~~Chapter 12~~

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The photo I used for this... was a photo card I got as a freebie in some albums I had ordered. I love it when shops put in extras. And I was even more excited when this was an original from Oddinary... that I didn't have. I swear I am an OT8 99% of the time.... But my true bias might just be Lee Know's thighs. Just sayin'...

Anyways. Global Citizen's Festival is in 4 days!!! I fly out in 3!!! Eeeek!!! I'm getting pretty excited. Not gonna lie!

Anyways... I hope you enjoy!



The kiss was too short, but Changbin understood. He couldn't promise he would be able to control himself if Hyunjin triggered his rut.  His was pretty close to coming due... but he was pretty positive that Hyunjin was still a virgin and also had never experience a heat before.

A soft sigh left his lips as he watched Hyunjin scurry away. Once the Omega had closed the door, he turned and headed to his dedicated room. He opened the door and it was just as rustic as the rest of the house. He approached he bed, and it looked oh so inviting. He plopped down and stretched out. Yes, just as comfy as it looked.

He closed his eyes, images of Hyunjin dancing in his mind. So beautiful, so loving, so caring. He really hoped everything would go well with Jinnie's parents.  He didn't want to have to separate from his Omega if he could help it. He would be so empty. He wanted to spend every moment with him.  It was a struggle to not just burst into his room at this moment and just take him where he was.

But they had to look at the bigger picture right now. Would his family accept him? Would they let their love flourish?

Only time would tell.


Hyunjin crawled into bed slowly. Whimpering ever so slightly as every nerve in his body was so sensitive to anything that touched him.  His sheets were almost too much for him. He sighed as he finally settled. It felt like everything was coming on so fast. He whimpered again as he felt a pulse of heat move through him and pool below his belly.

He curled up on himself slightly. Trying to will himself to fall asleep. Was this his heat? Was it coming full blast, or is this still just pre-heat?  He had no idea. He pulled out his phone real quick and shot a group text off to Hannie and Lixie.

Hyunjinnie: Uhm... problem... I think my heat is here?

Hyunjinnie: Also.... Another problem... you know that Alpha?  Yeah.... He's in my house?

                  Hannie: It's about time!

                  Hannie: what do you mean he is in                        your house? Do I need to call the patrol.     Hyunjin! What are you thinking?!?!

                   Lixie: Jinnie!!! I'm so proud.. that you are in heat!! But also I second Hannie!!! How, why? It's going to ruin everything!

Hyunjinnie: I know.... I know... am I going to survive tonight? Like... I really wanted to talk to my parents before I mated him....

                     Hannie: Oi... good luck. Just hope he does get his rut. Your smell is going to be everywhere...

                      Lixie: You must not be fully into yet if you are still able to text... try and sleep. Don't let him come in your room! 😋

Hyunjinnie: I didn't plan on it.... I'm going to try and sleep. Don't tell anyone! I will talk to my parents first thing.

A sigh left his mouth again. Thankfully, he was smart enough to not bring his phone with him when he was out in the woods surrounding the territory. He also only kept it for minor communication with his friends and family. They mostly met in person anyway. There were more modern styled packs out there, but his mostly stayed off grid with what they could.

He gasped as another wave of warmth and pain rushed through him.  He curled up to himself more. He really needed to try and sleep. He was so afraid of what his inner wolf would make him do... he wasn't necessarily ready to mate Changbin yet. But he if his wolf got too excited. He might not have a choice. Literally.


The Alpha was thankful that he and Hyunjin had agreed that they shouldn't be in the same room tonight. The more time that passed the scent of Hyunjin got stronger. It wasn't full blown in the room, but Changbin could definitely tell that it was starting to spread through the house.

He smirked, how easy it could be to just go to his room and make it all better for him.  He shook his head a bit and snuggled up to the pillow on the bed. He couldn't. He didn't want to ruin him yet. He wanted to be respectful and have it on his terms. Especially with his situation.

Though, he wasn't going to lie. He felt a bit blue-balled tonight. Not anyone's fault but his father's. He growled a bit. That man was such an asshole. He sighed and nuzzled the pillow again. He just needed to wait until tomorrow Hyunjin would talk to his parents and things could would be fine. He hoped.

Slowly Changbin drifted off. Crooning softly in his sleep in response to the smell of Hyunjin slowly getting stronger.

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