● Thirty-Three ●

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December 1st. 

For the first time in eight weeks, Izuku had managed to get Katsuki to stay home and talk. But only because mother nature was on his side, this time. A snowstorm had hit the streets of Musutafu earlier this morning and now - 8PM - it was still going on. 

Crimson eyes glued to the floor as Izuku stiffened across from them. He wasn't sure where to start or how to explain what he had been feeling. He didn't know how to sugarcoat it, how to tell Bakugou without beating around the bush that he just couldn't handle him anymore. He had to be straight-forward about this all, or else the blond would get annoyed. 

"Are you gonna spit it out, or are we gonna sit here for another hour?" Katsuki groaned in his seat, eyes refusing to meet emeralds. Izuku tensed as he took a deep breath, knowing there was no way to be nice about what he wanted to say. 

"Kacchan, we really have to talk about what happened. How we feel about each other." He huffed, unsure where to start. 

"I thought we were fucking clear about all this?" The blond hissed. "We're not the lovey-dovey type of couple." He shrugged. 

"I know that." The greenette spat, hands clenching on his knees. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to be." He continued, finally gaining crimson eyes. "You know that I love you, Kacchan. I've always loved you. I don't want us to be lovers only. I want to be a couple. A romantic couple; not just some arranged pairing." He explained. 

"You're not making any sense." 

"I think we need a date." Izuku muttered, meeting ruby eyes. 

"I said I wasn't interested in that type of stuff." Bakugou replied, cocking a brow. 

"I know. But for us. As two partners, not boyfriends. We need time together without Moon. Like we had before she was born or even conceived." He sighed. "Time together as mates. The Wonder Duo. Just to talk and bond over simple little things like we used to." He muttered, a frown growing on fair features. 

"Cringe." Katsuki clicked his tongue. "Who the fuck would babysit Moon, anyway?" He rolled his eyes. 

"Our parents. We could rent a motel room for a weekend. I'm sure my mom, All Might, or your parents would be more than happy to see her for a few days." Midoriya said, straightening his back as he spoke. His brows furrowed as he watched the other's expression change, unable to point out what Bakugou was thinking. 

"This just sounds like a waste of time." The blond sighed, crimsons meeting emeralds. Izuku stiffened once more under the intense glare, waiting for his mate to continue. "But if it puts your little nerd brain at ease, then let's do it." 

"Ah-" Izuku choked, caught off guard by the fact that Katsuki actually went along with it so easily. "Really?" He muttered. 

"Really?" Bakugou mocked. "I don't fucking say shit I don't mean, dumbass. You should know that by now." He huffed, hoisting himself off the chair he was sitting on. Izuku beamed a happy smile, heart flipping in his chest as his instincts suddenly craved the alpha's touch. 

"Thanks, Kacchan. I promise you won't regret this." He grinned, watching the built male shrug into the hallway. 

"Whatever." The blond muttered, lazily walking into their bedroom. Izuku sat still on the sofa, smiling wide at the idea of spending a weekend with the man he loved. Sure, things were complicated, but he had no doubt they'd fix it with a bit of time. 

His smile didn't fade as he remembered how Bakugou had been avoiding him, still wondering where the alpha had been spending so much time for the past few weeks. The blond had refused to tell him anything and Izuku really - Really - wanted to know. 

Emerald eyes shot up to the chair where the alpha was seated moments prior, glancing over to the bedroom as he leaned over to pick up Katsuki's phone. He flipped it over, finding a four-digit pin. He sighed as he thought for a moment, trying to remember the time where he had seen Katsuki put in his pin. His eyes widened for a moment as he typed away the four digits - 0420 - smiling wide as the phone unlocked.

He was quick to find Bakugou's tracking app, knowing that as a hero, he used it a lot to retrace his steps when important cases came up involving his patrol area. 

Emerald eyes took in the information on the main page, soon switching at the map. He pressed on the Recent Travels button, a list of dates popping up. He clicked on the nearest one, November 30th, bringing him back to the last time Bakugou left home. He watched as a red line showed on the map, from their apartment to a spot across town. 

Brows furrowed as he zoomed in, trying to figure out what building it was. He knew it was near a coffee shop, but he didn't know what public spot this was. From the sky view on the map, it looked like nothing but someone's home. His heart twisted in his chest as he noted the address, putting the phone back where he had taken it and finding his laptop. 

He knew this was wrong; he was taking over Katsuki's personal space. Snooping through the blond's phone wasn't something right to do, especially as a hero. But since the alpha refused to say where he was going every day, he just couldn't sit still any longer. Things together were complicated, he knew that. He honestly wouldn't be surprised if Katsuki was seeing someone else. But now that they were raising Moon together, he couldn't let her grow up in a cheating environment. 

Izuku sighed as he found the address on Google Maps, zooming into the street view to see what the building was. His gut twisted as it brought him to a large blue house, flowers on the front with a nice porch. He chewed at the inside of his lip as he examined the home from every angle, trying to figure out if he knew someone that lived there. What on earth was Katsuki doing, visiting this place every week? 

"Hey, I'm going to shower. Can you keep an eye on Moon?" 

The greenette flinched as his lover entered the room, holding a pajama under his arm. He gave a smile, closing the tab on his laptop as he nodded. 

"Yeah, sure." He hummed, watching the blond disappear once again. As he heard the door to the bathroom close, his grin faded. His mind twisted and heart ached in his chest. He loved Katsuki. And he wasn't 100% sure of the blond's feelings. He knew Bakugou had told him a few I Love Yous before, but didn't even knew if he truly meant them. 

It wouldn't be a surprise if he was seeing someone else. Honestly, he sort of expected it. Bakugou wasn't the lovey-dovey type, so why on earth was he trying to get him to change? No wonder the alpha wants to get away. 

Izuku sighed, leaning back. His eyes burned and lip wobbled at the thought of his alpha seeing someone else. And why hadn't Bakugou said anything, yet? Were things not official enough between him and the person that lived in the blue house? 

Tears flooded greens as his breathing became uneven. 
How on earth had he fallen head-over-heels for an alpha that wanted nothing but a professional relationship with him?

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now