~~Chapter 27~~

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Also. When it comes to pulling photocards... during 5 Star I constantly pulled Binnie... constantly. I have so many duplicates of him. 🤣🤣

Anyway as promised here's the double update!



In the pack house, Changbin waited for his father to arrive. He was told he was with Hyunjin... where in the compound he had no idea. But he did have a sense of relief knowing that his mate was okay.

Changbin paced, and paced until the door the the pack house opened and he froze. He turned towards it and the moment he saw his father he approached him quickly. "Where. The fuck. Is. My mate?" His voice suddenly had the power of an Alpha behind it. His father didn't back down to him, but the men surrounding his father did.

He stood toe to toe with his father. The green flecks glowing through his eyes. To say he was furious was an understatement.  Changbin's presence was intense. Almost too much for the others in the room to handle.

"Now, now Changbin. Your husband is fine. He actually just woke up a few minutes ago.  I didn't anticipate that he would have stayed unconscious that long... but either way he's awake and aware. He also has something to tell you... so I should have someone take you to him.  I mean, he is in your old room..."

The moment Changbin heard his mates location he booked it out of the pack house and beelined it towards the familiar area. He navigated with ease, and quickly approached the all too familiar door.  He then quickly turned the handle and pushed the door open.


The voice was quiet, but the one that he knew so well. Changbin rushed to his mate. Wrapping his arms around him, holding him tight as Hyunjin let out broken sobs.  He felt Hyunjin's fists bunch into the back of his shirt and the Alpha could sense his despair and could also start to smell it as it seeped from him.

"It's okay Jinnie. I have you. I love you. You are okay."  He had pulled back and was smothering the Omega's face in small kisses, trying to calm him. It worked. Hyunjin started to breathe normal again. His breath hitching here or there.

"Bin... I was so scared. I didn't know what was going to happen. I'm so happy you came for me. What are we going to do? Can we go home?" Hyunjin had started to speak a hundred miles a minute. He couldn't help but smile at the questions going rapid fire.

"Jinnie... I'm not sure. I know your parents are ready to take matters into their own hands for the sake of you alone. I told them to that I was going to bring you back. And I fully intend to. There is a good reason for me to leave this pack. And I learned it from your parents. My father killed my mother... I truly don't belong here. I belong with you and our pack."

As long winded as he was, he wanted to let Hyunjin know what was going on and what new information arose after he had been kidnapped. He hugged Hyunjin close again.

"I don't know how long I have left with you at the moment. My father is likely going to come collect me anytime. I have a lot to hash out with him. But I promise, I will come back to you and we will find a way to go home." He had a matter of fact nod accent his last word.

He continued to hold, the now emotionally drained, Hyunjin. His Omega snuggled into him as close as he could. He felt him nuzzled into his next and sighed happily. To be holding him again after so long was amazing in itself.

It was short lived though, as his father summoned him again. They had much to discuss. He kissed Hyunjin on the forehead and stood, with some difficulty as Hyunjin did not want to let go.

"Baby.... I will be back. Let me go talk to my father." He sighed at Hyunjin's whimper, it making him not want to leave his side ever again. He kissed his lips this time, quickly before he left the room to have a discussion with his father.


This one is bit longer. 🤣🤣

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