~~Chapter 30~~

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I'm sorry.


I forgot to upload yesterday. 😪

But here I am with chapter 30. This book is about to be wrapped up and I will likely start posting my other one with in a couple of weeks of finishing this one.

That one is a Minsung.

Current title "To Be Determined"

So yeah. 😅

Also fucking 3rd world tour. Like rip my wallet. ☠️



It happened fast. As soon as his father had shifted, he did the same. He we glad that Hyunjin had bolted as well. He didn't need to be in the crossfire and he definitely couldn't risk his pup. His heir.

The Alphas fought hard. Changbin had taken a couple of good bites, but his father must have forgotten that he had trained him. Just when things seemed to be in favor of the older alpha, Changbin dodged just right and latched onto his neck again.

His father let out a pained whimper as Changbin, an expert assassin, bit down harder. It was all it had taken. His father let out a gurgled whine and sputtered a bit as his body involuntarily shifted back into his human form. He gasped a few times as Changbin, still in wolf form, hovered over him. Clearly exhausted, but wanting to watch the life drain out of his fathers eyes.

"I... t-truly loved... her Bin. I love...you too..." his last breath came out even more gurgled than the last as blood spurted out and the light left his eyes. Changbin breathe a sigh, not quite of relief, but close.

He stumbled a bit and then passed out from the pure exhaustion as the adrenaline quickly was leaving his body. His now naked human form lay in the middle of the woods.

He woke later, cozy in a bed and fully clothed. He let out a tired groan and tried to sit up. His body screamed in protest. He let out another deep groan as he finally sat in an upright position.

He glanced around the room. It looked familiar. He thought for a moment. It was the pack house. His old pack house at least. His eyebrows furrowed and he whipped the blanket off of himself.  He stood with a big stretch, letting out yet another groan. Damn he was sore.

He headed to the door and opened it. Stepping out into the hall. It was eerily quiet. As he approached the main hall, he started to hear a slight hum of murmurs and voices. He glanced into the room. It looked like as much of the pack that could fit was in there.

He paused a moment then stepped out and stood at the head of the room. The voices stopped the moment they saw him. He glanced around the room, taking in all the familiar faces. Before he could even speak they had all bowed their head to him. He frowned a bit, but cleared his throat.

"Midnight Wolves."

His voice was slightly raspy but the alpha tone rang through. The pack stood at attention. He smirked a bit.

"The time of division is over. I'm tired of being shunned and you should be too. We are going stand with the other packs again. We are going to be strong, loyal, and deadly."

Cheers started to ring out across the pack house. He knew most of the pack was just as tired of his father as he was. He couldn't blame them. He smirked to them all again.

"I am now Alpha Seo Changbin. Leader of the Midnight Wolves."

There was a loud harmonic howl that rang out next. It gave Changbin the chills, though it instilled in him the confidence to lead this pack.

"We will ally with the Crystal Wolves and join our territories. In my time away. I found a parter. And your Luna to this pack. His name is Hwang Hyunjin of the Crystal Wolves.  He is carrying the heir to our packs." 

Cheers erupted again. Changbin couldn't help but grin. He needed to get to his mate. He bowed to the group as they bowed back and the bolted to the Crystal wolf territory.

As he approached the guard posted there tensed up, but as soon as they saw him they relaxed. He nodded to them as they nodded back and he made his way to his and Hyunjin's house. Hoping that would be where his Omega was.

He opened the door to the house and entered quickly. He glanced around quickly, the house was full of all of a Hyunjin's friends and his parents. The attention came to him the moment he walked into the living room.

Felix gasped and ran up to him. He grabbed his arm quickly and pulled him along to the bedroom. Be glanced at everyone else as he passed by. They all had soft smiles.

As they entered the room, Changbin saw his mate in the bed. Hyunjin was curled up and fast asleep. Changbin quickly went to his side.  Kneeling down and pushed some hair out of his face and smiled. Hyunjin stirred a bit, his eyes blinking open.  His Omega gasped and then shot into his arms.

Changbin chuckled softly but wrapped his arms around Hyunjin regardless.  He sighed as he took in his scent and he nuzzled into the Omega's neck.  He couldn't have been more happy in that moment than to be in arms.

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