● Two ●

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"Kacchan!" Katsuki flinched, pulling up the black mask that usually covered his eyes. He looked back at the familiar green suit, smiling as his lover approached him. "Did you hear?" Izuku asked, approaching the blond with a plastic bag containing their meals. 

This was their routine. Since the two barely ever had time with each other, they usually met up during lunch breaks on patrols. Even if they were patrolling different parts of the city, they always managed to meet up somewhere to spend thirty minutes talking with each other. After all, the only time they actually spent together was when they slept, spent heats and\or ruts together. 

"Hear what?" The alpha groaned, propping himself back on his arms as his legs dangled from the roof of the building. He waited as his omega took a seat by his side, taking out supermarket sandwiches from the bag with a smile. 

"Kaminari is finally taking his paternity leave. He wanted to stick around longer, but apparently Jiro's been experiencing some difficulties with her pregnancy lately and he wanted to be there for her." Midoriya muttered. Bakugou remained silent as he nodded, unwrapping his lunch. "I think it's very sweet of him to be there for her like this. It just proves how much of a good father he'll be for their pup." The greenette continued to ramble as he opened his own sandwich. "I wonder if it's gonna be a boy or a girl. I'm surprised they didn't find out the sex of the baby, it's easier to know what you're expecting, right?" He continued, suddenly paused to look over. 

Emerald eyes landed on the blond, slowly chewing on his food as crimson eyes scanned the streets below. 

"Kacchan? Are you listening?" The omega muttered, taking a bite of his own ham sandwich. He smiled softly as the blond nodded, knowing Bakugou preferred to remain quiet, most of the time. "What do you think it's gonna be? A boy or a girl?" The greenette asked, taking another bite as he looked over to the buildings in front of him. He heard the blond hum in response, along with a shrug. "I think it's gonna be a boy. Regardless, Kaminari is going to be an amazing parent." 

A silence roamed between the two before Katsuki's deep voice spoke out. "I think it'll be a girl." He shrugged, swallowing down the last bit of his meal. He glanced over to the greenette, clearly thrilled to have gotten him to talk. 

"You think? Maybe it will be." Izuku spoke, kicking his legs around in the emptiness. A smile drew itself onto freckled features as Bakugou scoffed. 

"Tonight. What do you want for dinner?" The blond asked, keeping an eye out for any danger below. Although they were both on their lunch break and weren't eating in either of their patrol areas, it was their duty as heroes to stop any villains in sight and ensure every citizen's safety. 

"Katsudon!" Izuku called out, a large grin taking place. He giggled at Bakugou's groan of annoyance.

"We had that just two nights ago. And Sunday, too. Do you ever get fuckin' tired of it?" The alpha growled, glaring into happy emeralds. "And what're you so fucking happy about, hm?" He finished, clicking his tongue as he looked away. Although he still acted a bit rude towards people, Katsuki never meant any harm in his words. He loved everyone around him and cared about them all, just had a hard time showing them affection. He had only gotten better at doing so with Midoriya. 

"I never get tired of Katsudon, you know that." Izuku stated with a hum. "And what, am I not allowed to be happy?" He smiled, once again meeting crimsons. Katsuki sighed, irritated as he shifted his position. He carefully hoisted himself up back onto his feet, stretching his arms into the air with a groan. 

"I'm going back to work. Kirishima's waiting for me back at my patrol area." The blond sighed, glancing down to the nape of his omega's neck. "I'll see you tonight?" He muttered, knowing the answer already. 

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now