~~Chapter 8~~

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Hyunjin's eyes wandered over Changbin's face. Observing, questioning, thinking... A small smile came to his lips. "I'd like that, but things... might be complicated?" Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed together and he pouted slightly.

He felt Changbin shrug, "Its not anything we can't figure out Jinnie..."  Hyunjin giggled at the use of his most popular nickname. He blushed and then buried his face into Changbin's neck. Nuzzling him softly, he felt Changbin's hands wander and one slid down to cup his ass and the other was running up his back. Hyunjin shivered gently.

"I haven't...had my first heat yet..." it was barely a whisper, but he knew Changbin had heard because his hands froze and his body went a bit rigid.

"Y-you haven't?" Changbin's voice was deep and thick. Almost like, it wasn't the same person. Hyunjin pulled back and looked at him.  Changbin's eyes were the greenest he had seen yet. Almost like he was trying to hold back a shift... or something....

"Is everything okay? Changbin?" Hyunjin's voice was extremely soft. His concern showing through. He bit his lip and kept searching the Alpha's face for something.

"Yes.. or at least it will be." A growl rumbled in Changbin's throat making Hyunjin heavily shiver this time. Was it the power he was emitting? Was it because he was an Alpha that Hyunjin couldn't resist him. With out thinking, Hyunjin had started to rock his hips against Changbin's eliciting a deep groan from the Alpha. 

"I have a lot to teach you then... Jinnie." 


Hyunjin hasn't had had his first heat yet... that was an incredible turn on for Changbin. Knowing he would be the one to usher Hyunjin into the world of amazing sex and well... everything that comes with it. He hadn't had his rut yet this month either, but there had been a couple of times already this night that he was afraid that it would start and he wouldn't be able to stop it. He found himself fighting so hard to keep it under control for Hyunjin's sake at least.

He felt a jolt go through his body as Hyunjin's hips rocked against him.  He growled at him, "Don't start what you can't finish Jinnie..." That statement made Hyunjin pause and pulled back to look at him. The Omegas eyes were so blue it was breath taking. A light pout on his lips as well made Changbin's heart swell.

"You're so beautiful..." Hyunjin blushed profusely, but smiled at the compliment. He sighed heavily, pausing his movements. He had to tell him what was going on... Changbin deserved to know.

"Changbin... things are complicated. I am technically... promised to an Alpha." A scary sounding growl escaped Changbin's throat, making Hyunjin cringe back and shrink down a bit. "But, this was after years of me trying to find my true mate. I was trying so hard and failing... so my parents arranged me with another Alpha... but I don't want him. As 'peaceful' the life they promised sounds... I'd rather it not be if it means I get you..." Changbin's expression softened a bit.

"Run away with me Hyunjin. Now... let's just go." He wrapped both his arms around his Omega, pulling him as close as he could. Hyunjin purred in response making the Alpha shiver slightly. The Omega nuzzled his neck again, licking it playfully, scenting him with out realizing. "Jinnie...what did I say?"  His Alpha tone coming strong and quick, making Hyunjin freeze, though his body was betraying his actions as the Omega was rock hard and Changbin definitely could tell.  He had his own body to deal with, but mating Hyunjin right here... probably wouldn't be a good idea. He also couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't destroy the Omega.

"Would you like me to take care of you tonight Jinnie?"  Hyunjin whimpered and nodded.  "Only if you let me take return the favor Binnie..." The pet name made Changbin smirk. As badly as he wanted to, he wasn't going to mate the omega tonight, but other things weren't off the table.


Things are about to get a bit spicy. Just a heads up.

Also the next chapter is very long.... 

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been very busy. I went to a couple of concerts over the last couple weeks. 

I saw Fall Out Boy at the end of July and just saw 5 Seconds of Summer on Wednesday, so I have been busy.

Also, I am headed to New York in September... because well... my sister won tickets to Global Citizen's Festival. So you know what that means... I'm seeing SKZ finally. For the first time.

To say I'm excited is an understatement. We already have the flights and hotel booked. 😅😅

Anyways! Hope you all are enjoying this! I will try to update at least once a week going forward. At least until I go to New York.

I also got promoted at work, so that has been taking up a lot of my time. 😪😪

Until next time!

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