● Twenty-Five ●

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"You're doing an amazing job, Izuku." Katsuki hissed, pushing back green curls from a sweaty forehead. Midoriya chuckled as he stopped pushing once Inouye said so, resting his head back against the pillows. 

He glanced down to his hospital robe, both of his legs propped at each side of Kasumi's head. A nurse stood close to help out, just in case the doctor needed some aid with something. 

"We're almost there. Just keep pushing like you have been." Inouye smiled up to the tired male who clutched on his lover's hand. "Alright, count to ten again. And... Go." The doctor hummed, returning his attention down to the baby's head. Izuku immediately let out a short groan as he pushed, struggling to breathe for the following ten seconds. 

"Can you check... See if I'm making any progress?" The greenette muttered, catching his breath as he nudged his boyfriend. Katsuki nodded as he shifted to the right, peeking over the freckled man's knee. His eyes widened as a smile grew, his daughter's head clearly visible. Progress, since the last time he checked, nothing was seen. 

"She's crowning." He scoffed, returning to the omega's side. He watched a tired smile make its way onto freckled features, accenting the dark circles under emerald eyes. It was past three in the morning, and both men were tired after getting no rest. Especially with the adrenaline rush they felt while leaving their apartment and the overwhelming emotions that ran through them while waiting for Izuku to fully dilate. 

"Okay, push again whenever you're ready." The doctor spoke, shifting his gloved hands around the baby's head. He glanced up to watch Midoriya pause for a moment, inhaling before pushing. He immediately began counting to ten, watching the progress as the pup's head was slowly pushed further out. 

The older man couldn't hide a smile as the realization sunk into his mind; he was delivering Deku and Dynamight's very first child. When he first became a doctor, he wasn't expecting much out of it except for a good pay. Only, when pro hero Deku came to him in need of a personal doctor, his career took a twist. Especially now that he was delivering said hero's first child. 

"This is frustrating." The freckled man panted as he rested back, his muscles relaxing once the ten seconds were up. "Do I have to do this much longer?" He whimpered, tiredly glancing down to black eyes. 

"Just for a little bit more. Once the head is out, the body follows on its own." Kasumi explained, earning a weak nod from the greenette. "Again." He chuckled, earning another push. 

Midoriya groaned as he released once more, his eyes watering and sweat running down his temples. His body shook as Katsuki ran his hand through green curls, pushing back beads of sweat from his face. The greenette sighed in relief as pink lips were pressed against his forehead, soon pulling away as a large hand wrapped around his own. 

"You're doing great. Keep going, nerd." Katsuki quietly spoke, leaning closer for support. Izuku nodded, once again pushing with all his might when Kasumi gave him the go-ahead. He didn't feel much pain due to the epidural and laughing gas he had taken in during labor, but still felt cramps in his lower-back at each push. He was hot, tired and only wanted to sleep. 

This wasn't how he pictured his lover's 21st birthday to end. But here he was, the morning after Bakugou's birthday, pushing out their daughter. 

"Shit." He cursed, his body trembling as his limbs ached. 

"Almost there. Just a few more pushes. You're doing an amazing job, Midoriya." The doctor praised, once again nodding for him to push. Izuku broke into a sob as he contracted his muscles, groaning as he pushed once again. 

He didn't understand; in movies, births were exaggerated. Despite having drugs given to them, mothers would usually scream and cry in films and shows. Midoriya didn't know if he simply had a high pain endurance or if the movies he watched were over-dramatic, but he didn't want to think about it right now. Not when his doctor nods for him to push, again. 

His hand tightened around Bakugou's as he pushed, hearing Kasumi's countdown over his groans. He suddenly froze, stopping all force in his body as his doctor suddenly stopped counting at 7, telling him to stop for a moment. 

"She's here." He smiled, looking up. Midoriya's body tensed as he propped himself up on his elbows, breath hitching in disbelief. 

"What?" He choked, watching his lover shift to the edge of the bed. He watched Bakugou's eyes turn red and fill with salty tears as his heart rate increased. "Show me, I wanna see her, why isn't she crying?" He frantically moved around, trying to peek over the bump on his stomach to see his newborn. He froze, eyes welling with tears and bottom lip quivering as a high-pitched wail was suddenly heard throughout the delivery room. 

He leaned back against the pillows, sweat dripping down his temples as he watched the nurse hand over a blanket, unable to believe how he hadn't felt her slip out of him at all. His eyes watered as Bakugou returned to his side, leaning on the side of the bed and pressing a kiss on his freckled cheek. He giggled, somewhere between a laugh and a sob as a bundle of crying blankets were soon handed to him, landing on his chest as he carefully wrapped his arms around it. 

Emeralds looked down to tiny fists, dirty and pinkish, waving around next to his daughter's face. He smiled, giggling uncontrollably as Katsuki spoke up. 

"Oh, fuck. She's gorgeous." He scoffed. "So tiny." The blond continued, quickly glancing down to Kasumi who smiled up to them. Izuku nodded as he admired his daughter's face. Her frown, her mouth wide opened as she screamed out. Her eyes were shut, wrinkles on her nose and forehead as her small face twisted. 

"Shh, shh, it's okay." He giggled quietly, using his left hand to reach into her blankets. He pulled down on her wrap, showing off a small part of her chest as he gently ran his index on red cheek. "So beautiful, baby girl." He smiled wide, tears streaming down his face. His smile faded a bit, still permanent as the nurse took their daughter away again for extra cleaning, Inouye suddenly speaking up again. 

"The umbilical cord's been cut already, she's healthy and only needs to get washed for the time being. There's still one more thing you have to do though; you've got to push the placenta out before we can get you installed for the rest of the night." The doctor spoke. Izuku's smile faded completely as he felt defeated for a moment, sobbing. "It only takes a few pushes, no need to worry." The man continued.

Midoriya nodded weakly as he got settled back into place, getting ready to push once more. 

"What're you planning on calling her?" Kasumi asked, getting ready to complete his job as well. Izuku huffed as he glanced over at Katsuki, shrugging as he looked back to the nurse by the sink. His daughter's hics and cries still filled the room, making both parents' hearts flip in their chest as they waited to see her up close again. 

"We couldn't decide between Aira and Moon." He huffed, a small cramp shooting through his abdomen. 

"They're both beautiful names. There's no rush on choosing one right away. You have two days to stay here, you'll have plenty of time to decide before her birth certificate is printed." The man smiled. "Are you ready?" He asked, looking down to his work area. Izuku swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. 


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