~~Chapter 28~~

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6 chapters left plus an epilogue.


Sorry I updated so late today. I just wasn't feeling today. But I'm doing a bit better now. Looking forward to Christmas and all that too.

Also, Binnie. At. AAA. ☠️



The walk back to his father's office was long.  In reality it wasn't as long as one would think. His heightened emotions just made everything seem like it was taking longer to get through. He wished he could just take his mate and leave. In a perfect world he would have.

He sighed as he approached the door and knocked lightly. He heard his father's voice from the inside quickly speaking with someone. Though he wasn't sure who, he hadn't answered the door right away so it must have been someone important. Then he heard something that changed everything.

"I confirmed it. Yes, Changbin's husband is pregnant..." Instantly, Changbin's eyes shown bright green. His attention turned back to where his mate was. He growled, his alpha presence quickly lacing through the growl. He heard his father pause in the other side of the door. Changbin didn't care. He needed to get Hyunjin out of here and safely back to their pack.

He bolted down the hall.  He saw the guards standing outside of his bedroom. He glared at them and growled again. They cringed and shrunk back a bit, but still stood their ground. As Changbin approached them he could smell the fear they were emitting.

Before either one could think Changbin knocked them both out. He opened the door again and stepped over their unconscious bodies. He saw Hyunjin's head snap up, tears still stained his cheeks. He stood quickly and ran to Changbin.

"Binnie..." wrapped his arms around the Alpha's neck and snuggled close to him. His voice was soft but sad. "Are we leaving?" Hyunjin had pulled back and looked at him. His eyes were their submissive ice blue. God he loved the when his Omega looked at him like that.

"Yes... Mama..." he said with a smirk. Hyunjin gasped and bit his lip shyly.  He buried his face in Changbin's neck and giggled. A sweet sound that the Alpha was surprised came out of him given the circumstances at the moment.

"I didn't have time to tell you when you were in here... I guess our ceremonial mating produced something..." He giggled again.  Changbin had a permanent smile on his face. He hugged Hyunjin again tightly and then pulled him out of the room. He started down the hall. Ready to take anyone that stood in his way.

They made it out of the pack house and we're heading to the edge of town, as quietly as possible. They were almost there... when a figure came out of the darkness right in front of them.

"Where do you think you are going?"



I am stuck in a slew of short chapters... but it is what it is. 🤣🤣

My next story has some pretty long ones. So I guess I make up for it there.

Anyways.... Thanks for the support. ☺️☺️

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