● Ten ●

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Izuku hummed, sighing as he hung up his phone. A frown took place on freckled features as he looked around the living room, pheromones of stress and worry filling the area. 

His alpha had vanished sometime during Izuku's shower the night prior. The greenette had tried his best not to worry and had gone to bed without him, thinking Katsuki had gone out for a walk to come down from the stress of calling his parents. However, he awoke the next morning alone, and with a call from Dynamight's agency stating he hadn't attended his patrol shift at 8AM. 

Midoriya groaned, rubbing his temples as he searched through his contacts. He pressed on Bakugou's number, hearing the phone ring a few times before it was sent to voicemail. He didn't bother to leave a message - He knew Bakugou rarely ever listened to his voicemails in the first place. 

The omega flinched, hearing a few knocks at his door. He hurried over, swinging it open to reveal a short woman, smiling wide. 

"I brought your baby books!" Inko cheered, walking into the apartment. "I still can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother. This is all so exciting! Already two months in, too... Oh, have you two figured out any names? Have you bought any baby clothes yet? Or furniture?" 

Izuku frowned, pushing down the worry he felt. "No, we didn't buy anything yet. And we haven't talked about baby names. There's still 2 months left. I still have a bunch of medical procedures to think about too. Like if I want a cesarian or not. Or if I want a Lotus birth." Izuku mumbled, forcing a smile. Katsuki was an adult. Like it or not, there was nothing he could do at the moment. The blond would show up, eventually.

"A Lotus birth? What's that?" Inko asked, placing the books on the coffee table as she removed her jacket. 

"Oh, my doctor explained it to me. It's basically a practice of leaving the baby attached to the placenta until the umbilical cord naturally falls off. It's not medically recommended and can pose a risk of infection, though... But it helps the baby absorb all the blood it needs after birth." The greenette explained, taking a seat in the living room with his mother. He grabbed a book, placing it on his lap as he flipped it open. He smiled at a picture of himself when he was just a newborn.

"I see. Is that something you'd like to do?" Inko asked, taking a seat and sorting the books. She looked over as her son shrugged, biting his lip as he mindlessly stared at his baby pictures. "Sweetie, is everything okay? You seem a little pale. Are you feeling alright?" She asked, leaning forward to meet emerald eyes. Izuku smiled, nodding. 

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a little worried about Kacchan. He left last night and I haven't heard from him since." The freckled man whined, looking down again. 

"Have you tried calling him?" She asked, concerned. 

"I tried, but it sent me right to voicemail. His car and car keys are missing. His wallet and phone... He didn't leave a text or note. He just left. I thought he might have gone for a walk, but when I noticed the car was gone, I thought he might have gone to get something at the supermarket. But he still hasn't returned. And he hasn't even gone to work, yet! His agency called me saying he hadn't come in. His shift started at 8, and it's not 9:34." Izuku whimpered, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. The unsettling feeling in his stomach had returned and it was bothering him greatly. He knew it was his hormones and instincts wanting to be around his alpha, but he still hated the feeling. He felt alone. Abandoned. "I'm scared something might have happened to him. That a villain might have gotten to him." He spoke, tears streaming down his face. 

"Oh, honey, relax." Inko quickly spoke, cupping her son's face in her hands. "I'm sure he's fine. He's a strong man, and smart. He'll turn up eventually. Let me call him. Maybe he'll answer if his mother-in-law calls." She spoke, reaching for her phone. "Don't worry too much about it, 'kay?" She spoke, finding the blond's number buried in her contacts.

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now