~~Chapter 13~~

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In honor of seeing 3Racha last night at Global, I wanted to post another chapter.   My chapter photo is one I took yesterday. It's not every good quality. But I got to see the boys! I was so excited. They did an amazing job and I cannot wait until they tour again! I adore them.

Though I am an OT8, I do adore Bang Chan. So it made me very happy that he was there!


Also... the next chapter is super spicy. Just a heads up. 😏😏😏



Hyunjin woke with a start. A layer of sweat across his whole body. He felt a little bit better than he had the night before. Almost like a fever had broken. He swiped the back of his hand across his forehead and cringed a bit at the wetness. He rolled his eyes a little and crawled out of bed.

His en-suite bathroom was just a few feet away. He shuffled to it, doing his business and then hopping in the shower. He groaned as water hit him. He kept it cool. He was still afraid of over heating after how last night had been. He finished in the shower quickly and glanced at the clock when he stepped out of the shower.

It was 8:30 am. He quickly dried himself off and had his hair wrapped in a towel for the moment. He clambered into his room and quickly dressed. Since he was seeing his parents he decided on a pair of form fitting dress pants and a button up shirt that was silky and smooth. The color of deep red to go with his black pants. He slipped a belt through the loops and fastened it. Then slipped on a pair of black leather loafers.  The shirt was only half tucked in on one side. He had to keep his personality somewhere in his fashion.

He stepped out if his room, quickly checking to see if Changbin was awake. He sighed with relief when he didn't see him out in the living areas. He quickly went to his front door and made his way to his parents.  Thankfully it wasn't far and he had arrived on their door step quickly.

He knocked. Almost as if they were expecting him, the door opened and his mother stood in front of him. From the look on her face she instantly knew what was going on and reached to his hand. She pulled him into the house quickly and shut the door.

"Hyunjin. You heat is here. I can smell it on you. I thought it would wait a couple more days...."  She shook her head, but smirked knowingly. "It looks like we should give Myung a call. It's time." 

Hyunjin cringed a bit at the mention of his promised lover's name. He shook his head a bit. That reaction cause his mother to frown.

"Why are you shaking your head? You had no issues with this arrangement a few weeks ago. What did I tell you? He will take care of you. Just give him a couple pups and you will have it made."  She beamed a bit. Hyunjin sighed and the moved a bit closer to his mother.

"Mother... I know and I'm sorry.  Something happened. I...I met my soulmate, Mom. I met him. And well... he's at my house."  His mothers eyes widened quickly at the confession. She then narrowed her eyes just as quickly. "No... I haven't done anything with him. We haven't mated... but the connection is there. I can't marry Myung...".

He whimpered a bit as a rush of heat went through his body again. Stronger than the night before. It caused his knees buckle a bit.  He grabbed onto his mother for a bit of support. She held him up in return.

"We have been to all the packs... you never showed signs before of having a True Mate Hyunjin. What are you playing at?" She didn't believe him. He knew she wouldn't.

"Mom... it's Seo Changbin..." His mother let out an audible gasp at the mention of the name. Covering her mouth with her free hand.

"Oh no honey... not one of the Seo's....and wait... he's at your house?!?!"  She had started to shriek a bit... yelling for his father, her husband. Who quickly appeared at the sound of the panic.

"What's going on dear?"  He glanced at Hyunjin and then wrinkled his nose a bit and covered his face a bit with his shirt. "Shit Jin... are you in heat? Your scent is strong as hell..."

Hyunjin smiled weakly. He nodded a bit, "I don't think it's all the way here yet... but it's definitely coming."  His father nodded, then repeated exactly what his mother said... "Looks like we need to get Myung over here."

Hyunjin shook his head quickly. "Father....I can't marry Myung. I found my True Mate... and I guess it's a bad thing on who it is?"

His father furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at his mother's face again. A look of disappointment and sadness. "It's... Seo Changbin... from the midnight wolves."

He instantly saw his fathers turn red. "What the hell Hyunjin.. how the fuck did you meet someone from the Midnight Wolves?!?  Do you know what this means? If you marry him... that means we would have associate our selves with that pack. You know their reputation..."

"No father. I really don't. You always kept me in the dark on so many things.  I can't help who my wolf wants. " the Omega sighed and looked around a bit. He felt his anxiety rising with the tension in the room.

His father let out a deep sigh. He nodded for Hyunjin's mom to come into the living area. She grasped her son's hand and pulled him along. Hyunjin whimpered at the touch. His skin so sensitive still. He grit his teeth through it and took a seat on the couch.

"Jin... there is a reason we don't associate with the Midnight Wolves. Seo Changbin is the product of that reason."  His father sighed as the young Omega's eyes widened a bit and he whimpered at the mention of his mates name.  His wolf kept chanting in the back of his head, need him.

"Your mom's best friend was his mother Hyunjin. His father stole her and got her pregnant.  He killed her after Changbin was born. Told his son that his mother died giving birth... when the truth was that he killed her because he wanted an heir and that was all. He had her convinced she was everything to him. We alienated them for good reason. All the elders across the packs agreed it was the best option. The Midnight wolves are dangerous...."  His father sighed and rested his forehead in his hand. Hyunjin had gasped softly, covering his mouth.

"Changbin is their best assassin... you have no idea how dangerous he can be... and how bad it is that he is in our territory...unguarded."  His father looked up quickly. "Unguarded... fuck Jin! We need to get the patrol over to your place now!" The last statement came out with such power and force, Hyunjin shrunk back.

"Father! He's fine! He's not going to hurt anything. He...severed his connection to his pack a couple days ago. I met him when he was on the run..." His father paused again at his words.  He paced as he thought.

"Severed his connection huh? Maybe we can use this to our advantage."  His father paced a little quicker in thought.

"I love him...please don't hurt him."  Hyunjin's voice was barely above a whisper. He gasped out again as a wave of heat rushed through him again. He panted a bit and his father put more space between him.

"Nari, get him back to his house... then call Myung... we aren't going to do this arranged wedding after all... I want to see how this plays out. Hyunjin... mate this boy... marry him if you must... but I will constantly be watching for a weak point. He better not betray us..."

Nari's eyes went wide.... "Are you sure love?" His father firmly nodded and Nari turned to her son again. Grabbing his hand tightly in hers, she started to drag him back to his house on the compound. Hyunjin's scent was getting overwhelmingly strong and that needed to be taken care of. She approached his front door and pushed it open, shoving Hyunjin inside and shut it quickly.

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