● Forty ●

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"Deku, you seem distant. Is everything okay?" Ochako muttered, taking a bite from her candy bar as she watched emeralds sadden.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... Thinking." He muttered, fiddling with his glove. He looked over to curious brown eyes, forcing a smile. This was only his third day back at work, and he was already exhausted. Mostly because of the events that had happened in the past week; Katsuki's 22nd birthday and Moon's first. Their families had gathered together and had visited for a few days after that too. 

"Oh. I bet you're missing Moon, huh? You've been around her for the past year. It must be a shock to be away from her so suddenly." She pointed out. 

"Yeah, I miss her. But I'm glad she's with our parents instead of some random babysitter." He shrugged, trying to stay positive. "It's not that... Something else has been on my mind." He huffed. He paused for a moment, glancing over at expecting brown eyes as his brows furrowed. "Can you keep a secret, Uraraka?" 

"Hm? Yeah, of course. Only if you can, too. I've got something I've been meaning to get off my chest too, this is the best opportunity I've got." She giggled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. Izuku smiled, chuckling as he was caught off guard for a moment. 

"Oh, okay." He hummed. "Uhm... So..." He started, glancing around to the empty street. It was early and still cold out, since it was only April 28th, which meant not a lot of people would be roaming around them. "I was getting ready to do the laundry, a couple months ago. And I grabbed Kacchan's jacket so I could wash it. It was super late... I was getting back from the night were we all hung out." He explained. 

"Oh, yeah I remember. You went home past midnight." She trailed off, practically hanging at Izuku's lips and waiting to see what he said next. 

"Yeah. I was tired so I decided to postpone the laundry to when I woke up. But I still decided to search Kacchan's pockets to make sure I wouldn't wash something by accident." He looked down as he rambled. "I found... A ring. I think it was an engagement ring. It was really pretty, silver with a heart-shaped diamond. I thought he might be aiming to propose to me but it's been months and he hasn't even dropped hints of marriage." He huffed. A silence roamed as he awkwardly watched his friend chew, waiting for her to speak up. 

"Ooh, that's exciting! Maybe he hasn't had a good chance to pop the question?" She spoke, tilting her head. Izuku shook his own. 

"No, he's had plenty of chances. We've had so many moments together since I found the ring." He muttered, his voice holding sadness. 

"Uhm... Then maybe he's got a plan. Like a date, or an anniversary. Bakugou's always been the type of guy to plan ahead, but keep his plans to himself. I'm sure he had everything figured out then minute he bought the ring." She reassured, patting the suited hero on the back. Izuku chuckled with a sigh, unsure. 

"I don't even know if the ring is meant for me. I didn't check since that night, so he might have given it to someone else. I don't know if I should talk to him about it." He huffed. "He probably wouldn't be happy knowing I went through his pockets."

"Oh, definitely don't do that. Just be patient, and keep me posted." She smiled. Izuku returned a forced grin as his stomach formed in knots. He paused for a moment as Uraraka chewed by his side, cold air hitting their faces as they walked. 

"Ah- What is it you wanted to tell me? You had some news?" He asked, glancing over to his suited friend. Ochako paused, swallowing hard as she smiled awkwardly. 

"W-Well, this is a little weird. Don't go talking about this to anyone, okay? There's a reason this hasn't gone public yet." She spoke, holding a finger to her lips. Izuku nodded, anxious to know his best friend's news. He watched as the brunette sighed, smiling with dreamy eyes as she spoke up again. "I've been seeing someone." She huffed proudly. "An alpha. And, you know him." She hummed. 

"Oh? Who?" Midoriya cocked a brow, eyes widening as his thoughts suddenly shifted to his friend. He couldn't hold back a smile as she grinned wide, obviously love-struck. 

"It's... Tenya." She smiled, earning a choke from the omega by her side. "He's so sweet and kind, and amazing in bed. Oh, god- Deku, I've never been so in love." She sighed, twirling around. "He's still unsure about all this since we haven't put a label on it yet, so please don't say anything to anyone, okay? Not even Bakugou." She spoke, nudging the shocked greenette. Izuku nodded, grinning like a madman. 

"I'm happy for you. And, don't worry- I won't tell anyone. As long as you promise to keep it quiet about my stuff." He chuckled, earning a frantic nod from the brown-haired beta. 

"Bakugou, you seem stiff." Todoroki muttered, glancing over to the shivering blond. 

"Because I'm freezing my nuts off out here with you, instead of being curled up with my little princess." The alpha snarled in response. A pause occurred as the bi-colored male huffed. 

"Have you been this grumpy around Moon?" Shoto smirked, earning a glare from the other. 

"Shut it, icy-hot. I'll blast your ass to hell." Bakugou muttered, glancing down. 

"I heard you're taking a vacation in a few weeks. Already? You've been at work for three days and you're already planning on taking a weekend off?" Shoto muttered, monotone. 

"It's a date with my nerd." Katsuki explained. "You don't need to know the fucking details." He hissed. If he was honest with himself, he missed being around Moon. He had been with her for the past year and being away from her so suddenly wasn't sitting right with him. The strong hero who once enjoyed patrols and hero work now hated it, and spent his shifts waiting for them to end just so he could rush back home to his little princess. 

"I see." Shoto huffed. "Are you two trying for another kid? You never took any vacations or days off before Moon was announced." The bicolored male asked, looking over to annoyed eyes. 

"I said shut it. I don't need to give you any details whatsoever. But don't go spreading rumors about us! Moon is enough, we're not trying for another." Bakugou snapped, glaring over to the shrugging other. 

"Okay, I won't bug you anymore." Todoroki smirked, looking away. A silence roamed as they both continued to patrol the area, Katsuki being the one to break it. 

"I can't fuckin' believe that I've been stuck with you for my first 3 shifts back to work. Talk about pure horse shit." The blond grumbled. Shoto smiled at his friend's attitude. Although Bakugou had always been grumpy and hot-tempered, he had clearly softened. They hadn't seen each other in quite a while, but he could still tell. 

Katsuki had gotten soft. 

Mixed Feelings (Bakudeku + A\B\O & MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now