● Thirty-Five ●

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Katsuki sighed as he put down the bags next to their bed, listening to his mother ramble on about Moon to Izuku.

"She was just lovely. She didn't throw a single tantrum and went on babbling about her toys most of the time she was awake." The blond woman awed, thinking back to the memories she had made throughout the weekend with her 36-week-old granddaughter. 

"Thank you so much, Mitsuki. Here, let me pay you for taking the time to come here and watch over her. I know she can be a true grump sometimes and her diaper often looks like a scene from World War Two." Izuku chuckled, pulling out a few yen from his wallet. He flinched as his partner's mother raised her hands, shaking her head. 

"No, no. It's fine, really. Masaru watched over her all day Saturday, and I took over Sunday. It really wasn't a big deal. You really don't have to pay me anything. Especially since I ate all the leftovers you guys had in the fridge and used up your Wi-Fi to watch a very erotic telenovela." She chuckled, earning a face of disgust from her son. 

"Well, if you don't want our money, leave." He spat, brows furrowing at the thought. "You moocher." He huffed. Izuku nudged him. 

"Oh, Kacchan. Don't be like that." He muttered beneath his breath. 

"It's fine, really. You two are still young, you need some time for yourselves. Don't hesitate to call me up if ever you need a babysitter again." She laughed at Katsuki's expression. "I'll get going, Masaru's waiting for me back at home." She waved, picking up her purse and making her way to the front door of the two's apartment. 

Izuku smiled, waving goodbye to his mother-in-law as the door came to a close. He sighed in relief, glad to finally be home to his beloved Moon after having spent two days having fun with Bakugou. He turned, watching the blond who hovered behind him as strong arms wrapped around his shoulders. A grin took place on freckled features as he leaned back against his alpha's chest, tilting his head back and looking up to crimsons.

"Is this affectionate enough for you?" The blond smirked, earning a frantic nod from the omega. Izuku smiled wide, giggling in joy. 

"Yes." He laughed, turning in the blond's grasp to face him. "I like being in your arms." He timidly admitted, making a booming pride burst in the taller man's built chest. 

"I like having you in my arms." Katsuki shot back, earning a blush on a field of freckles. He cringed at his own words, apologizing as he spoke up again. "I'm not used to this lovey-dovey shit. Tell me if ever it's too much, 'kay?" He sighed, pulling his arms down to press strong hands on Izuku's toned waist. 

Green curls bounced as Midoriya nodded, smiling up to rubies. "I'm gonna go check on Moon. Your mom just put her down for a nap." He spoke, tapping Bakugou chest as he slipped out of his hold. Katsuki hummed as he stepped forward to follow him, his phone buzzing in his back pocket. He pulled it out as he stood in the nursery's doorway, reading the text he had just received. 

Red eyes lit up as they read over the words, obvious enough for a freckled omega to notice. 

"What is it?" Izuku curiously asked, now hovering over his daughter's crib. He peeked down to the sleeping baby. 

"I have to go, Rosie just texted me." He huffed, stuffing his phone back down in his jogging's back pocket. Izuku smiled, speaking quietly to not wake their sleeping pup. 

"Okay, your mom's birthday gift is finally ready?" He questioned, earning a nod from the other. "Okay then. Be safe, it's icy out there." He pointed out, thinking back to the drive they had taken back home from the hotel on snowy roads. 

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