● Seventeen ●

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"It's perfectly normal. A lot of pregnant omegas experience spotting during pregnancy. It's mostly due to the changes in your cervix. There's really nothing for you two to worry about. The only concerning thing is when a lot of blood comes out." The woman spoke, smiling softly. 

"Oh, thank fuck." Katsuki sighed in relief, burying his face in his hands. "It fuckin'... Scared the living shit out of me." He muttered quietly, taking a deep breath as he looked back up. "Fuck."

"So... There's really nothing wrong with the baby?" Izuku asked, unsure. 

"The ultrasound came back fine, I didn't see anything wrong. The heartbeat is stable and your pup doesn't seem to have any damage whatsoever. They're perfectly healthy." The nurse nodded. 

"Oh, gosh. Thank you, miss." The omega stood up, bowing as thanks. Since the incident had happened near midnight, Izuku had called his doctor and asked for directions. Unfortunately, Inouye was unavailable and wasn't in the area at the time, so the doctor simply reassured the couple not to panic and told them to visit a different hospital where his assistant worked night shifts. 

"No problem, really." She smiled, waving her hands before fixing her glasses. Izuku quickly gathered his things, along with his mate, before heading towards the door. They waved goodbye to the kind worker before leaving the hospital, making their way back home - an hour away. It was 3AM, and Bakugou had already called in sick to work since he knew he hadn't gotten enough rest. 

The ride was silent for only ten minutes, before Bakugou broke it. "I think this... Was a good thing." The blond muttered quietly, glancing over to green curls. 

"Why?" Izuku hummed in response, looking back to the blond. He paused as he watched Katsuki's face light up at every traffic light they passed. 

"From our bathroom to the results room. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly. When I found out everything was fine, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders." He mumbled. "I always thought I wasn't sure about the pregnancy, doubting myself and thinking maybe this wasn't for the best. But I think this just proved me otherwise." The blond continued, biting his lip in thought. "It kind of made me realize just how much I want this pup." He finished, glancing over to emeralds. A smile planted itself on freckled features and Izuku reached out to tap the other man's thigh. 

"See, I told you! You just had to be patient, I knew you'd end up getting attached." He giggled. 

"I'm..." Katsuki paused, taking a deep breath. "I promise you, Izuku. I promise that I'll be the best dad there is. I'll be there as much as I can and I'll support whatever our kid wants. I promise I'll be a good father. I'll try to be, at least." The blond sighed, reaching over to give a gentle squeeze on Midoriya's thigh. Izuku smiled, knowing his alpha was tired after tonight's events - He usually isn't this talkative, especially not about his emotions. 

"I'm glad to hear that." 

"Let's stop by a McDonald's. I make you Katsudon tomorrow night, instead. 'Kay?" The blond muttered, putting on his signal light with a smile. They were both exhausted and hungry, since Bakugou hadn't had the time to actually cook dinner before they left for the hospital. 


"Izuku, did you brush your teeth?" Bakugou muttered, slipping off his shirt. He glanced over to the pile of blankets on the bed, smiling gently as he knew Midoriya had practically ran under the covers the minute they got home. After all, 4:30AM wasn't their usual bedtime. 

"Yes, I did." He received a tired response. 

"Alright then, scoot over." The blond muttered, kicking off the rest of his clothes to crawl up with the omega. He hurried to cover himself with soft sheets, wrapping an arm over Midoriya's waist. "You comfortable?" He asked, settling down. A tired hum was heard and Bakugou smiled. 

"Are you gonna cut my hair tomorrow... Well, later?" Izuku muttered, refusing to open his eyes when he spoke. 

"Yeah. I'll probably cut mine too, take advantage of the day off I've got." He muttered, pressing a kiss on the nape of the greenette's neck. "I'm so glad you're okay. Don't ever scare me like that again." He continued with a sigh. A short giggle roamed and Izuku shifted in his position. 

"You've seen me bleed on the battlefield several times, and I've literally broken both of my arms in front of you before." He laughed, earning a low chuckle from behind. "I've suffered a lot of injuries that made me shed blood. Yet, I've never seen you this concerned or worried for me." He continued with a wide smile. 

"Yeah... But this is different. You're carrying my kid. I don't want anything to happen to my pup. I don't give a fuck about you though." He muttered, smirking at the end. 

"Oh, shush!" Izuku laughed out. "That's mean." He muttered. 

"I'm fucking with you." The blond smiled wide, closing his eyes. "You know that, right? I don't mean it when I say shit like that. It's just my dark ass humor." He explained. 

"I know." Midoriya giggled. "I know you don't mean to be mean with anyone. I like that kind of humor." 

"Good." Bakugou breathed, relaxing his shoulders into soft pillows. A silence roamed as he opened his eyes again, thoughts swirling in his head. He glanced up to green curls, his throat closing as his lips parted. 

It wasn't that hard, three simple words. All he had to do was say them. To let Izuku know just how much he meant to him. A simple I Love You. The blond chewed the inside of his lip in silence, taking a deep inhale before once again opening his mouth. He's Katsuki Bakugou; he can do and say anything he wants. 

Bakugou flinched at the sudden sound of soft breathing, more shallow than usual. He leaned to his side, taking in Izuku's relaxed features and sighing to himself. He settled back down, pressing another kiss on the nape of the freckled hero's neck. 

He knew Izuku was tired. But he wasn't expecting the omega to fall asleep so quickly. Especially when the blond was on the verge of spilling out the words Midoriya had been longing to hear for nearly two years now. 

"Good night, Izuku. Sleep well." 

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now