● Twenty-Three ●

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Midoriya's 39th week of pregnancy. One more week to go. 

Somehow, this whole thing had seemed to fly by faster than Bakugou wanted it to. It didn't make sense how nine months had shot by without him realizing it. He felt as if he had gotten his tattoos only a week ago, when in reality, it was over seven months ago.
He could easily remember the time they called their parents to break the news - As if it was yesterday. Did this mean he had kept the receipt for the pregnancy tests for nine months? 

9 months. It was impossible - How had it all flown by so quickly?

Crimson eyes scanned the shelves of the refrigerator, taking in the sight of a few small bottles of milk Izuku had pumped out in the past week. 

It just didn't make sense. Midoriya's symptoms hadn't even been that bad. Were pregnancies all this easy? How the hell did nine months fly by so quickly? Was it because the blond spent six of them at work? No, it couldn't be. 

"Kacchan, did you find it yet?" 

Bakugou sighed as he stood back straight, closing the door of the fridge as he shifted back to their bedroom. 

"No, we don't have any oranges." The blond huffed, crawling back into bed. He sighed as his omega whined, tossing around under his courting gift. 

"Aw, can you go out and get some? Please?" The omega whimpered, looking over to tired crimsons. Bakugou scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

"Are you seriously going to make me leave the comfort of my home, at 11:30PM, on my birthday, just to get you a few oranges?" He huffed in disbelief, making eye contact with the other. Izuku pouted, seemingly unsure what to answer. 

"Okay, I guess I can pass for tonight." He muttered, yawning as he rested back against his maternity pillow. Bakugou sighed as he shifted comfortably, leaning back as the omega suddenly slid out of bed. "I'm going to pee." He spat, hurriedly leaving their bedroom. The blond remained quiet as he scrolled through his phone, looking through latest news articles and villain arrests in their area. 

They'd usually be asleep at this time, but Izuku had been struggling to get comfortable for some time now. Bakugou understood, since the omega was sporting a rather large bump now. Katsuki couldn't imagine the cramps and struggled his partner was going through - All he could do was help and try his best to make Izuku feel comfy. 

"Jeez, this is frustrating." Midoriya huffed, entering the bedroom once again as the sound of a flushing toilet resonated throughout the apartment. 

"What is?" The blond muttered, glancing over to tired eyes. 

"I have this huge urge to pee, and when I go it's only a little tinkle." He mumbled, slipping back under his blanket. He paused, sighing as another cramp passed. Now that he was so close to his due date, his Braxton Hicks had gotten way worse. They lasted longer and were more painful, but nothing he couldn't handle. As a hero, he had endured a lot of injuries and painful experiences out on the battlefield. A few tough cramps wasn't going to kill him. Though they always did manage to make him wince and whine. 

"Maybe it's the pup, playing tricks on you." Bakugou shrugged, his voice low. 

"Yeah, bouncing up and down on my bladder isn't a cool trick." Midoriya huffed, getting comfortable once again. "Maybe it's just the position I'm in, too. If I lay down, maybe my urge to pee will go away." He muttered, getting comfortable. 

Bakugou nodded along with his lover's words, continuing to scroll through random articles. His eyes shifted up his screen as a notification popped up, immediately clicking on it. He had received a few notifications on Facebook today, since it was his birthday and a few friends and family members had most likely sent him wishes through the app. Since he hadn't gotten a closer look to his birthday wishes, he figured this would be a decent time to do so. 

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