~~Chapter 18~~

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So I found that I may be able to update a little more regularly now. I have been writing a lot more. I think I just finished writing Chapter 21 or 22.

I am hitting the main climax of the story in those chapters. So my guess is the story will end around 40 chapters or so.

I also started writing my Minsung. I have a prologue and chapter 1 written... but it's on my computer... because I type faster there. And this whole story has been written on my phone. Ugh. It takes so long to type. 🤣🤣

But, enjoy this next installment. I was thinking I'd do a double update this weekend. ☺️☺️



Hyunjin had started to place the serving dishes on the table. The room smelled wonderful and he was beyond excited to share a meal with his chosen family. He hustled trying to get everything set as soon as possible.

Felix and Han had laid out all of the dinnerware. Thankfully Hyunjin had a big enough dining room, but barely. The Omega watched as his lover and his friends came into the room. They all settled at the table with relative ease.

"Well. Dig in everyone!" Hyunjin smiled brightly as everyone started to grab the things they wanted. There was a slew of different Korean dishes to choose from, and man did everything taste delicious. The others seemed to think so too from the mmmms, happy sighs, and wiggles they all had.

"Jinnie! This is so amazing!" Felix purred happily. Hyunjin gave a grateful smile and nod as he continued to eat. Before he knew it, they were all satisfied and the food was about gone. Changbin had snuggled up to his side, ready to go to sleep from a food coma.

Hyunjin giggled a bit and patted his head, but snuggled back up to him the same. He was oblivious to the others watching them with bright smiles. Hyunjin was happy and they could see it. Appreciate it even. The Omega had been so down lately and to see him this happy was everything they could have hoped for.

After they were done eating the Alphas took control and did the dishes and cleaned up while the Omegas gathered in the living room to have Omega talk. Of course, Han had to jump right to it.

"So how was your first time mating?" He wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Hyunjin playfully. Felix smirked and blushed a bit at how forward Han was. Jeongin had decided to join them as well, he had a few Omega tendencies, so the others were not surprised.

"I mean... it was fun? I still don't really know what I am doing. Changbin did most of the work. I tell you though... being in heat has its positives and negatives. I was so miserable until Changbin came to take care of me, and boy did he ever..." Hyunjin blushed, but he knew if he didn't speak candidly with them, they would keep pestering him about it.

"Ooo...is Changbin kinky?" The question shocked them because it came from none other than Jeongin. They all snapped their attention to him quickly and his face turned a bright shade of red. "Did I actually say that? I was thinking it and I must of have let it out of my mouth too...I'm sorry." He bowed his head and whimpered slightly.

Hyunjin laughed a bit. "Well... I don't really know yet. We just had sex... a lot for a couple of days. Like.... Falling asleep with his dick inside me still even a few times. Towards the end of my heat I wasn't sure if my body could handle much more. Though I am excited to see what it is like to mate him when I'm not losing my shit while in heat."

The four of them laughed a bit. Felix sighed happily. He reached out and held Hyunjin's hand in one of his. "Just be careful, I know you want pups someday, but make sure you are ready for them. They are a lot of work."

Hyunjin froze a bit. He didn't even think about that.... Pups... shit... he didn't think they used any kind of protection the whole couple days. He bit his lip nervously. "Right..." Felix's eyes went wide at his reaction.

"Oh Jinnie... you didn't use protection did you?" Han placed a hand on his shoulder. Hyunjin whimpered a bit and shook his head. Hyunjin knew Alphas had some super intense hearing. His whimper didn't go unnoticed as Changbin appeared.

"Babe? You okay?" Changbin popped his head into the door frame. Hyunjin look over shoulder at him, offering him a warm smile. He nodded and looked back to his friends. Changbin didn't trust that answer. It was too hesitant. Changbin quickly came into the room quickly and wrapped his arms around his shoulders from behind.

Hyunjin sighed heavily and placed his hands over Changbin's arms. He leaned back into him a bit, even though he was hugging him over the couch. He bit his lip then turned his head. He kissed Changbin's cheek softly. "We will talk later." Changbin nodded and kissed his Omega's cheek in return and went back to helping the other Alphas clean up.

Hyunjin had wondered if things were going well with the others. He had really hoped that Changbin would fit right in with everyone. He was looking forward to all of them hanging out more. He glanced back at his friends who were watching him intensely. Felix looked the most concerned out of all of them. So, Hyunjin patted his knee gently. "If it happens, it happens Felix...it's both mine and his fault for not being more careful. Honestly. That wasn't even a thought that crossed my mind... I blame my parents for not educating me more..." He chuckled a bit and shrugged.

"Well... Felix, Jeongin and I will be here for you regardless. I know that Minho isn't wanting pups anytime soon..." Han always tried to be helpful and reassuring with Hyunjin. Regardless of what the Omega was going through. Hyunjin always appreciated that, hence why Han was one of his best friends.

Him and Binnie were going to have to have a serious talk after everyone left. Just so they were on the same page. He knew that if Changbin wasn't ready he could go to his Mom and figure out some kind of emergency contraceptive.

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