~~Chapter 31~~

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I only have a few more posts to this and it will be complete. I will probably take a bit of a break before I post my next one like I mentioned before. Not sure how long. I have a lot of it written already. Probably about half way through or more. But it's on my PC as I found I don't like typing on my phone very much. 🤣🤣

Sorry it's kind of short. The next one is longer. =]

Anyways, enjoy!



To be reunited finally was all Hyunjin could have asked for. He loved his Alpha.  He was terrified of what could have happened to him. He clung to his lover desperately as sobs overtook him. Out of happiness and relief.

"I was...s-so scared Binnie. I thought I was going to lose you..."

He whimpered a bit as he pulled away, his cheeks stained with tears. Changbin had then kissed him. Softly pressing his lips a little more firmly to the Alpha's and took control of the situation. He gasped for breath softly as they pulled away from each other.

"He's gone Jinnie. Forever. He can't hurt you.  Us. Our pup." Changbin had reached his hand between them and gently placed it on Hyunjin's lower belly. This has caused Hyunjin to blush a bit. He had placed his own hand over Changbin's and squeezed gently.

"I'm sorry it came to this, love. I never wanted this for you."  Hyunjin bit his lip gently, snuggling close to Changbin. He nuzzled his neck gently.  "I love you Bin."

"I love you too babe.  Let's go out to your family and friends." Changbin stood up and lifted Hyunjin with him, causing the Omega purr. The Alpha crooned in response. They finally made their way to the living room.

All of Hyunjin's friends were there. All of their heads popped up at the appearance of them. Hyunjin smiled widely as he grasped Changbin's hand tightly. Everyone started to congratulate them on their marriage and talk about what had happened while Hyunjin was held captive.

After a few moments of talking and discussing, Hyunjin stood at the head of the room. Changbin hung back a bit with the group.

"There is something I do need to share. Due to the mating ritual after the ceremony... and well... me being held hostage for a week or more was it? There is a development."

Felix gasped. He already knew. Soon Jisung's eyes grew wide. His parents held onto each other with smirks on their faces.

"I'm pregnant.  This time I am pretty sure I am ready for it. Ready for my forever with my love."  Hyunjin glanced at Changbin. The Alpha had a proud smile on his face.

They went through the rounds of congratulations and love from all of Hyunjin's family and friends. Even his parents seemed excited about this development. Which alone made Hyunjin excited. Now, it was just getting through everything and bringing this pup into the world.  This next chapter of their lives was about to unfold and man was he excited.

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