● Thirty-Eight ●

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Bakugou hummed as he stared at his daughter chew on her toy. Her teeth had started to grow when she turned six-months-old. That's when she started chewing on things to try and take the pain away. But now- Even though she's almost 11 months old, she still enjoys chewing on random objects and stuffing things in her mouth. So it's Izuku and Katsuki's job to make sure whatever she chews on is disinfected and clean. 


Katsuki scoffed at his daughter's babbles, finally storing away the last bit of dishes. "Momma's out for the night. He deserves to have some time alone with his friends - Out of the house." He replied, turning to face the baby. He smiled, watching Moon crawl around the dinning table, clapping her hands every time she came to a stop. She was so random in everything she did - Yet so damn cute. 

"Ba-ba-ba." She cooed, looking up to crimsons. Bakugou smiled as he bent down towards grippy hands, picking the infant up and holding her against his chest. 

"It's almost midnight. You should be in bed right now." He spoke, gently bouncing her around. "Why are you so full of energy?" He chuckled, walking towards the bathroom. "I'll give you a bath, then you can have a snack before bed." He muttered, his voice low. He wasn't used to being alone to take care of Moon, especially before bed. Izuku was usually the one to put her down for naps and to tuck her in. 

Katsuki hummed as lukewarm water filled the bathtub, gently removing his daughter's dress. Once two inches of water covered the bottom of the tub, he shut off the water and sat Moon down in the bath with a rubber duck. He was quick to wash her hair, moving down to her body using baby soap and a soft cloth. It only took ten minutes before he was walking out of the bathroom again, holding Moon against his chest as she seemed to have gotten tired. The alpha frowned to himself knowing Midoriya usually gave her a bath but was quicker and more comfortable doing so. 

"I know daddy's not the best daddy out there." Bakugou spoke, setting her down in her crib. He decided to skip the snack for the time being; she didn't seem hungry and was whining to go to bed. Funny how a baby's mood can change so easily. "I really am trying hard, okay, Moon?" He huffed, rubbing her tummy. "I hope you know that." 

"Ooh-see!" A shriek resonated as she rested back in her crib, grippy hands being sent to her father. 

"No, no upsies. It's time for bed. Daddy's tired, and you should be too." The blond muttered, moving around to sit down. He pulled a book close, removing his reading glasses from the collar of his shirt. He took a few seconds to put them on correctly, flipping open the book. 

"Agah! Ma!" Moon whined, kicking her feet around from her crib. Crimson eyes hovered over to the blonde who didn't seem to want to fall asleep despite being so tired. 

"Momma's out for the night. It's just you and me, now." He repeated, huffing as he looked down to the book. "How about a story, hm? Momma reads those a lot for you. I'm not as soft-spoken as he is, but I'll try my best." He continued, muttering as he flipped through the pages. 

"Ahh!" Moon shrieked, rolling over on her tummy. Katsuki sighed. 

"When are you gonna start talking?" He huffed. "You understand us, it's clear. Why won't you formulate words?" He muttered, looking down. A silence roamed as his daughter fidgeted in her crib, finally finding a comfortable position to sleep in, on her stomach. Bakugou watched as she settled down, whining and whimpering as greens met crimsons through the bars of a crib. 

"Alright, I'll start reading. 'Kay?" The blond muttered, glancing down to the image of three cartoon pigs and a wolf. 

"Oh wow, I didn't expect to stay so late." Izuku muttered to himself, kicking off his boots in the dim light of the front entryway. He sighed as he removed his jacket, placing his boots before moving to the closet. "I'm sure Kacchan and Moon are already dead asleep." He smiled. "But still, it was nice being able to spend a night with Uraraka, Todoroki and Iida again." He grinned, dark circles under green eyes being obvious. 

"Ah, jeez." He hummed, opening the door to the closet. The omega grabbed a hanger, pulling it out to hang up his coat. He paused as he hung it up again, freckled fingers caressing the other coats. "Laundry... Kacchan's jacket is so dirty. Unlike him. He usually hands his dirty clothes over." He muttered, taking the dark coat out. He huffed as he looked through a few more, picking out a sweater and another jacket of his that were in good need of a wash. 

"Ah- So much work." He huffed. Izuku remained silent as he made his way to the nursery, peeking down at his sleeping daughter before making his way to the bathroom where the laundry basket was. He was quick to throw in his pocketless sweater, checking his jacket's pockets for anything that might not be able to go through the washer and drier. 

Midoriya sighed, yawning as he fondled with Katsuki coat. He unzipped it, checking the interior pockets since he knew Bakugou liked to store his car keys and cards in there. Once confirming there was nothing left on the jacket's inner pockets, he shifted to the exterior ones. He patted down, slipping his fingers inside the left one first, and immediately feeling something hard. 

Brows furrowed as he pulled out a small box, instinctively flipping it open to reveal a silver band. Eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat, soon beginning to race and threatening to break out of his ribcage. 

"What the crap?" His breath hitched. "Kacchan's... What on earth is he doing with this?" He huffed, fingers beginning to shake. He whined as he nearly dropped the ring a few times, deciding to put it back where it was. "Oh, what now? Do I put the jacket back? Do I tell him? Or should I leave it here and once he notices it's gone, he'll panic? Oh, what- I'm so screwed!" He whispered, stepping back from the jacket he had spread out on the sink. 

He took a few minutes to regulate his breathing and heartbeat, his thoughts scattered all over the place. He decided it was best to leave things as they were, quickly slipping into bed with his lover. He wasn't sure if he'd manage to keep something like this a secret, but he knew he'd have to try. 

"You're going to propose?" He whispered, his voice barely heard. Emeralds trailed over Katsuki's sleeping expression, his heart aching. Was he really ready for that? For Katsuki to propose to him? For marriage? He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure of anything anymore. "Jeez, you really know how to suck the tiredness out of someone." He huffed, rolling over. 

Pretty green eyes grew glassy as he thought. He was tired, and couldn't really get his thoughts organized too well. He knew he'd be able to think better in the morning, after resting. But his brain still yelled at him that Bakugou was making a mistake. After all, their relationship was a mess. Even if the blond had been showing lots of affection lately, things were still complicated. 

The omega flinched as he wiped away tears, his breath hitching as his bottom lip quivered. He didn't even think Katsuki was the type that wanted to propose or get married. He had said it before; he wasn't the lovey-dovey type. So why was he aiming for those things?

"Oh... Crap." 

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