● Forty-Five ●

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"Happy birthday, to Moon." Mitsuki stopped chanting, gently rocking her granddaughter side to side. She glanced around the living room, smiling at how her son and son-in-law had decorated their new home with pictures of Moon and Mio. 

"I can't believe she's two already." Izuku smiled. 

"And this little guy is 3 weeks old." Mitsuki cooed, poking her newborn grandson's tummy. 

"It's funny how they were both born early." The omega added, looking down to his sleeping soon. "Moon was due April 27th, and she was born April 21st. Mio was due April 15th, and he came along March 31st."

"Here, hag." Katsuki suddenly bumped in, pressing a tea on the coffee table in front of his mother. Izuku hummed happily as his fiancé sat next to him, sighing contently. 

"Daddy!" Moon cheered, suddenly reaching over to him. Mitsuki chuckled as she put down the toddler, watching the little blonde rush around the coffee table to join the tattooed hero. Bakugou scoffed, letting her climb onto his lap. 

"Shh, be quiet, princess. Mio's napping." He chuckled, pointing over to the greenette by his side. He smiled as she shifted, peeking over to the wrapped baby in her mother's arms. 

"Mio." She spoke, pointing at her newborn brother. "He's... Ugly." She pouted, looking over to crimson eyes. 

"No, he's beautiful." The man chuckled, trying to stabilize his squirming daughter. 

"No... He looks like grandma Inko." She spat, referring to how chubby and wrinkly the newborn was. Katsuki chuckled, shaking his head as he looked over to his mother-in-law. 

"You think I'm ugly?" Inko cooed, smiling at her granddaughter. Moon paused, shaking her head frantically. 

"Not you, grandma. Mio is ugly. You're bootiful." She muttered, finally taking a seat on her father's lap. Bakugou smiled. He knew Moon was still adapting to having a new baby around - He and Izuku were trying their best to give her as much attention as possible. 

"Don't say that, that's mean, Moon." Izuku muttered, unable to hide a growing smile. He chuckled as his daughter pouted, getting distracted by a toy she had received for her second birthday. "Mio is just as pretty as you were at that age." He giggled, looking down to the wriggling newborn. Izuku smiled as red eyes met his, a frown taking place on Mio's lips. 

"Look at you!" Izuku cooed, trying to cheer up his grumpy son. "You're so cute! So, so cute!" He continued, poking the newborn's tummy as he wriggled on his lap. 

"He's clearly not in the mood, 'Zuku." Katsuki muttered tiredly, not moving from his spot on the ground. He opened his eyes as Moon hummed a random song, drawing over his face with a whiteboard marker she had received for her birthday. She clearly didn't want to use it with the whiteboard that came with the kit, since she asked to draw tattoos on her dad's face. "What're you drawing, princess?" He asked, trying not to move his face as he spoke so his daughter's doodles wouldn't get ruined. 

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