~~Chapter 5~~

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Changbin woke with a start. There was noise outside, but he quickly had realized it was mid morning already. He rubbed his eyes and the pressed himself a little deeper into the den. There was some light rustling near by, so he focused. Closing his eyes and honing in on the sounds.

"I know he had to have stopped somewhere around here. His scent dropped off, but I have a feeling he ran into someone or something. There's some tracks here... that smell... cherries? Where did that come from?"

His ears perked when they mentioned the smell of cherries. Yes, he knew Hyunjin's smell was stronger than he thought it should have been, but it's lingering too. He bit his lip, wanting to get a whiff of what they were smelling. He kept himself quiet until the voices were extremely distance even for him.

He peeked his head out of his den, definitely was mid morning.  The sun was bright through the trees and the sounds of nature now filled his ears. He smiled as the peace and quiet surrounded him. He needed this. So badly.

He stood straight and stretched his arms above his head.  He groaned and flex his arms and shoulders to limber back up. He wasn't hungry, stomachs cramps still plaguing him.  Thankfully they had calmed down since the night before. He would eat later if he felt up to it. Overall, he was glad to feel free. After all that time.

Changbin wandered the forest. He knew some of it, but had never reached this side of it.  This territory belonged to the Crystal Wolves. He had always admired them from afar. His father didn't hate them by any means, but he knew that they were definitely not fond of them.

He didn't know why exactly, but he could only imagine. He didn't get along with his family either. Hence why he left. He figured he'd be alone the rest of his life anyway... but then he found Hyunjin.

Everything changed. Everything.


Hyunjin woke with a start. He had felt a pressure change on his bed. His eyes snapped in the direction it came from. Jisung, of course. His harsh gaze quickly turned soft once he realized who it was.

"Hannie... what have I told you about doing this?" A soft giggle left Jisung. He shrugged at him and then crawled closer to give him a big hug. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile as he returned the hug tightly.

"What brings you here so early?" Hyunjin had pulled back and tilted his head as his eyes met the other boy's. Jisung smiled shyly and sat back on his heels.

"Oh... I just wanted see one of my bestest friends." His voice was very singsong like and made Hyunjin mildly suspicious.  Jisung must have picked up on Hyunjin's thoughts because he raised his hands a bit defensively. "Okay okay... you know Felix can't keep his mouth shut around me."  Hyunjin rolled his eye playfully.

"He told you didn't he? About the rogue I ran into last night?" Jisung's eyes widened. He titled his head, his mouth opening to speak and then he closed it again. He bit his lip and then spoke, "I mean... he didn't say he was a rogue... he just said that you may have found your destined mate and it definitely wasn't Myung."  Jisung shrugged and the slapped his hands onto the top of Hyunjin's shoulders. "Wait... a rogue?!?!" His voice shrieked out a bit, making the taller man jump, startled.

"Jesus Hannie....scare the crap out of me why don't you..." he pushed the small boy's hands off his shoulder as he crawled out of his bed to head to the bathroom. He did his morning routine and Jisung followed him to keep him company. Yes, even while he used the bathroom. It caused an eyeroll to escape a Hyunjin.

"Jinnie... you know how dangerous that could be!!!" Hyunjin shrugged in response. He ran his fingers through his soft hair. He needed to change something with it soon. He was over the black... he side-eyed Jisung. "I know. I probably shouldn't tell you he came from the Midnight wolves." That elicited a gasp from Jisung, followed by a pout.

Hyunjin smirked and shook his head. "We should dye my hair." The statement was matter of fact. He pulled on a couple of strands as he looked at himself in the mirror. Jisung gasped again, but with an excited look that followed.

"I will do it! What color do you want? Can we do it right now?" He bounced on his heels awaiting Hyunjin's response. With a warm smile, Hyunjin reached under the sink and pulled out the bleach and developer.  Jisung squealed happily.

"I just want it blonde I think." Hyunjin glanced at himself again in the mirror, then nodded and made eye contact with Jisung. "What do you say Hannie?" 

The young boy nodded excitedly, "Let's do it!"

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