● Thirty-Seven ●

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February 20th.

Izuku watched proudly as Katsuki helped Moon onto her feet, softly nudging her forward. 

"Come on, come to momma." He cooed, reaching his hands out. She was only a few feet away, but to her, it felt like a mile. Crimsons and emeralds glued themselves to the wobbly baby, happiness and pride booming in the mens' chests as Moon took a step forward. "You can do it, come on honey!" Midoriya giggled at how focused his daughter was. 

"My little princess. Growing up so freakin' fast." Katsuki smiled, watching the ten-month-old step closer to the greenette. He grinned wide as she suddenly lost balance, leaning forward into her mother's grasp for support. "She's doing a great job." He pointed out, earning a nod from the freckled man. 

"Mhm. Pretty soon, you'll be running marathons." Izuku chuckled, emeralds diving into greens. Bakugou leaned back, propping himself on his arms as he watched the adorable scene in front of him. Moon was starting to resemble Izuku more and more every day now. Her hair was growing out to be curly and freckles were forming on her face though you couldn't see them very well right now. Bakugou found it cute how she had Midoriya's big green eyes and his smile. A smile that melted his heart every time he saw it. 

A sudden ringing sound was heard throughout the living room, followed by a recognizable knock at the door. 

"That's my mom." Bakugou groaned, standing up from the floor. He quickly jogged over to the front door, swinging it open to reveal both Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugou. He let the two enter the apartment before closing the front door again, rejoining his lover in the living room as his parents removed their boots. 

"Hi, Izuku." Mitsuki was quick to cheer, approaching the sofa where he now sat with Moon on his lap. "How've you been, has my brat been treating you right?" She chuckled, earning an eye-roll from the hot-headed blond. Izuku smiled, nodding. 

"Mhm. Kacchan has grown to be way more affectionate lately." He pointed out, finding no point in explaining why Bakugou had gone through such a change of actions. 

"Good. Can I hold her?" The blonde smiled, leaning over to reach out to the babbling child. Izuku smiled wide as he handed over the ten-month-old to the older woman, watching her smile as she held Moon close. "She's getting so big. Chubby, too." She pointed out, poking at her granddaughter's tummy. "You guys really have to come visit us sometime." She huffed, returning his attention to the couple on the sofa. 

"Yeah, we want to. But Moon often gets fussy whenever we try to leave. So staying home is the best option." Midoriya shrugged, looking down to his hands as his parents-in-law took seats across from them. Masaru sat quietly as he smiled, watching his wife handle their grandchild with care. 

A silence roamed as the woman cooed and grinned at the excited child, ruffling soft blonde locks on the baby's head. 

"She started walking, right?" Masaru eventually broke the silence, meeting crimson and emeralds. Izuku proudly nodded as Mitsuki suddenly beamed a larger smile. 

"Oh, the pictures you sent us were so adorable, Izuku. You should really send more. I wanna know every time she poops, cries, smiles, laughs..." The woman trailed off, looking down to curious greens. 

"If you like it so much then why don't you raise her?" Bakugou muttered beneath his breath, earning a nudge from his lover. A tense silence roamed again, but Midoriya was quick to break it with a question the the woman across from him. 

"Oh, Mitsuki, what did you think of Kacchan's birthday gift?" He asked, earning confused glances from the older couple. 

"Hm? What birthday gift?" The woman asked, tilting her head to the side as she glanced at an equally confused Katsuki. 

"Oh... Did he not give it to you yet? He was getting something personalized for you. He said it would be a late gift since it only got done at the end of December." Izuku muttered, hesitant. Mitsuki's brows furrowed as she watched her son's reaction twist. Crimsons anxiously met rubies, clearly panicked as he tried to beg his mother to go along with it through his glare. Izuku hadn't seemed to notice how frantic Bakugou had suddenly got - Emerald eyes still diving into Mitsuki's. 

"Uhm..." The woman seemed to think for a moment, still focusing on how anxious her son was being. "Yes. I received sometime in January." She muttered, having no clue what she was talking about. Masaru tensed by her side, unaware of what was going on as well. "It was... A pillow. A customized pillow." She pointed out, her shoulders dropping in relief as she watched her son relax.

"Oh, that's so sweet! Kacchan has been spending a whole lot of time at this house across town to check in with your gift. It makes sense, I suppose customized pillows can take some time to make, especially if the person making it is busy." Izuku pointed out, leaning back and looking over to his lover. Katsuki gave a weak smile before emeralds shot back to the older couple. "Kacchan refused to tell me what it was." He smiled. A tense silence occurred once more as Moon started to wriggle on her grandma's lap. Izuku frowned as he reached out to grab her. "Oh, I'll go change her." He hummed, taking his daughter in his arms as she groaned and wriggled. 

Midoriya barely had time to disappear down the hall before Mitsuki whisper-shouted to her son. 

"What the fuck? Did you forget I existed? Where's my gift?" She hissed, watching her son anxiously glance in the direction Izuku had gone. 

"There is no fucking gift for you, hag. You're just my cover, shut the fuck up before he hears!" The blond hissed. 

"Cover for what? Have you been seeing someone else? Katsuki Bakugou! That's not how I raised you, for fuck's sake! You fucking pig, that's cheating!" She cursed, keeping her voice low. 

"No! Fuck! Why does everyone think that! I'm not some disloyal fucker, I was there to get a gift for the nerd! I just haven't given it to him, yet!" He snarled. Bakugou was quick to make his way to the closet door, going through his coat's pockets before tossing the velvet box over to his mom. "See? I'm not cheating. I was checking in on that." He huffed, watching his parents flip it open. 

Mitsuki's eyes grew glassy at the sight of the silver band, shifting to her son who she thought would never be the type to get involved in something like this. 
"Oh, Katsuki..." She hummed, standing to return the box to the alpha. "You're really sure about this?" She questioned, watching her son hide the box in the closet once again. 

"Tch, 'course I am." He clicked his tongue, returning to the living room where Masaru quietly sat in shock. "I can't picture myself growing old with anyone else. Izuku is the only omega I've ever felt comfortable around. Ever since Moon came along... I started to realize that. We've been together for two years already... I just don't want to propose too soon." He huffed, taking a seat. A silence roamed as Mitsuki struggled to get ahold of her emotions. 

"I think it's a wonderful idea. I'm sure Izuku will be very happy." Bakugou looked up to his father as he spoke. "He clearly loves you - A lot. I don't see why he'd say no." The man smiled, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Bakugou looked down, hesitating as his mind and heart raced. He opened his mind to speak, but was interrupted by a joyful voice entering the room. 

"She's all changed and clean!" Izuku cooed, holding Moon up for display. Emerald eyes scanned the others, brows furrowing as he watched Masaru wipe away tears. "Is everything okay? Did I miss something?" He hummed, taking a seat and placing his daughter on his lap. 

"Yes, everything's fine. Just a little argument." Mitsuki waved her hands around with a grin. "Can I hold her again?" She asked, reaching out across the coffee table to Moon. Izuku smiled, nodding as the woman started to speak about Katsuki's childhood, trying her best to change the mood and distract Midoriya from her husband's emotions and Bakugou's stiffness. 

Bakugou smiled as he peeked over to the omega, a large smile on freckled features as emeralds watched Moon clap her hands at Mitsuki. He had been stalling for two months, now. He had no clue when the right moment was supposed to come. Rosie had told him that it would come eventually, but he was starting to get impatient. He wanted to marry his omega as soon as possible - Before Izuku has the chance to realize that he deserves better. 

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