Hyunjin's neck. He found his scent gland quickly, he nipped at it playfully.  He really needed to be careful. There was going to be a point of no return. Yes, he wanted to mate this Omega. So badly that it hurt, but he needed to take it easy with him.

He realized that Hyunjin had froze after he had teased his scent gland. With a raise eyebrow he leaned back to look at Hyunjin. The Omega let out a soft sigh and pulled back a little farther, Changbin already disliking the space between them.  Then as quickly as that all happened Hyunjin claimed Changbin's lips again, pushing the Alpha back a bit causing him to stumble and land on his butt on the ground. A soft laugh escaped him.

Hyunjin had landed on him, straddling his hips. A blush darkened his face as he rested his forehead agains the Alpha's. "Sorry..." he muttered softly.  Changbin reached his hand up an ran it through Hyunjin's now blonde hair, pushing it out of his eyes.

"It's okay... you dyed your hair?"  Changbin tilted his head. "I like it, Angel." He smiled and searched Hyunjin's eyes. The Omega looked so confused and uncertain, making Changbin worry. "What are you thinking Hyunjin?" 


As Hyunjin was straddling Changbin, his body started to react in ways to this man like he never knew was possible. He felt damp, and his pants were too tight. When Changbin had nipped at his scent gland he thought his body was going to explode. He had no fucking clue what he was doing, which was why they were now on the ground. Though it didn't really seem like Changbin minded.

He felt something pressing firmly against him, from under himself? He flushed when he realized it was Changbin...he whimpered slightly and responded to his Alpha, "I don't...know what is happening.  I don't know what to do..." his voice soft and shy.  He felt the rumble of Changbin's chuckle. 

"It's okay Hyunjin... we will figure this out together. I can tell you one thing though, you are mine." Changbin's eyes reflect in the moonlight that had shown over them. Hyunjin needed to figure this all out, and fast.

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