● Thirty ●

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"Four months old already. She's getting so big." Mitsuki cooed, holding her chubby granddaughter up to her chest. Masaru smiled by her side as he reached out to poke her tummy, earning a wide smile from the infant. 

Now 16 weeks old, Moon had grown a lot. She was now smiling every day and laughing occasionally. She had learned to make new sounds to express how she was feeling, such as coos, babbles and shrieks. She was already starting to roll over whenever she had play time on her mat, but still needed lots of help and practice to do so. Although she still had a ways to go before she could sit up on her own and crawl, she was making progress and the parents were proud of how much she was doing. 

"It's nice of you to have invited all of us." Toshinori smiled, looking over at his successor. 

"It was Kacchan's idea. We had lots of meat to eat before it expired and since there's only the two of us, he thought it would be a good idea to have a barbeque." Midoriya shrugged, smiling. Emerald eyes trailed over his guests; Katsuki's parents, All Might and his mother Inko. A nice family dinner. 

Since they hadn't had the chance to get together for Izuku's 21st birthday, everyone thought it was a good idea to meet up now, before the summer came to an end. It was August 11th, a sunny and warm day, which is why Bakugou insisted to having a cookout. 

"So beautiful." Inko cooed, approaching the blond alpha's parents who sat on a swing. She smiled wide as she admired Moon, loving how long her hair was getting. "Have you two thought about having other kids in the future?" She asked, looking up to the couple who stood by the grill with hopeful eyes. 

"Woah, calm down there, Inko. They're not rabbits." Mitsuki chuckled, glancing over to the two that had tensed at the phrase. 

"Mom." Izuku whined, brows furrowing. "She's only four months old. We're not planning on having kids this close together. If we do end up having other babies, it'll be later, for sure. When she's older." He huffed, timidly looking over to the blond who continued to cook. He and Bakugou hadn't spoken about having other children, and it wasn't something they had even thought about. Especially after Bakugou's reaction and struggles through the first pregnancy. "Besides, he and I are both looking forward to returning to work, in 8 months. And I'm finally starting to get my body back." He smiled, pressing his hands on abs that were reappearing.

"Oh, I was just asking, sweetheart. When I had you, my baby fever didn't end just there. Your father and I kept trying until you were two, but nothing worked." Inko explained, looking down to Moon again. Izuku cringed at the information, unsure what she would say something like that in front of everyone. 

"Mom." He whined again. He sighed in defeat as he looked over to the blond, who flipped over sausages with a scowl on his face. 

"Okay, bye, mom." Izuku spoke, waving as he closed the door to the apartment. He glanced at the clock on the oven in the kitchen, sighing at the time. It was past ten, Moon already being tucked into bed. He glanced over to the blond who stood next to the sofa, arms crossed over his chest with a tired look drawn on his features. "We should head to bed." The omega smiled, shifting over to the taller hero. 

Katsuki nodded, leaning off the side of the furniture to follow the greenette into their bedroom. Moon had been cuddled into her crib only fifteen minutes ago, and would most likely sleep for a while before having to get fed again in 3 hours. 

Izuku was quick to brush his teeth and get comfortable in pajamas, crawling under the covers to open his phone and scroll through hero news while his partner got undressed. His eyes trailed over numerous headlines, only focusing on a few that picked at his interest. 

"Ah- Kaminari and Jiro are finally returning to work from parental leave... Lucky." Izuku hummed, a smile forming as he continued to scroll through different hero articles. "And Todoroki busted a villain gang with his intern yesterday." He informed, earning grumbles in response. "There's so much going on, I kinda wish we could be out there to help." He muttered, eyes still taking in the headlines. 

"We have a daughter to take care of right now." Katsuki spat, crawling up by his side in nothing but underwear. "Hero-ing always comes second. Moon is first on our priority list and always will be." He huffed. 

"Yeah." The omega agreed, closing his device and setting it aside so he could fix the blanket on his lap. He glanced over to tired crimsons, smiling softly as he remembered something his mother talked about before they sat down to eat at the cookout. "Kacchan, can I ask you something?" He asked. 

"What is it?" The blond grumbled. 

"Have you ever thought of having kids? You know, more than one?" He hummed. "Well, we have Moon already. But do you picture yourself with more pups in the future?" He questioned, glancing over. His smile faded as Bakugou grumbled in response.

"Why the fuck are you even thinking about this? It's not like we have enough space in our fucking apartment to have another kid, even in the future. We don't have the funds for a new home either." The blond hissed, clearly irritated. "Go to sleep, 'kay?" He said, rolling over to face the opposite direction. Midoriya frowned as he looked down, sheepishly fiddling with his hands. 

"Right." He breathed, shoulders relaxing as a strange feeling took place in his gut. After experiencing a pregnancy and raising Moon alongside his alpha, he had somewhat fallen in love with the blond's soft side. Seeing Katsuki acting so gentle and caring all of a sudden was something he was very fond of. 

Don't get him wrong, he loves Bakugou for who he is; rough, strong, confident, and the type who doesn't take shit from anyone. He's not afraid to speak his mind and won't hesitate to do what feels right. Izuku loves the blond just for those qualities. It's what makes Kacchan, Kacchan. 

But. But he somewhat loved how Katsuki had shown a complete other side of him ever since the pregnancy test he had taken over a year ago. He loved just how gentle Bakugou had become, just how sweet, caring and respectful. He had turned into a big softie and Midoriya was all there for it. He loved the new side his alpha was showing, and didn't want to lose it. 

"Don't you think having more kids would be nice though? Once we're more stable, that is." Izuku hummed, his voice barely heard. 

"Shut up." His alpha grumbled in response, unmoving from the position he had taken moments earlier. Izuku sighed, slipping down to get comfortable as well. 

"Okay, good night." He hummed, trying his best to hide the disappointment in his voice. Now that Moon was starting to get older - already at 4 months - Bakugou's soft side seemed to fade for Izuku. He only liked to show his sweetness to his daughter. Not to mention, Katsuki hadn't said I Love You in a while. "I love you, Kacchan. Sleep well." 

Midoriya's heart hammered in his chest as he hoped the blond would reply, only met with silence and an immense disappointment. He shifted over, glancing up to the baby monitor on his nightstand. He pouted as he closed his eyes, his heart aching as he struggled to fall asleep. 

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now