~~Chapter 34~~

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The pain had come in a rush. At first, due to all the other pain he had experience thus far, he didn't even think anything of it. At least not until another rush almost took the wind out of him. He gasped and grasped his very pregnant belly. Was this happening? Now? When Changbin wasn't here?

He whimpered as he stumbled from the living room to his already heavily nested bedroom. He stumbled a bit more as he made it to the bed, but then had to kneel as the pain overwhelmed him. He whimpered softly, resting his forehead on the edge. "Holy shit..." He started to panic a bit. He was alone and didn't know what to do per se but decided to let his body instinctually take over.

He whimpered as what he assumed was another contraction pulsed through him. He bit his lip and sweat started to form a thin layer on his skin. He rocked forward and backward as it took some of the pressure he was feeling away.

He didn't know how long he had been there like that, but he heard the from door open. He smelled Changbin, his senses heightened at the moment. He let out a loud whimper for his Alpha.  He heard the Alpha enter the room and instant felt him by his side. Thank god.

Before he knew it, his two closest friends were there. Though they had not yet bore pups of their own, the Omega instincts rushed through them as well. Helping Hyunjin get comfortable, giving him the things he needed to get through this.

It was hours. Hyunjin had ended up sitting on a yoga ball, with his head still resting on the bed as he bounced every so often. He had fallen into a lightly sleep, surprisingly with how frequent the contractions were. It was getting dark, and Changbin just paced the room. His panicked scent just extruding from him.

"Babe... relax... you are gonna make me nauseous." Hyunjin smirked a bit. His voice was a little raspy, but mostly from exhaustion. Changbin made eye contact with him. He had an apologetic look. "It's okay baby... just relax. It will be over soon. I know it...I can feel...it."  Hyunjin gasped loudly as a new wave on contractions slipped through him and his water suddenly broke. His eyes widened as he looked at Changbin who also was surprised. Hyunjin winced a bit as he felt the liquid leave him.

Then Changbin's voice rang out, "Felix! Jisung!" His voice even cracked a bit which made Hyunjin laugh even though he was in so much pain.

Soon things were moving. The Omegas had moved Hyunjin to the bathroom. The big tub was filled with lukewarm water and they all helped Hyunjin to place himself in it. It soothed him instantly.

Before they knew it, the pup was born. Hyunjin let out a relieved whimper as he had the baby pressed to his chest and couldn't help but laugh again as Jisung had attempted to catch Changbin as he passed out for a moment.

The pup cried, a good sign. Hyunjin let out some soft purrs to soothe their baby girl. He nuzzled her gently and held her close as he let out another deep relieved sigh. 

Once Changbin came to Hyunjin had been cleaned up a bit and basic after birth care was done. He was getting ready to head to their bedroom, wobbly, but easily. He smirked when Changbin came up and wrapped an arm around his waist to help him be steady. "Thank you love." Hyunjin placed a soft kiss on Changbin's cheek.

As soon as Hyunjin was settled in bed, Changbin brought the pup in. "We have a little girl..." The Alpha's eyes sparkled looking down at her. She was grunting and cooing a bit. It made him smile more. He sat next to Hyunjin, handing her over.

"What do you want to name her Jinnie?"

Hyunjin pondered a few moments, running his finger along her little cheek as he purred loudly. He smiled and glanced at Changbin.

"Dalrae (달래)... Seo Dalrae."


Epilogue is next. =]

This has been a fun ride. Hopefully some of you have shifted over to my Minsung as well... that one is a real trip. =D

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