● Twelve ●

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"Does it look good, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, turning to face the blond. Crimson eyes trailed up to see the half-painted wall, nodding. 

"Yeah, looks fine. It's thinner over there, though. Make sure to paint it over again." He hummed, looking back down to the instruction book in his hands. 

"Alright. Do you need help with something? You've been sitting there for a while." Izuku noted, moving the gray paint bucket to the side. He glanced back to the blond, seemingly unsure how to assemble the new crib they had gotten in the mail two days ago. 

"I don't have enough fucking screws. The company forgot to pack an entire bag of them. Fuckin' red flag if you ask me." He spat, once again checking in the box. Midoriya paused, looking around the random white pieces on the floor.

"Oh, there it is." He hummed, bending over to pick up what looked like a Ziploc. He handed over the bag to the irritated alpha, smiling at how hard Katsuki was trying. He focused his attention back on the beige walls, which he was covering with a comforting shade of gray. Since he and Katsuki had decided not to reveal the gender of their baby right away, they had decided to use a neutral color for their nursery. They both thought it'd be best to wait until Bakugou was on paternity leave before knowing the sex of their pup. 

"You're starting your second trimester tomorrow, right?" Bakugou mumbled, looking up to green curls. He received a nod in response, shifting his attention to the bump on Izuku's stomach, now clearly visible through his T-Shirt. "Fuck, 3 months in already." He muttered. 

"Time flies." His omega hummed in response. 

"Yeah. We're gonna have to look for maternity clothing soon. And go shopping for baby clothes too. Pacifiers, diapers, a changing table, blankets..." He listed, trying to remember everything he had noted in his phone. The list was done - they knew what they had to buy - all they had to do was take some time to purchase them. "We're doing pretty good so far, we've got a good amount of money saved up already." The blond sighed, picking up another piece with his left hand. 

"We'd have more if you wouldn't have gotten those tattoos." Izuku mumbled, crouching to paint the lower part of the wall. Bakugou frowned, irritation growing inside him. Another new thing: Izuku had started having mood swings. They weren't bad, but he often said things that were usually out of his character. 

"I know, and I apologized for that." Bakugou hissed through gritted teeth. 

"Yeah." Izuku muttered. "There, all done." He sighed, pulling away as he held onto the paint bucket. "Now it just has to dry." 

"Can you help me out with the crib now?" The alpha asked, looking up to green eyes. Izuku nodded, making sure to place the lid correctly on the bucket of paint, before taking a seat next to the taller man. "This goes here, and this goes here. Hold this in place for me while I screw it on, 'kay?" The blond spoke, handing what looked like a rail to the greenette. Midoriya followed the instructions, holding the white piece where Katsuki had pointed, pressing it against the bottom of the small bed. He made sure to not move when his partner screwed the piece into place, using a drill. 

"That looks good. Teamwork." Izuku smiled happily, letting go of the rod once it was secured into place. He looked over to crimson eyes, immediately handed an identical second piece. 

"Now do the same with this one." The blond ordered, making the omega's smile drop. 

"Jeez. You know, you could at least say please." He tisked.

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now