● Thirty-Nine ●

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April 19th.


"Hm?" Izuku snapped out of his trance as he met crimson eyes. "What?" 

"I asked; what spice do you want on your Katsudon?" The blond asked, clearly irritated. Midoriya paused for a moment, giving a shrug. 

"Uhm, whatever you add normally." He muttered. "Nothing special." 

"Alright." The blond huffed, turning to face the stove again. Izuku stared at his alpha's back, watching muscles flex at every movement he made. His brows furrowed in slight confusion as he thought back to the night where he found a silver ring, three weeks ago. 

He remembered how Katsuki had woken up and immediately panicked when he couldn't find his jacket in the closet, and how he questioned Izuku when he found it in the bathroom. Of course, the omega reassured him he hadn't looked through his pockets, that he had simply brought his coat to the laundry because he thought it was dirty. 

"Mama!" Izuku smiled at the new word his daughter had learned, looking down to the squirming baby on his lap. 

"Only two days, and you'll be the big 1!" The small man cooed, poking at a soft cheek. Moon babbled happily, clapping her hands. He chuckled as he turned his attention the cooking alpha, smiling as he spoke up again. "What about you, Kacchan? You're turning 22 tomorrow. Is there anything you had planned, or wanted to do?" He hummed. 

"Not really. Stay home with you two. The family is probably gonna show up for Moon's birthday, anyway." Katsuki shrugged in response. Izuku nodded, looking down to soft blonde curls. His smile faded, watching Moon look up to him with tears in green eyes. 

"I can't believe she's turning one already. This year flew by so fast- Can you imagine; it's been a year since I was pregnant and eighteen months since I haven't gone to work. I'm finally returning next week." He smiled, flexing a strong arm to a whining baby. He chuckled, excited to be able to return on patrols yet a little sad to the thought of leaving Moon with her grandparents for hours on end. 

"Yeah." Katsuki shrugged in response. While Izuku rambled on about just how excited he was to return and the progress he had made to get his body back in shape, Bakugou's mind wandered off to something different. He had been keeping the engagement ring for months, now. And he wanted to propose as soon as possible. Rosie had told him the moment would come, but he was getting very impatient and couldn't see when the perfect timing would be. 

He was struggling. He knew he wanted to marry Izuku, and he knew he'd have to propose soon to do so. He didn't want to get married during work since their schedules both became hectic when on patrols. 

He just couldn't think of the perfect time to ask, and how to do it. 

"My big star." Izuku cooed, watching notifications pop up on his screen. He smiled at how much his fans seemed to love Moon's pictures. He didn't post a lot of them, only the ones he found cute of whenever a milestone happened.

He and Katsuki had agreed not to spread any pictures of Moon's face, but after the news was leaked of Dynamight and Deku's baby being caught on security footage at the mall, her face was leaked. Izuku shrugged it off while Bakugou was rather pissed about it. He figured he could go along with it and post pictures of his daughter anyway, but raise security around the house. It was a risk, yes, but he figured everything would be fine. 

"People think you're really cute." He hummed, watching his daughter coo by his side. "So many shares and likes. You're too pretty." He complimented, smiling wide as his babbling pup. 

"Mama!" She shrieked, raising her hands up to his face. Izuku hummed in contentment as she pulled on freckled cheeks, admiring her mother's features as she stood wobbly on his lap. 

"Deku, I'm going out." 

Midoriya flinched as Bakugou voice resonated behind him, making him turn and face the kitchen behind the sofa. "Hm, where are you going?" He asked, watching crimsons unglue from a phone screen. 

"Kirishima has something he wants to give me for my birthday since he won't be around tomorrow. I gotta get something for Moon's birthday, too." The blond explained. "Two birds, one stone. I'll be back in about an hour." He continued, stepping closer. Midoriya hummed as a gentle kiss was pressed on his forehead, watching as Katsuki ruffled Moon's blonde locks. 

"Be safe, okay?" The greenette muttered, watching as his alpha approached the front door. He received a nod and a wave in response before Katsuki vanished, locking the door behind him. 

Izuku remained silent for a bit, letting Moon whine and wriggle on his lap. He eventually sighed, looking down to the energetic pup. 

"I don't know why daddy hasn't proposed yet." He huffed. "Heck, I don't even know if the ring is meant for me. Maybe it's for his mom, or a friend." He shrugged. "It's all mommy's been thinking about for the past month. Do you think I should tell daddy about the ring?" He muttered low, emeralds diving into greens. 

"Dada." Moon replied, tapping her hands as she looked around. 

"Yes, dada." Izuku mumbled back. "I'm talking about dada, yes." He continued, his thoughts wandering. "This is so frustrating. I've have more than enough time to prepare myself for his proposal - But I don't even know if he's planning on proposing... I might be the one getting ahead of myself, and jumping to conclusions." He muttered. 

"Bing! Dada!" Moon cheered, now bouncing on her knees. "Bing-jee!" She continued, suddenly getting distracted by her own fingers. Izuku smiled as she watched her, loving how she pointed her fingers around as if she had never seen them before. 

"Maybe he's just waiting for a good moment. But there's been so many good moments... Like when we were both relaxing on the balcony during your nap, the other evening." He hummed, eyes trailing off as he thought. "I think... Maybe he's waiting for our date." He continued. "But that's only in two months. I don't think my heart can handle waiting that long." He whined. 

"Mama! Mama!!" The blonde baby suddenly snapped out of her trance, eyes now watering as she gasped between grunts. "Dapper." She muttered. Midoriya smiled, standing up. He loved how she had gotten used to telling her parents whenever she needed a diaper change... One step closer to potty-training. Dapper was the word she had decided to use, somewhat sounding like diaper.

"Oh? Let's go see what you made for mommy, 'kay?" Izuku chuckled, holding her against his chest as they walked off to the nursery. "Is it a poo, or pee?" He hummed, hoping to get an answer. He smiled softly as she wriggled in his arms, whining in response. 

"Dapper." She whimpered. 

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