~~Chapter 20~~

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So I was feeling generous already this week and decided to do another update.

I have through chapter 25 written. I'm gonna brain storm a bit on how I want this story to go and then things will probably be moving a little quicker and might update more often. Not quite sure yet. But I am enjoying this so far. =]

Without further ado!!!



His mom picked up relatively quickly for how late it was. Her voice had a slight edge of concern in it. He normally didn't call this late, so that was probably why... "Hi mom...so uhm... kind of awkward question... is there a way to get ahold of.... After mating contraceptives?"  There was a pause... and then the reaction he expected.

"Hyunjin!?!? You didn't use protection? Of course you didn't... you were still a virgin... but Changbin... he should have known...." Hyunjin blushed heavily as the way his mother was talking. Changbin also had a pink hue to his cheeks as well.

"I know... I know.... He was... rutting... neither one of us were in our right minds..." Hyunjin offered the excuse up to his panicked sounding mother. He figured she would have been disappointed he was even asking, but it seemed she was more disappointed in his lack of common sense.

"Oh good lord. I don't need to know anymore.  How long has it been since you first mated?"  Hyunjin pondered a moment, getting up to look at the calendar real quick. He bit his lip as he studied it for a moment.

"Erm... I think like 2 or 3 days?"  His mother huffed quietly and then told him to come over this instant. She had what he was going to need thankfully. Though she continued to lecture him. Even if she was excited to be a grandma, his father and her were still nervous about Changbin and his intentions.  Hyunjin rolled his eyes at that as he grabbed his jacket.  He quickly hung up with his mother and looked at Changbin.

"You wanna come with?"

The Alpha stood quickly and slipped on one of the hoodies Hyunjin gave him. He, so obviously, took a deep sniff of the hoodie. It made Hyunjin snicker a bit as he reached for his hand, grasping it firmly. "Don't worry... just let me know when the smell fades and I will scent it again."  He winked at him and Changbin smirked a bit shyly. 

They quickly made their way to Hyunjin's parents. Knocking on the door softly, Hyunjin had cuddled up to the Alpha, it was chilly out. He couldn't resist the heat that was pouring out of him. He nuzzled his neck, scenting him a bit.

His mother opened the door a couple of minutes later and surprised the Omega as she pulled both of them inside quickly. She handed Hyunjin a pill and a glass of water. "Take it. Now. You are almost too late to for it to work. So hurry up."  Hyunjin nodded quickly and downed the pill as fast as he could. He looked at his mom with a grateful smile. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked him over. "You don't look any worse for wear it seems.  You take good care of him Changbin."

Hyunjin glanced at his lover as his mom had addressed him. "I plan on it ma'am." The Alpha's words made Hyunjin's heart swell. He smiled brightly and pecked his cheek quickly. Hyunjin then turned to his mom again.

"Thanks mom! I will be... we will be, more careful next time..." he smirked and nudged Changbin a bit, who nodded and blushed a bit more. They started to head back out when Hyunjin's mom mentioned another thing.

"Also, boys... the marriage ceremony for you two will be in a couple of weeks... be ready." His mom smirked and then ushered them out the door. Both of their eyes had gone wide as they looked at each other.

Hyunjin didn't think marriage was still on the table after his parents had learned of his true mate... but boy was he excited and surprised.

Changbin on the other hand was extremely nervous. It was radiating off of him and Hyunjin could definitely sense it. He snuggled close to him as they walked back to the house. "It's okay Binnie.  We don't have to always do what my parents say..." Changbin had nodded silently. Hyunjin wasn't so confident in his reaction at this time.

This needed to be a conversation for another time. Hyunjin didn't want to stress him out anymore than he already seemed to be. He smiled softly and kissed his cheek again. "We will talk about it later baby... don't dwell on it too much." Changbin nodded in response and offered a soft smile to the Omega.

Hyunjin quickly pulled Changbin to the house and inside. He sighed happily as the warmth hit him. He couldn't believe how cold it had already gotten. He pulled Changbin to the couch to snuggle. He turned on a movie and nuzzled into Changbin's neck.

"Another movie?" Changbin had looked down at the Omega and kissed the top of his head. Hyunjin purred softly and nodded quickly. He draped one of his legs over Changbin's lap and got comfortable.

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