● Twenty-Nine ●

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It was only nine weeks after Moon's birth that the reporters and photographers gave up on trying to get information on her. 

Sure, it would have been easier if the parents simply gave up pictures and updates of their newborn on social medias, but they believed it wasn't a smart thing to do. They wanted to keep Moon's appearance and information to themselves; after all, they were both pro heroes with villains searching to bring them down. Posting about their daughter would be a stupid move, giving every scum in the city more of an advantage to get to her.

It was now June 23rd, 10:21PM. Moon's very first time in a public space.

"Kacchan, are these okay?" Izuku hummed, turning to show off two limes he had chosen out. He wasn't the best at handling foods, and wanted to know if Katsuki thought they were firm enough to use at home, before buying them. He watched as his alpha took both in hand, feeling them before placing them in the cart. 

"They're fine." He spoke, glancing down to the carrier that took most of the space in their shopping cart. He smiled down at his squirming daughter, big green eyes meeting crimsons. "What's next on the list?" The blond questioned, looking up to the greenette standing in front of him. 

"Erm..." Izuku paused for a moment, looking through the paper list he had brought along with him. It was past 10PM, and a lot of stores were closed. Luckily, they were able to find most of what they needed in the stores that were still opened. "Pork cutlets, diapers, and wipes." He listed, smiling at the fact that nearly everything else had been ruled off. 

"Alright, let's get diapers and wipes right now and grab the meat on the way out." Bakugou spoke, pushing the cart through a random aisle. Izuku followed closely, both making their way through the store and towards the baby section. Crimson eyes stared in happiness as his daughter admired her surroundings, seemingly amazed by the different ceiling and the shelves they walked past. 

"Didn't Kasumi say she could start smiling any day now?" The blond asked, looking up to his lover who walked by his side. 

"Mhm, anywhere between 6 and 8 weeks." Midoriya hummed, looking down to their daughter. "She's nine weeks old. Maybe she's just a late bloomer." He shrugged, not too worried. He knew Moon was perfectly healthy and growing just fine, according to their last doctor's appointment the week prior. He figured she was simply taking her time with a few things. 

Both parents came to a stop once they reached the diaper aisle, with Izuku searching the shelves for the kind that he liked best. Katsuki stood by the cart, keeping an eye on his 2-month-old that was now squirming and groaning at every movement. His brows furrowed as a loud whine resonated throughout the store, his back stiffening as he noticed just how fussy she was starting to get. 

This wasn't new, she had started to have small crying fits for no reason these past few days. Inouye had assured them not to worry about it, though, as he supposed she was simply feeling new emotions and was starting to try to communicate more often through cries. Not necessarily a bad thing; it proved that Moon was getting older, growing. She was starting to feel new things and would soon start to throw tantrums. 

Bakugou huffed as he bent down into the cart, undoing her wrap and picking her up into his arms. He removed her headband that carried a pink bow - the one Midoriya insisted on putting on before they left the house since it matched the pink onesie she had on. He was careful as he ran small circles on her back, pressing her against his chest as he shushed her. 

"Found them." Izuku muttered, placing two packs of diapers alongside the baby carrier in the crib. He moved things around to make it all fit, before standing straight and approaching the whining infant in his lover's arms. "Does she need a diaper change, you think?" He questioned, standing close as Moon's green eyes began to water. 

"I changed her in the last store, just fifteen minutes ago. I doubt it." Bakugou responded, sighing as he yawned. "Maybe it's just time we head home." He spoke, clearly exhausted. He glanced down to soft blond curls, watching the pup squirm in his hold. Both adults paused for a second to think but their thoughts were interrupted by a loud - Very loud - shriek. 

Izuku felt his body tense as he took his daughter from the blond, immediately trying to soothe her as her cries started to fill the entire store. He frantically glanced around, not wanting to alert any people that might be doing some late-night shopping, or any workers. 

"Shit, let's go." Katsuki hissed through gritted teeth, grabbing his cart and hurrying towards the food section of the store. All that was left to grab was a pack of pork cutlets before they could pay, leave and go home. 

"She's not calming down." Izuku whimpered, unsure what to do as they finally reached the meats. 

"Do something to calm her, show her random stuff, she'll stop." The alpha spat, frantically searching through the cooler to find what he was looking for. He eventually found a decent pack of pork, dropping it in the cart before once again picking Moon up from Midoriya's arms. He frowned as she waved her fists, crying loud and seemingly desperate as she looked around. It seemed as if she was looking for something; her head turning in every direction as she wailed. 

The blond sighed as he followed Midoriya through aisles, making their way towards the other end of the store where the self-checkout stations were situated. They both walked fast, wanting to exit the mall as soon as possible to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. Within only a few minutes, Izuku was scanning everything they had in the cart, watching the price get higher on the small screen in front of him. 

Bakugou roamed around the other stations, waiting for his lover to get done as he softly bounced Moon around on his arm. He looked down, whispering to be quiet as her green eyes looked up, gluing to something as her cries suddenly faded. A smirk formed on sharp, tired features as crimsons followed the glare of greens. 

"What're you lookin' at?" Katsuki whispered, looking up in the same direction to see the large television just above the check-out stations. He smiled as he could see himself and Izuku on them, knowing the television was set there with a camera to avoid having anything stolen and to catch anyone who might try to steal. 

He chuckled low as the beeping sound of Izuku's scanning was now the only thing heard, stepping closer to the screen as he carefully held his daughter up to it. He grinned wide as a baby's face was now taking up the entire screen, green eyes widening in amazement as she stared at the large version of herself.

"Izu, look. She stopped crying." He chuckled, glancing back to the omega. Emerald eyes trailed to the taller man's back, an unstoppable smile growing on freckled features as he looked up to the T.V. 

"You shouldn't block the entire screen, y'know? It kinda looks like you're trying to hide me, as if I'm trying to shoplift." Izuku giggled, scanning his last item. He flipped open his wallet as a thought suddenly crossed his mind, eyes once again flying to his daughter's face on screen. "And, you know... The security guard is probably watching this." He huffed. 

"Yeah? So? He's got a pretty princess to look at." Bakugou chuckled, his arms starting to get tired. He smiled as his daughter squirmed, happy sounds resonating as she kicked her feet in the air. 

"Yeah... That's not what I'm saying. These things are recorded. You're basically handing over a video of  what she looks like to everybody in this store. The security guards, the manager and the owner." Izuku explained. "We're trying to avoid all of that." He continued, a queasy feeling taking place as he swiped his card.

Bakugou's back stiffened to the words, knowing what Izuku was saying was true. He glanced back to the omega, gently bringing Moon back down to his chest as she began squirming and groaning again. 

"You're done?" He huffed, watching Izuku grab the three bags they had. His partner nodded as he walked towards the doors, Bakugou following behind. He glanced back at the television, watching the camera shift and follow their movements. That was enough to tell him someone was indeed watching them and controlling the camera. A sudden feeling of regret and guilt overtook him as he aimed Moon's face away from the recording device. He knew putting her up into a camera wasn't a good idea, though he didn't realize that at first. 

He just hoped to god that whoever was watching didn't have bad intentions and wouldn't leak any recording of their baby's face. 

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now